Arrowwood Community School
March 2022
Upcoming Important Dates
March 4 - Tomato Soup and Buns
March 11 - Flex Friday
March 13 - Daylight Savings Time - set your clocks one hour ahead!
March 16 - Student Progress Conferences
March 18 - PD Day - No school for students
March 21 - Parent Lighthouse Meeting
March 22 and 23 - Inline Skating
March 25 - Crispy Chicken Wraps and Fruit Salad
March 28 - Jr. High Band Trip to SABC
March 31 - Report Cards
One School, One Book: The One and Only Ivan
See what we've been up to while we learn about Ivan and his friends. Click HERE
March is Nutrition Month
Winter Walk Day
Gratitude Jars
X Movement Community Event
Contact Info
Location: 225 1st Ave E Arrowwood, AB T0L0B0
Phone: 403-534-3825
Twitter: @SchoolArrowwood