Chopps Chat
October 2020
Headteacher's Comment
We have nearly made it to the end of the first half term, the longest of the year. It has been tough at times but like I have said many times it has been great having the children back to school and having some normality resumed.
This half term has begun to look a lot like 'normal' with our usual practices being phased back in. We have been able to provide breakfast club, after school clubs (football, dance, gymnastics, drama and cycling) and Assertive Mentoring meetings, curriculum visitors (NUFC, Northumberland Music Partnership, That History Bloke). Further to this we have set up 'Chopps Shop' as a reading incentive scheme, which has been very popular with the children.
Again I would like to thank you all for your support during these 'uncertain' times. As I have mentioned on the previous newsletter, we are constantly looking at our procedures and practices around COVID-19 and will sometimes have to make changes to these. We are making some very small changes to our finishing times to hopefully make them smoother and have parents waiting around less when picking up children from different classes (see table below)
Mr D. Nelson
Chopps Shop
Changes to school finish timings
School Timings (from Monday 19th October)
** Breakfast club still starts at 8.15. Children enter through the School Yard door.
School Communication
Remember, also that we do have a school mobile too, so you could also text school using this also - 07734 839428
Social Distancing
It has also come to my attention that there are times when people are congregating around the school gates, making it difficult for people to follow these rules and walk safely on the pavement. Please try to help everyone by not grouping together and not waiting for others once you have dropped off your child/ren.
Year 1/2 Home Reading
Class Assemblies
We will be sharing the assemblies via our YouTube channel ChoppsTV - you will each receive a private invite for your child's assembly; so you can watch it at your leisure, maybe even on your TV at home.
Absence Reporting
It is your responsibility to inform school if your child is going to be absent or late.
About us
Location: Choppington Primary School, Eastgate, Scotland Gate, Choppington, UK
Phone: 01670 823197
Twitter: @choppingtonps