4-H Friday News Blast!
2.15.19 - Warm blankets feel good on cold snowy winter days!
4-Hers & Volunteers, have you re-enrolled yet? It's time!
Cass County 4-H Summer Camp, Workshop, and Travel Scholarships
Could your family use some help to afford camp, a summer workshop, or transportation to camp at Halsey? Cass County has camp and workshop scholarships that are funded by our 4-H Council, and the deadline to apply is March 15, 2019. Applications can be found by clicking here. To make it easy, this is a fillable form.
You asked, we delivered! There is a NEW, unadvertised Adventure Day Camp experience for youth ages 6-11 at the Eastern Nebraska 4-H Center on June 15th from 10:00 to 4:00! Cost is $35 per person, and adult chaperones are encouraged (but not required) to attend! See all the details and register at: https://go.unl.edu/if9o. This session is also eligible for our local camp scholarships.
Cass County Speech Contest Announced
The Cass County Speech Contest will be held Monday, April 15th beginning at 6:30 the evening.
The Speech contest helps youth learn and practice skills that are beneficial for a lifetime in their personal and professional lives. Developing self-confidence and effective public speaking skills are two goals of the Nebraska 4-H public speaking/presentations program.
All details about the Speech Contest can be found on our website at: https://go.unl.edu/2dyd
Start planning today for the fun and successes of tomorrow!
Mark your Calendar - Cass County Fair is 7th - 10th, 2019
FYI - 4-H Photography Themes for 2019
Nebraska’s state song, Beautiful Nebraska, talks of peaceful prairieland, rivers, and hills of sand, ark green valleys, and rainbows reaching to the ground. However, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and everyone has their own idea of what makes Nebraska great. Entries in the theme print class should capture and share what the exhibitor finds beautiful in or about Nebraska. Exhibitors should explain how their photo fits the Beautiful Nebraska theme when answering question #1 of the Data Tag.
Level III: CLASS B182060, THEME PRINT: N|150
February 15, 2019 marks 150 years since the day the state of Nebraska chartered the University of Nebraska. That’s 150 years of history to appreciate, impact to unpack, and stories to tell. Much has happened since 1869, all for the purpose of changing lives, advancing knowledge, and fulfilling dreams. How has the University of Nebraska impacted you, your family, or your community? How can you tell this story through photography? Exhibitors should explain how their photo fits the N|150 theme when answering question #1 of the Data Tag.
YQCA Training Sessions: Face-2-Face Training or On-line Training
Go to www.yqca.org and sign up for a face-to-face training (Brett Kreifels will be teaching again this year) or do the training on-line. Dates are listed on the YQCA link. For the face-to-face training, juniors will begin at 6:00 pm and Intermediates & Seniors will begins at 7:30 pm.
"Kids K9 Clinic" in Lincoln
Celebrating the Historic Past of our University
The University of Nebraska was chartered on February 15, 1869 and charged with its land-grant mission of public education and service to Nebraska. In 2019, we mark a 150-year legacy of improving the quality of life for Nebraska and beyond. Please join Nebraska 4-H in celebrating the historic past of your University and helping us chart a bold new future. https://4h.unl.edu/n150
4-H Companion Animal Challenge at UNL
The Companion Animal Challenge is a set of contests for youth interested in companion animals. These contests are animal-less and test youths knowledge about companion animals. New this year to the contest are a Cat Skillathon and an essay contest. 4-H youth ages 10-18 are invited to participate.
- The 4-H Companion Animal Challenge will be held on Saturday, March 30, 2019 at the Animal Science Complex.
- Contests include: Demonstration Contest, Dog Skillathon Contest, Cat Skillathon Contest, Essay Contest, Art Contest, and Photography Contest.
- This event allows youth to apply their companion animal knowledge, but does not require them to have an animal!
- It will be held the same day as the 4-H Horse Stampede so that youth can compete in both events if they choose. We will ensure there are not schedule conflicts.
- Entries are due to me by March 8, 2019.
- For more information and registration forms: https://4h.unl.edu/companion-animal/challenge
- Questions? Contact: Dr. Lisa Karr (lisa.karr@unl.edu)
4-H Horse Stampede at UNL
The horse stampede is a group of contests for youth interested in horses. These contests do not require youth to have a horse all they need is to have an interest and be willing to learn some information about horses.
- The 4-H Horse Stampede will be held on Saturday, March 30, 2019 at the Animal Science Complex.
- Contests include: Individual Demonstration Contest (can be done in person or through zoom), Team Demonstration (can be done in person or through zoom), Speech (can be done in person or through zoom), Junior or Senior Horse Bowl (team quiz bowl contest), Art Contest (do not need to be present to participate, you can mail in the entries), and Photography Contest (do not need to be present to participate, you can mail in the entries).
- It will be held the same day as the 4-H Companion Animal Challenge so that youth can compete in both events if they choose. We will ensure there are not schedule conflicts.
- If you would like to have lunch or a t-shirt at the contest please make sure to fill out a lunch or t-shirt order form when registering for contests.
- Entries are due to me by March 1, 2019.
- For more information and registration forms: https://4h.unl.edu/horse/stampede
- Questions? Contact: Dr. Lena Luck (lena.luck@unl.edu)
Horse Judging School 2019
Mark your calendars for this year's in-person horse judging school for Saturday, March 2nd from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. If you are an aspiring judge, a current judge that needs re-certification, a youth, or judging team coach this is a great opportunity to learn more about judging and gain knowledge about specific classes such as Trail, Reining, and conformation. You can find out more information at: http://animalscience.unl.edu/horse or you can register at: https://go.unl.edu/hyjc
4-H Dist & State 4-H Horse Show Changes Announced
Three are numerous changes for the 4-H District and State 4-H Horse Shows in 2019. Go to our website to view these changes: https://extension.unl.edu/statewide/cass/changes-announced-for-2019-nebraska-district-and-state-horse-shows/
Northeast Nebraska 4-H Horse Show
Make plans now to attend the Northeast Nebraska 4-H Horse Show on June 5th starting at 4:00 pm. The show will be held at the Ridge Ranch Arena (Ray and Dorla Hermelbracht) near Homer, Nebraska.
For more information click here, or contact the Nebraska Extension in Thurston County at 402-385-6041.
Experience Agronomy Day
Poultry Judging Clinic
This is a great clinic for those 4-H youth interested in competing in the Poultry Judging Contest at the Premier Animal Science Event (PASE) in June.
Please contact Dr. Sheila Purdum 402-472-6451 or Brett Kreifels with any questions. 402-444-7804
Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF)
CWF is an awesome once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for 4-H youth ages 14-19. It is the preeminent 4‑H citizenship and leadership experience for our young people!
Cass County has 4 youth already signed up. Are you age 14-19? You could go!!! There are some openings still available.
For more than 50 years, thousands of high school youth from all across the country have traveled to Washington, DC each summer to partake in the preeminent 4-H citizenship experience – Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF). CWF is a national program designed for 4-H members and teen leaders ages 14-19. Sessions are offered throughout the weeklong program held throughout June and July each year. CWF provides youth with opportunities to:
- Explore, develop, and refine the civic engagement skills they need to be outstanding leaders in their community, country, and world.
- Engage in sightseeing tours throughout Washington, D.C., led by college-aged program assistants.
- Learn the history of our nation and how leadership and citizenship skills can be applied in local community.
- We've had one person step up to present a dog workshop this summer! Awesome - Thank you!
- We have a lead on a Shooting Sports volunteer! Awesome - Thank you!
- It's heart-warming how Cass County adults step up when there is a need for our young people! If you know a volunteer ... pat them on the back and tell them THANKS! If you know someone who can help with the other openings listed above, please have them contact the Extension Office. Thanks!
Check the calendars below ...
Upcoming Countywide 4-H Reminders
Feb 18 .... Cass County Extension Office Closed for Holiday
Feb 1 .... YQCA website open for livestock certification
Feb 16 .... Our LEGO LEAGUE team goes to State at SAC Museum! Good Luck!
March 1 .... Deadline for Freel/Lepert Family Scholarship
March 1 .... Deadline for David Knabe Memorial Scholarship
Mar 15 .... Deadline to re-enroll for 4-H at https://ne.4HOnline.com, Enrollment Instruction, Pick Your Project
March 15 - Deadline for application for camp/workshop/travel scholarships
March 16 .... Deadline for NACEB Scholarship
April 1 ... Deadline for Weeping Water Whiz Kidz Scholarship
April 6-7 .... Shooting Sports Leader Certification (deadline to register March 27)
April 15 .... Cass County 4-H Speech Contest
April 25 .... YQCA Face-to-Face Training at Cass County
May 6 .... YQCA Face-to-Face Training at Otoe County
June 3 .... YQCA Face-to-Face Training at Cass County
June 6 .... YQCA Face-to-Face Training at Otoe County
June 15 ... 4-H Day Camp for kids 6-11
Upcoming Statewide 4-H Events
Now Open - Registrations for Summer 4-H Camp
Feb 13 - Open House for Power of Red Day at UNL
Feb 15 - N|150 day
Feb 16-24 - Cattlemen's Classic in Kearney, NE
March 1 - Deadline for National Shooting Sports Competition
March 1 - Deadline for Beekeeping Essay Competition
March 1 - Horse Stampede Entries Due
March 2 - Horse Judging School
March 2 - Agronomy Day at UNL
March 8 - Companion Animal Challenge Entries due
March 16 - Poultry Judging Clinic - Lincoln
Mar 30 - Companion Animal Event at UNL
Mar 30 - Nebraska 4-H Horse Stampede
April 6 - "Kids K9 Clinic" in Lincoln
Apr 15 - Early bird registration due date for Summer 4-H Camp
June 5 - Northeast Nebraska Horse Show
July 8-12 - NAYI
June of 2020 - Citizenship Washington Focus in Washington D.C.
Ag Information and Opportunities in and around Cass County ...
- Rescheduled Cass County Extension Board Meeting ... February 18, 2019 beginning at 5:30 pm
- Staying Connected During Tough Times ... Resources for Nebraska Farmers, Ranchers, and their Families
- Landlords and Tenants Ag Land Management Quarterly Webinar ... February 18th at 6:30 p.m.
- Management Strategies for the Cow Herd ... February 19 in Wilber
- Midwest Cover Crop Convention .... February 20-21, 2019 Springfield, IL Transportation available.
- Women in Agriculture ... Feb 21-22, 2019
- Feeding for Optimal Production and Performance in Beef Cattle and Working Horses ... Febr 25, 26, 28, 2019.
- Nebraska Game and Parks Help Prepare for State Shoot ... Jan 26, Feb 23, Mar 30
- Successful Farmer Series ... Every Friday from Jan 4 - Feb 8, held at Lancaster County Extension Office
- Southeast Nebraska Soil Health Conference .... March 6, Beatrice, NE
- Windbreak Renovation Workshop .... March 8 in Auburn, NE
- Acreage Life ... January Edition
- Ag-Line Newsletter ... January 2019
- BeefWatch UNL ... archives
- Instant Pot 101 .. Sarpy County February 26
- Nebraska Insight ... Winter Edition
- Private Pesticide Applicator's Training ... March 7, 2019, meetings in Weeping Water, 9:00 am and 1:00 pm. For more information go to the UNL Pesticide website is: https://pested.unl.edu/
- Nebraska Tower on the Plains Rabbit Breeders Association Spring Show ... Lincoln, NE on April 20th.
- Nebraska Statewide Arboretum’s Spring Affair ... April 27, Lincoln
- GeoScience Field Trip for Nebraska High School Juniors and Seniors (it's FREE!) ... July 12-22, 2019
- Nebraska Extension Publications ... online Library
Nebraska Extension Cass County
Katie Kreuser, Extension Educator, Interim Unit Leader, katie.kreuser@unl.edu
Tracy Ensor, Extension Assistant, tracy.ensor@unl.edu
Sondra Buell, Office Manager, sondra.buell@unl.edu
General Mailbox, cass-county@unl.edu
Email: cass-county@unl.edu
Website: www.cass.unl.edu
Location: 8400 144th Street, Weeping Water, NE, 68463
Phone: 402-267-2205
Facebook: facebook.com/UniversityofNebraskaLincolnExtensionCassCounty
Twitter: @UNLCassCounty