Cardinal Connections Parent Copy
October 11th
Cardinal Crawl Fundraiser! - WE HIT OUR GOAL!! - Donations of $10,070.00
Hello Clinton Valley Families:
You Rock!! I can not express the gratitude and thankfulness that I have for each one of you. Because of YOU, we hit our goal by raising a total of $10,070.00. We are such a small school, yet we do enormous things. I'm so appreciative of all of my families here at Clinton Valley. There is no other place that I would rather be than here with you.
The Cardinal Crawl Event was amazing! The students enjoyed themselves, and I'm sure that they went right to sleep by the time they got home. I'm looking forward to doing it bigger and better next year.
We have many prizes to distribute. Each student will receive a letter outlining all the items that they are to receive from this fundraiser. Below you will find out the dates of the deliveries.
- Candy Bags will be delivered on Friday, October 15th
- Cardinal Wristbands will be delivered on Friday, October 15th
- Slurpee Party with Popcorn and a movie will be delivered on Friday, October 15th
- Taco Bell Lunch with a friend will be delivered on Friday, October 15th
- T-Shirt will be delivered on Date TBD (T-shirt company is saying they are around 4-6 weeks out on deliveries)
- $20 Gift Card will be delivered on Friday, October 15th
- Limo, Lunch, and Movie with Mrs. Wright will be delivered in the month of January (waiting on confirmation with Limo Company) - More information to follow
- Classroom Pizza Parties will be delivered on Wednesday, October 13th
- Classroom Ice Cream Parties will be delivered on Friday, October 22nd
- ECSE - Michlewski - $90.00
- K - Susalla - $1,370.00
- 1st - Strohm - $1,175.00
- 2nd - Chimenti - $1,240.00
- 3rd - Kowalski - $310.00
- 4th - Phillips - $1,990.00
- 5th - McDermott - $740.00
Classes who won the Ice Cream Parties:
- Strohm - 56.52% of the students participated in the fundraiser
- Chimenti - 56.00% of the students participated in the fundraiser
- Phillips - 56.67% of the students participated in the fundraiser
Cardinal Crawl Event 2021-2022
What's Happening in 1st Grade with Mrs. Strohm
What's Happening in 1st Grade with Mrs. Silver
ECSE Calendar
There are a few days throughout the school year that ECSE students will attend for a longer session. Class will be from 9:00 a.m. - 11:55 a.m. on October 21, 22, 23, and 29th.
October 20: AM students attend only, no PM ECSE.
October 21: No school for AM students, PM attends in the AM.
October 22: AM students attend only, no PM ECSE.
October 29: No school for AM students, PM attends in the A.M.
ECSE Conferences
Parent/teacher conferences to be offered virtually this fall
The challenges of last year brought about some positive changes and unanticipated good outcomes. One change was our ability to offer easily accessible virtual parent/teacher conferences in a way that increased parent participation.
This fall we plan to bring virtual parent/teacher conferences back for all grade levels. Virtual conferences can be a convenient way for all parents to connect with their child’s teacher, without the need to leave work early, find a babysitter, or navigate busy traffic. It also may allow both parents to attend the conference from two different locations.
Parents can decide whether or not to take advantage of this convenient opportunity to discuss their child's academic performance with the teacher.
Elementary Conference Dates – October 20th & 21st
Parents that cannot attend on designated conference days/times can reach out to the teacher to schedule a personal phone call at another time.
Thank you for your continued involvement in your child’s education.
CICO Program at Clinton Valley Elementary
The Giving Tree
PTO Events
- We can do outdoor events, at least through December. We will reassess as time goes on.
- All outdoor events can have volunteers that are outside.
Coats for Kids - October 17th
Just Around the Corner....for Girls
Halloween Parties
All schools will have an outdoor parade if weather permits.
- Parents can be invited to that but the parade cannot take place if it rains.
- We are not able to move the parade indoors.
- Classrooms can have a party indoors with students and teachers, but unfortunately, there will be no guests allowed.
- Costumes are allowed
We can accept treats from parents this year. Please make sure to send only individually wrapped items.
SACC Aides Needed!
The district has approved a $250 signing bonus to any aide who is hired for this year and works for at least 90 days.
Lunch Monitors Needed! Apply Here!
Positivity Project Quotes
Integrity Quotes
Integrity Quotes
“You’re looking for three things, generally, in a person: intelligence, energy, and integrity. And if they don’t have the last one, don’t even bother with the first two.” - WARREN BUFFET
“The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.” - BOB MARLEY
“To believe in something and not live it, is dishonest.” - MAHATMA GANDHI
“Whoever is careless about the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.” -ALBERT EINSTEIN
“Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody’s going to know whether you did it or not.” -OPRAH WINFREY
Elementary Assessment Schedule
- Testing Window - September 13 to October 1
- 3rd - 5th Grade
- Reading and Math (There is no particular order to test)
NWEA - Winter Testing
- Testing Window - December 1 to December 22
- 3rd - 5th Grade
- Reading and Math (There is no particular order to test)
NWEA - Spring Testing
- Testing Window - March 1 to March 25
- 3rd - 5th Grade
- Reading and Math (There is no particular order to test)
FastBridge - Fall Diagnostic Benchmark Window
- Testing Window - September 13 to October 1
- K - 2nd Grade
- Reading and Math (FastBridge Math in 2nd Grade ONLY)
FastBridge - Mid-Year Diagnostic Benchmark Window
- Testing Window - January 4 to January 25
- K - 2nd Grade
- Reading and Math (FastBridge Math in 2nd Grade ONLY)
FastBridge - Spring Diagnostic Benchmark Window
- Testing Window - May 1 to May 25
- K - 2nd Grade
- Reading and Math (FastBridge Math in 2nd Grade ONLY)
Progress Monitor (Tier 2 bi-weekly, Tier 3 weekly)
School Meals
All school breakfasts and lunches will be free of charge for all students this school year.
October Lunch Menu
COVID Guidelines:
Masks policies:
Masks will be optional this fall. The wearing of masks will be determined by each family and individual. The Macomb County Health Department (MCHD) recommends that individuals, regardless of vaccination status, consider wearing a face-covering while indoors, especially in crowded settings. CVS strongly recommends that students wear a mask in school.
CVS has up-to-date ventilation systems and filters that meet or exceed CDC recommendations for healthy airflow
Masks on School Buses:
The CDC requires masks on all public transportation, including school buses, regardless of vaccination status. All CVS students riding a school bus will be required to wear a mask.
COVID-19 Vaccines:
Not required. Based on Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) and CDC guidelines, individuals that are fully vaccinated and remain asymptomatic will not have to quarantine if they are determined to be a close contact. The MDHHS, the MCHD, and the CDC recommend that all eligible individuals get vaccinated against COVID-19.
COVID-19 Reporting
Chippewa Valley Schools will work with the MCHD on contact tracing and COVID-19 reporting. We will maintain a COVID-19 Case Report on our website and will provide building-level notification to staff and families.
Contact Tracing & Quarantines
CVS district nurses will work with the MCHD on contract tracing and will follow health department requirements for quarantines. Fully vaccinated students and staff who are asymptomatic will not be required to quarantine.
Hand Hygiene:
Hand washing and hand sanitizer will be used frequently throughout the day.
Screening for Symptoms
Parents are asked to check their child each morning before sending them to school. Students that are sick should stay home from school.
Visitors at School:
Visitors will be limited at school. Only essential visitors will be allowed.
Visitors, Late Arrivals, Early Dismissals & Dropping Off of Materials
- Visitors will be limited at school. Only essential visitors will be allowed.
- PTO will be allowed in the building to do "PTO work."
- If a student arrives to school late, parents will bring their student to the front door, ring the buzzer, state the students' name(s), and the student(s) will be buzzed into the school. The parent will enter the vestibule and sign the student in and leave back out.
- We will have bins outside the main entrance. If you need to drop off a lunch or other items to your child, please label it with the child's name and teacher. The bins will be checked twice an hour, and items will be delivered to the student.
Cleaning & Disinfecting
Chippewa Valley Schools is committed to providing a clean and safe environment for our students, staff, and community. All student and staff areas will be cleaned and disinfected on a regular schedule.
Lunchroom and Classroom Information
- Students will have assigned seats in the lunchroom and classrooms.
- Students will be spaced out as far apart as possible.
School Age Child Care (SACC)
SACC Hours: AM - 7:00 - 9:00am
PM - 3:44 - 6:00pm
Entrance/Exit Door: #19
In-person learning for students
Last year students had the option of attending school in person or live-streaming their classes at home. With vaccination rates increasing, all students will now be required to attend school in person unless they are currently enrolled in the Chippewa Valley Virtual Academy (CVVA). Only students required to quarantine due to COVID-19 illness or exposure will be allowed to live-stream their classes. All other students must attend in person unless they are sick or have an excused absence.