March 5, 2023
¿Necesita traducción? | Precisa de tradução?
¿Necesita traducción? Desde una computadora o portátil, haga clic en "Translate" (Traducir) en el cuadro negro. Desde un teléfono celular o tableta, haga clic en el icono de Accesibilidad en la parte inferior de la pantalla y después haga clic en "Translate" (Traducir).
Precisa de tradução? No computador/laptop clique em "Translate" (Traduzir) na caixa preta. No celular/tablete clique no ícone Accessibilidade na parte inferior da tela e clique em 'Translate' (Traduzir).
Need translation? On a computer/laptop, click "Translate" in the black box. On a mobile phone/tablet click the Accessibility Icon at the bottom of your phone screen and then click 'translate'.
What a great turnout at the "King of Hearts Dance"! A huge shoutout to our PTO for all of the work that went into making this event such a success! Thank you to all families and staff who attended.
Dates to Know
- March 9 - No School; Teacher Professional Development Day
- March 15 - School Council 6-7; PTO 7-8
- March 21 - Kindergarten Info Session 10:30 - 11:30 AM & 6:30 - 8:30 PM
- April 3 & 4 - Gr. 4 ELA MCAS
- April 5 & 6 - Gr. 5 ELA MCAS
- April 7 - No School: Good Friday
- April 12 & 14 - Gr. 3 ELA MCAS
- April 17 - 21 - No School April Vacation
- April 25 & 26 - Gr. 5 Math MCAS
- May 1 & 3 - Gr. 4 Math MCAS
- May 8 & 9 - Gr. 3 Math MCAS
- May 10 & 12 - Gr. 5 Science, Technology, Engineering MCAS
Gathering Feedback (Last Call!)
Thank you to everyone who has responded. If you have not yet had a chance to respond, we would still love your feedback! Thank you!
Thank you for your support.
Confidence SMORE
Check out the K-12 Art Show!
Winter Clothing
Social Emotional Behavioral Community Building
Check Out This Resource From Our School Social Workers: UPDATED for February
From Your Specialists!
Hi Families! This year, our specialist team wants you to be able to take a look inside our classrooms. This is the first of many "Specialists Corner" for you to see the fun activities we're doing, and communicate any upcoming events or activities!
Here is the next edition of "Specialists Corner!" (Updated 1/1)
Information from PTO
*5th Grade Families: Don't forget to upload photos for the 5th grade yearbook by March 6th. We're looking for one baby photo and any group photos taken at school events over the years. Email photos to or upload them using the links below.
Mr. Beling's class link
Mrs. O’Brien's class link
Ms. Sharick's class link
5th Grade Yearbook Club will be meeting on Friday 3/10, 3/17, 3/24 and 4/14 from 3:30-4:30pm.There's still time to sign up. Email for details.
*Our next Community PTO meeting will be Wednesday, March 15. More info to come!
*If you are interested in helping the PTO with in-person or virtual Portuguese or Spanish translation at future PTO meetings and events, or flyer translations, please reach out to
*We are hoping to hold a Family Day in the spring but need your help! If you'd like to Chair or help with the event, please email or fill out the volunteer form here:
*Be a coffee hero! Sign up to donate and deliver coffee and treats to the staff on a day that works for you here:
*Winter gear is needed! Please donate gently used or new snow pants, coats, waterproof gloves, hats, and boots to the main office. Larger sizes are very much in need.
Meet the King Staff!
Allergy Friendly Classrooms
- We ask that snacks (that are often eaten in the classroom) do not include nuts or nut butters. All classroom spaces at King this year will be allergy friendly rooms. Students are, however, allowed to have nuts and nut butters as part of their lunches in the cafeteria.
- In the cafeteria each classroom has 2 tables. One is labeled allergy friendly. We ask that any students that have nut or nut butter allergies sit at these tables; we ask that any students who have nut or nut butters as part of their lunch sit at the other tables.
- Students have been introduced to this in the cafeteria already, and will be reminded by their classroom teachers again.
Tour the school with ROARY!
Important Information SMORE
School hours
Doors open: 8:50am
Breakfast: 8:50am - 9:05am
School begins: 9:05am
School dismissal: 3:20pm
*Early release dismissal: 12:55pm (lunch is served)
*Half day dismissal: 12:20pm (lunch is not served)
Office: 508-782-7201
Attendance Line: 508-782-7201
Fax: 508-788-0792
James Bergeron -
Julie Gelardi -
King Elementary School
Phone: (508) 782-7201