Parent Partnership
News and Resources from your Findley SEL Team
November 13th, 2020
We hope you and your families are safe and well. Thank you for stopping by to read the latest edition of The Parent Partnership Newsletter. In this issue you will find information on the upcoming parent event on the Zones of Regulation, information on Wednesday SEL lessons, and some community resources and parent learning opportunities.
As always, please don't hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or concerns!
Emily Gotfried, School Counselor emily_gotfried@beaverton.k12.or.us
Susan Hargrave, Student Success Coach susan_hargrave@beaverton.k12.or.us
Parent Partnership Returns!
Dear Findley Community,
We are excited to launch the 2020/2021 Parent Partnership Series………Remote Edition!
Last year our Social Emotional Learning team created a Parent Partnership Program to provide outreach to our families. The purpose of this series is to share and collaborate with our Findley families around social emotional skills and ways to support our students at school and at home.
Our first virtual presentation will be **November 17th from 8:40-9:15 and will focus on the Zones of Regulation. This curriculum is used schoolwide as a way to help our students & staff recognize feelings and what strategies we can use when we need to get back to the Green Zone.
We hope you can join us for a presentation that will explain the basics of brain science and how it affects our emotional regulation. We will also provide tips and suggestions to help your child at home.
Please RSVP HERE so we can get an idea of how many participants we will have and also get contact information for future events. Thank You!
**We realize that every household has different schedules – we will be videotaping this presentation and will include a link that we will share will all interested parents.
Parent Partnership: Supporting your Child's Emotional Regulation at Home with the Zones of Regulation
November 17th
8:40-9:10 AM
Wednesday Social Emotional Learning
Your child's SEL Lesson on Zoom will occur every other week. They will have a Seesaw Lesson each week regardless of whether they had a Zoom or not. Each Wednesday morning we will post an announcement before 8:00 am reminding students and families if they have an SEL Lesson on Zoom that day or if it's a Seesaw assignment only day. In that announcement, if there is a Zoom lesson, we will post the link there.
Zoom Class and Seesaw Lesson, Empathy and caring for others: 1st-2nd Grade, Kinder: Yellow and Red Zone Strategies
Seesaw Lesson Only, Challenging Stereotypes: 3rd-5th Grade
November 25th:
Fall Break
No SEL Lessons or Seesaw this Week
December 2nd:
Zoom Class and Seesaw Lesson, Communicating Respectfully: 3rd-5th Grade
Seesaw Lesson Only Zones and Communication: Kindergarten-2nd Grade
Parent Learning Opportunities
Reading Aloud with your Child
Reading Aloud with Your Child: Enjoying Each Other and Literacy during the Pandemic
Reading aloud with your child is beneficial long after the time they can read independently. It helps nurture the parental bond and build language skills, conceptual knowledge, and more. Join us in this session led by members of UChicago Impact’s STEP literacy team who are also parents — first and always — to explore various ways to make pausing screen-time and reading aloud fun, enjoyable, and relaxing.
Tuesday, November 17, 5:00 - 6:00 pm CST
Screen Time Balance
Balancing Screen-Time with Staying Active and Getting Rest
With social distancing and remote learning limiting our ability to connect and be active, daily screen time has increased exponentially. Join us for this interactive presentation led by the Together for Students Chicago Initiative, including our partners at Thrive Chicago with CPS Competency Based Education and Communities in Schools Chicago, to learn how to effectively manage this new normal while making time for our health and physical activity.
Tuesday, November 17, 5:00 - 6:00 pm CST REGISTRATION
Support Social Emotional Learning at Home
How Parents Support Social and Emotional Learning at Home
Social and emotional learning in the home means that you can use moments that happen organically to grow your child's SEL skills while managing your own. Join us for this interactive presentation led by the Together for Students Chicago Initiative, including our partners at Thrive Chicago with CPS Competency Based Education, and Communities in Schools Chicago, to learn about strategies for intentional SEL application at home. The session will also cover what advocating for SEL at your child’s school looks like, and how modeling best practices can lead to an improved quality of life for your children and family.
Tuesday, November 24, 5:00 - 6:00 pm CST
Community Fun!
Read to the Dogs Program
Got a reluctant reader? Check out this awesome Read to the Dogs program.
Washington County Cooperative Library Services page – Distance Learning Resources in English and Spanish