Manatee News 02/07/2022
Manatee Elementary School Newsletter
Important Dates
- No School - Teacher/Student Holiday
- PTO Meeting via zoom
- Early Release 1:15 pm
**Important - Healthcare Authorization Form**
Check the backpacks, a VERY IMPORTANT letter came home on Friday!
Due to a change in legislation, students must have parent permission to receive medical care in our school clinic.
This means for Nurse Loren to apply a band-aid, take a temperature, or listen to your child’s lungs, you MUST sign and return the medical form.
If you do not return the form to give permission and your child is sent to the clinic, you will be called to pick them up. We will not be able to care for their needs even as small as an ant bite.
If you wish to allow your child to have access to clinic care, the form must be returned on Tuesday.
In the event of a life-threatening situation, we will always act in the best interest of the student.
If you have any questions, please contact the front office.
Mrs. Daly
Bicycle Safety Program for Grades 3rd - 5th
Starting this upcoming Tuesday February 8th- March 4th, all students in 3rd-5th grade will begin riding and practicing their bike safety skills. It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that your child bring their own personal helmet to wear while on the bikes. This gives me a great opportunity to check out their helmet and make sure it fits properly and is in good working condition. If your child does not bring their own helmet, I will provide them with one to wear during our class. Students will have the option to bring their own bike and use their personal bike during this time. Their bike will need to be parked in the bike rack for easy access. If not, no worries as we will have a bike trailer full of bikes that the students can use instead.
I know there are some students who do not know how to ride a bike. I will allow those students to bring in their own personal scooter (not electric) to practice bike safety skills. If they are not able to do either, they should still attend class and they will observe and help me out.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at best.tabitha@brevardschools.org.
Thank you,
Ms. Best
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to the PTO with questions, ideas, or if you would like to get involved. Our email address is ManateeVieraPTO@gmail.com This is a new email address
as of this school year, please update your contacts.
Next PTO Meeting - Wednesday, February 9th via zoom
Family Game Night
The planning committee is continuing to meet and welcomes more members! Meetings are held weekly - come to one, two, or all! Meetings are from 8:30 - 9:05 in the Media Center on Tues 2/8, Tues 2/15, and Tues 2/22.
Family Game Night will be held on Friday, March 4th from 4:30pm - 6:30pm at the school.
This will be a fun family event of gigantic proportions!
If you would like to be part of the Family Game Night committee please contact Mrs. Kuhblank at kuhblank.tricia@brevardschools.org.
ALL school volunteers & visitors must be registered with Brevard Public Schools. The only
exceptions are if you have a meeting with your child’s teacher (or administration) or you are
attending a grade-level event in the cafeteria.
To become a registered volunteer you must fill out the form at District and School Security /
Volunteers AND get fingerprinted at the School Board Building on Judge Fran. Blvd.
The $35 fee is currently waived.
Manatee Elementary School
Email: ManateeElementary@brevardschools.org
Website: https://www.brevardschools.org/manateeES
Location: 3425 Viera Boulevard, Viera, FL, USA
Phone: 321-433-0050
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ManateeElementary/?eid=ARC4TcL4D47uijiiZU3tY4P_0NzVgAZQxJJpLVVEMc450AqbNcHHTnZW5eyDJVpka4zVnRMlChXnmoAA