News from Room 208
Weekly Updates from Miss DeWitt's Class
November 18, 2016
Thank you so much parents who took time out of your day to meet with us! Mrs. Edwards and I loved meeting new parents we haven't met, seeing parents again, and talking about your wonderful children! We are so blessed to have such awesome classes filled with kind, caring students. That is all thanks to you as parents!
Abel Gonzalez "Skype Session"
Fleece Blanket Project
During the giving season our house has decided to make fleece tie blankets for those in need. We will be giving these blankets to Waukesha County families through the Christmas Clearing Council.
We will be collecting monetary donations to purchase fleece on Black Friday so that we can get a great deal. Our house will be pairing with our 5th grade buddies in Mrs. O’Hern and Donald’s classes to make the tie blankets. We ask, if you are able, to donate an amount of your choosing to put towards purchasing fleece. Our classes last year were able to make over 20 fuzzy blankets for children in need of warmth over the holidays. We would love to be able to donate the same amount if not more this year.
Thank you so much,
Liz and Lynsey
This week started off with a few lessons on multi-step word problems. I introduced three scenarios that students may come across when working on word problems. The first scenario is when there is too much information given. It can be very difficult to decide what steps to take to solve a word problem when there are so many numbers and words! We tried to focus on what the question of the problem is really asking us and deciding which information we could cross out to help us solve. The second scenario is when there is not enough information. We worked to try and find out which information we still needed in order to be able to solve the problem. Finally, we learned about hidden questions in multi-step word problems. With these types of problems, we usually have to answer a question first (first step) in order to be able to answer the true question in the problem. We learned how to find those hidden questions and determine which operation we needed to use to solve the problem in two or more steps.
We also worked on two-digit by two-digit multiplication using the area model and standard algorithm. The area model seemed to be a very smooth transition from two-digit by one-digit to now using two, two-digit numbers. The lesson went so great! I was amazed at how quickly they were able to master this skill. We transitioned then to solving it with the standard algorithm. This was a little more tricky and will probably require another day of teaching next week.
We read a book about muscles by Seymour Simon and were able to see, through pictures in the book, what the different types of muscle cells looked like under a microscope! We ended the week with a class favorite, Bill Nye the Science Guy. He does such a great job of explaining science concepts so children understand. The kiddos wrote a few facts they learned as they were watching and we discussed those in community circle.
Language Arts from Mrs. Edwards
Reading: For our character development studies, we started by looking at other character’s views on the main character. As always, the students had to come up with a theory on the character’s opinions and what clues made them think so from the book. We have a lot of good detectives who are great at finding the evidence to support their ideas. We also focused on finding the theme to a story. In order to find the theme we asked ourselves, “What is the life lesson the author wants to teach us?” This is a concept on our final test and one that most students were not able to answer on the pretest. Therefore, we will be spending a little more time on this concept. We started this week by reading Weslandia, and working with a partner to write theme options. The students also came up with a theme to our visitor, Abel’s message. We ended the week by looking at short cartoon films and identifying the story’s theme. The students finished the week by practicing backing up our theme with evidence from the book. Challenge the students to come up with the theme to a movie this weekend, making sure they can provide evidence to support their idea.
Writing: Our house is wrapping up the Realistic Fiction Writing Unit. We have a few finishing up on typing and peer editing. Others have begun illustrating a cover for their story, as well as finish editing with Mrs. Edwards. As I begin to read the students work for the final time, I am blown away by the great stories our creative minds have come up with. I look forward to sending home the binders after Thanksgiving for you to read your child’s creative (and interesting) stories.