APRES S.W.I.M. April '22
An Extraordinary Place to Learn
A Message from Principal Wilson
Greetings Dolphin Families!
I hope each of you enjoyed your Spring Break and had some time to rest and disconnect. We have 33 days left in this school year. Not that I'm counting, but this short amount of time will be filled with a variety of academic and social activities for our scholars and staff. We are also at the time of year where we prepare for next school year. If your scholar is returning to Randolph next year, there is no action necessary on your part unless you have had a recent change of address or need to update your contact information. If you are enrolling a new student in Pre-K or Kindergarten, please visit our website at https://www.fultonschools.org/aphiliprandolphes or https://www.fultonschools.org/ to complete the registration process.
What is happening at APRES?
April 2022
21st: GMAS Parent Meeting 6PM (Virtual)
26th: SGC 4:00PM/ PTA 5:30PM/ Math Night 6:00PM (All In-Person Events)
27th: Title I Parent Input Meeting 9AM (Virtual)
May 2022
4th -12th: Georgia Milestones Assessments Grades 3-5
13th: Field Day (Rain day make-up 5/17)
18th: International Day
16th-25th: Grade Level Award Programs (TBD)
24th: Digital Learning Day (NO SCHOOL)
24th @6PM: 5th Grade Awards Program (Westlake HS Auditorium)
26th: Last Day of School
Please note that some of the dates above are tentative and some are scheduled to be live, in-person opportunities. Should anything change with FCS COVID protocols we will adjust as needed. Information regarding volunteering for field day is forthcoming. In order to volunteer for any school sponsored event you must be cleared through FCS Volunteer Registration Portal https://www.fultonschools.org/Page/899 No one may volunteer without the proper clearance.
We are happy to see COVID numbers decreasing significantly in the City of South Fulton. However, we are still erring on the side of caution as it relates to school visitation. Visitors during the school day, still require an appointment to meet with staff and to tour the school. To set an appointment to visit the school, please contact our front office PA, Ms. Burston via email at burston@fultonschools.org or contact the school at 470-254-6520. She will be happy to schedule your appointment. We will continue to monitor COVID cases over the next 10-days before making any adjustments to our visitor/volunteer processes.
COVID Reporting
Parents are still required to report positive COVID cases to the Parent COVID19 Reporting Portal if there is a positive COVID case in your household.
While masks are optional, we are still highly recommending that our scholars and staff wear masks while in the school building to aid in preventing the spread of COVID19 and other airborne illnesses. We thank you in advance for your support.
Dolphins, we are looking for parents of students currently in Kindergarten - 4th grade to join our PTA executive board. All of our executive board members are parents of 5th graders and will be leaving us this year. If you are interested in being a member of the nominating committee, please join us at our next PTA meeting on Tuesday, April 26th at 5:30PM.
Your Voice Matters!!!
Don't forget to take the FCS Annual Parent Perception Survey so that we will better know how to meet your needs as a parent in the Randolph School Community. Your perception is important to us and we look forward to serving you better through your feedback. The survey is open from April 11th-22nd. Thank you in advance for your feedback.
Thank you Dolphin parents for all of your support this year. The next few weeks will be busy but fun for our scholars, staff and families. Please continue to check for Principal's Updates in the weekly emails each Sunday.
Have an extraordinary month!
In Partnership,
Mrs. Wilson, Proud Dolphin
Head of School
Georgia Milestones Parent Informational Meeting
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer or mobile app
Click here to join the meetingOr call in (audio only)
+1 470-705-1712,,963064740# United States, Atlanta
Phone Conference ID: 963 064 740#FCS District Communication for GMAS Testing
Dear Parents,
As we head towards the end of the school year, mandated testing will play a crucial role in assessing how much our students have learned throughout the year. One of those tests happening soon is the Georgia Milestones Assessment, which measures how well students have learned the knowledge and skills in language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. Students in grades 3 through 8 take an end-of-grade (EOG) assessment in each content area, while high school students will take an end-of-course (EOC) assessment for each of the courses designated by the State Board of Education, which counts for 20% of the students’ grade.
Participation will be critical. With the absence of significant testing data from the last two years, this year’s scores will be used to establish a new baseline for the schools and districts. The results will be used for College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI) and other important school level and school system rankings.
Georgia Milestones Assessment Dates:
- Elementary Schools
May 4th-12th - Middle Schools
April 25th-May 6th - High Schools (American Literature and Composition, Algebra I, Biology and U.S. History)
April 25th-29th
Please click here for a list of Frequently Asked Questions about Georgia Milestones testing, or contact your student’s teacher or guidance counselor.
Summer Learning/Summer School Registration Open Now
What is an IB PYP School?
What is an IB PYP School?
Regardless of location, size, or make-up, an IB PYP school strives to develop an internationally minded person.
The mission of the IBO:
- To develop inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young people.
- To create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.
- To work with schools, governments, and international organizations to develop challenging programs of international education and rigorous assessment.
- To encourage students worldwide to become active, compassionate, and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.
How does a school become an authorized IB PYP School?
In order for a school to become an IB World School, it must be authorized by the IB to implement any one of its programmes.
The authorization process has been designed to support schools in:
- Making the decision to become an IB World School
- understanding the nature and requirements of the IB programme
- defining their readiness to implement the programme
- planning to sustain the programme in the long term.
The authorization process has a number of phases, each of which has distinctive objectives and related time frames.
The implementation of an IB programme may entail changes in the life of a school. These guidelines are intended to support schools during the process of authorization.
What does that mean at Randolph Elementary School?
It means our Randolph Elementary students are taught WHY they should know something and how it connects to other subjects and the world around them. It means students often decide the direction of instruction, based on their curiosities and inquiries.
How does the IB PYP teach students to be internationally minded?
Through teaching and modeling the " Learner Profile". Regardless of the IB school your child may visit , these characteristics or Learner Profile remain the same- foundational to the IB PYP learning experience.
How does Randolph Elementary implement Units of Inquiry?
These themes or Units of Inquiry, provide a framework on which our teachers build students' knowledge. With the IB PYP, the priority is not on using a set of textbooks, but rather the emphasis is on a wide variety of resources from which teachers and students extract knowledge, develop understanding, and explore ways of applying that to real life.
So, what will my child be learning at Randolph Elementary School?
At Randolph, we are committed to structured inquiry as the vehicle for learning. Six Transdisciplinary themes provide the framework for exploration and construction of knowledge. Teachers and students are guided by these Transdisciplinary themes- as the design units of inquiry for exploration and study. Through its process, students develop and understanding of important concepts, acquire essential skills and knowledge, develop particular attitudes and learn to take socially responsible action.
For more information please visit ibo.org
Grades and Attendance Reporting
COVID Updates
It is imperative that if your scholar has come in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID19, if your scholar has tested positive for COVID19, or if he/she is awaiting test results, that this information is reported to the district Parent Reporting Portal immediately. The link below provides access to the Reporting Portal.
Parent COVID19 Reporting Portal
Please DO NOT send any students to school exhibiting any signs of illness, particularly those resembling COVID19 symptoms. Any student with the following symptoms will be required to be picked up from school immediately and asked to remain home until they are symptom free for 24 hours.
- Fever
- Congestion or Runny Nose
- Cough
- Headache
- Stomach ache accompanied with vomiting or diarrhea
Any child exhibiting any of the above symptoms will be sent to the nurse's office and immediate pick up is required.
Do know that it is our priority to continue to keep our staff and students safe and we need your support with doing so.
Parent Input Meeting 4/27 @ 9AM
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer or mobile app
Click here to join the meetingOr call in (audio only)
+1 470-705-1712,,297879464# United States, Atlanta
Phone Conference ID: 297 879 464#PTA Meeting and Math Night 4/26 @ 5:30PM
SGC Meeting 4/26 @ 4:00PM
Please be on the lookout for an email containing SGC election information and the opportunity to meet our candidates for the 2022-2023 SGC positions.
On the Horizon
April 2022
1st: STEM Day at Randolph ES
4th-8th: Spring Break (NO SCHOOL)
19th: Kindergarten Round Up 5:30PM (In Person)
21st: GMAS Parent Meeting Grades 3, 4, & 5 (Virtual)
26th: SGC/PTA/Math Night (In Person)
27th: Title I Input Meeting 9AM (Virtual)
May 2022
4th -12th: Georgia Milestones Assessments Grades 3-5
4th-8th: Teacher Appreciation Week
13th: Field Day (Rain day make-up 5/17)
18th: International Day
16th-25th: Grade Level Award Programs (TBD)
24th: Digital Learning Day (NO SCHOOL)
24th @6PM: 5th Grade Awards Program (Westlake HS Auditorium)
26th: Last Day of School
District Information
An Extraordinary Place to Learn
Email: wilsonm2@fultonschools.org
Website: https://www.fultonschools.org/aphiliprandolphes
Location: 5320 Campbellton Road Southwest, Atlanta, GA, USA
Phone: 470-254-6520
Twitter: @RandolphDolphin