Hall's Corner
December 17, 2021
Dear BHS Families:
Hope you all had a great week! Next week will be a short week with only 3 days before the start of Break. There will be no school Thursday, 12/23 through Friday, 12/31. We hope you all enjoy the time off and look forward to seeing you all in the New Year!!
As mentioned in the weekly COVID update, we are pleased to partner with Monroe County in the distribution of at-home test kits for each student in the District. The tests can be used how your family sees fit. It is our understanding that there is a hope that the tests will be useful prior to gathering with family over the holidays, before or after travel, and perhaps, prior to returning to school. Again, it is certainly up to your family, but this may be a valuable tool in slowing possible spread. Click here for a video with more information and a demonstration for use by our Health Commissioner, Dr. Mendoza. An FAQ document is available by clicking here.
6-12 Distribution: One box will be given to your child on Tuesday. TCMS will distribute them during WIN and BHS will distribute them at dismissal. Please inform your child if you would prefer that they not take a box. Students will not be required to take one, but they will all be offered a box. On Wednesday, boxes can be picked up in a drive-thru pick-up at the BCSD Central Office, 2035 Monroe Ave., between 2 and 4 p.m. Administrators and members of the Board of Education are looking forward to quickly and safely getting yours to you in the front loop. If you can’t make those times, you can pick up a box on Dec. 27, 28, and 29 between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., inside at the reception desk at Central Office. Again, please only take one per child.
Thank you to Monroe County for this opportunity and for everything that all of you are doing to slow the spread and keep everyone safe.
Class of 2022 Graduation Ordering extended through 12/21!!
Class of 2022 Activity Timeline
Bikes at BHS
Reminders about Elevators
Students in the News, Making BHS Proud!
BHS Students Experience Virtual Farm Tour
In Counseling
Athletic News
Calendar of Future Events – Check this out!
FEV Tutoring Support
Attendance Reminders and Updates
Snow Days are going Remote
Peak Experience Adventure
Brighton - Israeli Exchange Newsletter
Safe Schools Helpline
Class of 2022, ORDER YOUR CAP AND GOWN by 12/21
Jostens online ordering has been extended through Tuesday, December 21!!
Order Cap & Gown, Tassels, Announcements, Rings and More!!!
Click the link below to see a video and order information from our Jostens representative, Mr. Fitch.
Attention Class of 2022 Students and Their Families
Please remember to go to the Diploma survey in Naviance to indicate the way you prefer your name to read on your diploma. This will also be the way your name is read on graduation day!
Students and Families:
Did you see the Senior Activity Timeline?
Click here to see the Class of 2022 timeline, https://www.smore.com/97a3x
Bikes Must be Secured Only to Bike Racks
A Reminder about Elevators Use
Art Student Recognized
Please join me in congratulating the following BHS Art students whose work was recognized in the annual BML 5x7 Art Contest this year:
Sorah Libman
Norah Babbitt
Ella Dunning
Maya Luehmann
Congratulations to each of these fantastic young artists and to their teachers Jennilyn Pickering, Katie Maley, and Susanne Hartke for supporting their work!
Business Education Students of the Month
Student Signing
On Wednesday, Brighton High School's Alex Heininger committed to Central Michigan University for football. The Athletic Department hosted a signing ceremony after school.
Heininger was a three-year starter on the offensive and defensive line for the Bruins. He was a captain his senior year, was named to the All-League First Team three times, and was named to the All-Greater Rochester First Team as a senior.
Congratulations, Alex!
BHS Students Experience Virtual Farm Tour
Brighton High School students went on a virtual farm tour on Thursday, Dec. 9. The tour of the farm was a prize for participating in the American Dairy Association North East New York's Thursdays promotion. Students were able to see how the cows are cared for and what goes into getting the milk from the cows to their lunches in the cafeteria.
Counseling Groups are Back
Attention Families with SENIORS
Class of 2022
College Application Process and so much more!
Click on the link below to learn about Senior Seminars, Instant Decision Days, Senior Office Hours to get help with the application process, College Rep Visits, Registration Deadlines, Financial Aid, College Fairs, Parent Brag Sheets, and so much more!
View this week's Senior Newsletter here, https://www.smore.com/cweh4
December Counseling Corner
Check out this website for the most up to date athletic schedules
Follow Brighton Sports on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/BCSDSports
FEV Tutoring Support for 3-12 grade students
Does your child need support with school work outside of the school day? Is homework a challenge at times? Does your child wish that their teacher was available for a quick instructional question?
Great news! This school year, Brighton has chosen to partner with FEV Tutor to provide you with free, school-sponsored, 1:1 online tutoring as a support. This virtual service will be available to students from 3pm-10pm daily and also on weekends as needed. By logging in to student accounts through Class Link, students will be able to request to work with a tutor in minutes for an On-Demand session. On the FEV platform, students will be able to upload and share files directly with their tutors so that they can provide support with specific assignments or projects.
If you have any questions about this free virtual tutoring program, please contact FEV Tutor directly at: support@fevtutor.com or call 855-763-2607. FEV's Support Team is happy to answer any questions and work with you to create a personalized tutoring experience that best suits your learner! Are you wondering how to help your child get started? Click this link to learn more: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CQd96eSEuYLIhdszrn4AM18mpz4GKxCq/view
Attendance, Updates and Reminders!
Please read below for reminders and some updates to our attendance procedures for students.
- When a student is late to school and does not attend homeroom, the student should check in with security at door 1 or door 20 when they enter the school, and then MUST sign in at the Attendance Office.
- We encourage students to go outside during Flex and during free periods. They should exit the building by door 20, and they do NOT need to sign out of the building. Students are expected to stay ON CAMPUS when they leave the building using door 20.
- Students who are signing out of school to go to an appointment should pick up a dismissal pass in the Attendance Office and leave by door 1.
- Students using open campus privileges (available periods 5, 6, and 7 only) need to sign out with security at door 1.
- Students with Scheduled Early Dismissal (completed yellow permission form) should sign out at door 1.
- During periods 1, 2, 3, 4, FLEX, and 8, ALL STUDENTS MUST STAY ON CAMPUS unless specifically excused by the Attendance Office.
- Student drivers may not have any passengers during the school day (7:40 – 2:47)
Matt Comeau, Assistant Principal
Snow Day Schedule
There will be NO regular Snow Days with cancelled classes/closed buildings this year in Brighton Schools. If inclement weather warrants the Superintendent of Schools to close in-person schooling, students, faculty, and staff will follow the Remote SNOW DAY Schedule (note below) and attend classes remotely via ZOOM or Schoology. Teachers have already communicated their SNOW DAY Zoom or Schoology links with students. An e-news message, robocall, and e-mail will be sent to all families in the event school buildings are closed. If students signed up for REMIND, they will also get a REMIND message from Dr. Hall.
The following EXPECTATIONS are for all high school students:
· Bring home computer devices if we suspect a possible snow day may be called.
· Check teacher’s Schoology pages for a SNOW DAY ZOOM link ready to go for SNOW DAYS.
· Sign onto ZOOM links and attend all classes for the entire class period as per the SNOW DAY Schedule.
· Turn on Cameras so that proper attendance can be taken.
· Actively participate during the lesson.
Click the link to see open the Snow Day Schedule:
Peak Experience Adventure. Gunnison National Forest, Colorado
This summer, from July 5th through July 12th, Brighton students will have an opportunity to travel to Gunnison National Forest in Colorado for an eight-day adventure. Over the course of the trip, students will white water raft, rock climb, participate in low and high ropes course activities, and backpack. Rope course activities include zip lines, power poles, repelling, and “The Screamer”. The three-day backpack traverses through the Gunnison National Forest where we will climb mountains over 13,000 feet high. Weather permitting, one of our peak ascents will be at dawn, which is a truly amazing experience. Current eighth graders through juniors are eligible for the trip, and spots are limited. If you are interested in joining the group and would like more information on the activities and cost of the trip, please contact Jamie Porta (the Outdoor Club advisor) at jamie_porta@bcsd.org.
Brighton - Israeli Exchange
Open to all BHS students!
Brighton High School is once again excited to participate in the BHS-Israeli Exchange. This program is jointly sponsored by the Brighton Central School District and the Jewish Federation of Rochester. This is intended to be a strictly cultural and non-religious exchange; any BHS student can participate.
Marla Taplinger and John Clements are the school advisors for this exchange program. BHS students interested in participating in the BHS-chaperoned student exchange trip to Israel during our 2022 February Break should Click here for more information.
SAFESCHOOLS HELPLINE 1-800-418-6423 ext. 359
Examples of safety concerns that you may want to report anonymously include:
- potential acts or threats of violence
- weapons
- sexual harassment/abuse/assault
- bullying/cyber bullying
- concern for someone’s mental or emotional health and well-being
- concerns about suicide/students making concerning comments about hurting themselves
- drug or alcohol use/abuse
- theft
You may also submit an anonymous report through the Safe School website at www.safeschoolhelpline.com or via text by messaging 66746 and
then typing “TIPS” to begin the reporting process.