Newsletter 1 Term 2
Onerahi School Friday 20th May 2022
Te Karere o te Tumuaki/Principal's Message
Kia ora e te whānau,
What an exciting start to the term we have had. The canopy and turf are finally coming together. This week the Matariki Tu Ràkau project enabled us to have visitors and whànau into school, supporting our tamariki. It was a fantastic opportunity for our tamariki to share their knowledge and growth and to contribute to the development of the school. They all worked so hard in the garden and it was fantastic to see them using all those different skills. As kaitiaki they will nurture our trees and we can all watch them grow. I would like to thank those whanau who helped on the planting days. We really appreciate you taking time out to join with us in establishing this awesome asset. The blessing of the Matariki Tu Ràkau was the first oppportunity for us to perform our new school waiata -"Kō te Kura Onerahi e ". There will be plenty more opportunities for you to listen, enjoy and learn, so that you are able to sing along in future. It expresses the way our students feel about being part of Onerahi School.
Initial reports will be completed shortly and your childs teacher will be in touch so that you can catch up and celebrate your child's successes and strengths, and the goals they are working on. Keep an eye out for a Class Dojo notification about this.
Nga mihi kia koutou
AnnMaree MacGregor
When we got to Kamo Intermediate, we were all a little nervous as we entered the hall and saw all the equipment. The audience felt huge but actually wasn't. When the competition started we started the road marker task. However we decided we would demolish the first build because it got too frustrating for all of us. Next we started building the magic table. We all had a sigh of relief when it worked out. But that was when some problems started... We had to make a coin flip by itself, and although we tried heaps of ideas we found it didn't make sense to us. We finally found out the answer but instead of flipping, it slid. This seemed like it was not the right answer then and time ran out. The judge came around and showed us the trick of how it worked and we were a bit discouraged as we had tried that. During prizegiving we were expecting to get 2nd but were not sure as we didn't see the final scores. We were so excited we had got into the grand final, and yes we were 2nd no less, which made it even more exciting. By Chloe Valentine and Emma Gurnell.
Charlie Devonshire - Local legend
The Devonshire Grove Extension - our beautiful new trees.
Kei te hea inainei - Where are they now?
We are excited to be able to start once again bringing you news of past Onerahi students, who remember their time here, and impart some words of wisdom for the current generation.
Jess Sayer is a multi-award-winning screenwriter, playwright and actor, whose work has been produced both locally and internationally.
She has won the Playmarket b425 award three times (Fix, Hanged and Elevator). In 2015 she won the prestigious Bruce Mason Playwriting Award and in 2017 was nominated for three SWANZ. She most recently won the 2019 Adam NZ Play Award and also Best Play by a Woman. A familiar face on New Zealand screens thanks to her role as Maeve Mullins in Shortland Street, among others.
She reflects on her time at Onerahi Primary below:
"I remember attending Onerahi Primary when we’d come back from Brunei for a few months because of the haze. I have fond memories of the playground, and remember all of the teachers and students being very welcoming to me and my brother, Josh. My advice to anyone is -- figure out what it is that you love. Then figure out how to make that your job. Don’t let anyone make you afraid of following your dreams."
Kirsty's Corner
Kia ora e te whānau,
Hell Pizza are currently running a great reading challenge, with tasty rewards.
Our school is participating in the HELL Pizza Reading Challenge, which is being run in conjunction with the 2022 New Zealand Book Awards for Children and Young Adults.
The HELL Reading Challenge is a highly successful programme that gets tamariki reading and enjoying the pleasures of books, with the bonus of free pizza rewards.
How the Reading Challenge works:
Children are being given “pizza wheels”. Every time they finish a book, a slice of the wheel gets clicked off or signed by a teacher or librarian. Year 4 and above are expected to complete a book review - either written or in the form of pictures, character profiles etc to demonstrate that they have read their book. When they have finished seven books, they can take their completed pizza wheel to any HELL Pizza outlet and redeem it for a free 333 kids’ pizza.
Here are the rules:
• Each pizza wheel is good for one 333 kids' pizza from any HELL Pizza outlet nationwide
• The wheel must be signed by a teacher/librarian, and stamped with the official school stamp
• One pizza per visit per child
• Wheels are non-transferable for money
• Children must redeem their free pizza in person, and before Tuesday 31 January 2023
If you have any queries about the HELL Pizza Reading Challenge, please contact the classroom teacher or the school librarian.
Nga mihi,
Kirsty Oliver
Librarian and Resource Co-Ordinator
From the BOT /Ngà Poari Kaitiaki ō te kura
Kia Ora e te Whanau,
We thought it was time, with the addition of new families and indeed a newer member to remind you all of who we are, and why we have chosen to serve as Parent Representatives on the Onerahi School Board.
Tēnā koutou katoa, I am Richard Pollard and I am a parent representative on the Board of Trustees. I am originally from the UK but have lived in Whangārei for 8 years now and love living here. Since coming to Aotearoa I have been lucky enough to have two children - Edward is 2-years-old and Isobel is 5 and attends Onerahi Primary. Education and learning are my big passions and I work as a teacher at Huanui College teaching Science. I am on the Board because I want to help ensure that every child at Onerahi Primary School is able to achieve their highest possible educational achievement and reach their full potential in life.
Ko Diana Piggott tōku ingoa. I’ve been a parent representative on the board for nearly three years. I was born in Whangarei, I’m married to Andy and mum to three great kiddos who have all previously attended Onerahi School and loved it!
When I’m not chasing my kids around, I’m a Business Partner at Sudburys where I specialise in helping build great teams and a healthy culture in businesses and organizations.
I joined the Board because I’m passionate about all tamariki getting the best possible start to life and education is a huge part of that. I wanted to be involved in decisions that shape this experience.
Kia ora koutou, I am Adrienne Chubb. I'm a former Onerahi School ākonga and have been on the Board for 4.5 years. I co-own Hell Pizza Whangārei, work at the Airport and am also currently doing postgraduate full-time study towards my Masters in secondary school teaching. I have two tamariki at Onerahi School; Evie in year 1, and Helena in year 6.
I joined the board for a tangible opportunity to be involved with the kura and contribute to the educational outcomes of all ngā ākonga in the school.
Hi I am Elly, I am representing the staff on our BOT. I have spent all of my eight years as a teacher at Onerahi Primary School. I have taught in the junior school for most of my time, however more recently I have moved up to the seniors. This year I have year 4/5 and am in Room 13. I studied to be a teacher in Dunedin, but moved home to be close to family.
I am recently married, so you may notice a name change in future communication.
I joined the Board 3 years ago, to get a better insight into the way our wonderful school works. It has been exciting to be behind the scenes through the recent appointments of our Principal and Deputy Principal and to see the recent developments of the playground and gardens.
Hi, my name is Hayden Read. I moved to Whangarei 7 years ago, and have been on the Onerahi School Board of Trustees for almost 6 years. I have qualifications in, and work in IT, and also have a Diploma in Accounting. I have three children, one now at intermediate, one still at Onerahi Primary, and one which will be starting at Onerahi Primary next year. I joined the Board of Trustees because I wanted to help ensure that the school my children go to is well governed, with a healthy environment for both Students and Staff.
Kia Ora, Ko Aaron Gray toku ingoa. I have been on the Board of Trustees now for over 5 years, serving as your Chair for over 4. Onerahi born and bred, I have had 2 of my 3 children attend Onerahi Primary, with the youngest in her final year now. In my work life I am a Funeral Director with Newberrys Funeral home. I joined the Board of Trustees as I have a passion for ensuring the best possible outcomes not only for my own tamariki, but for all.
Richard Pollard and daughter Izzy.
Diana Piggot with Eden and Lake
Adrienne Chubb
Hayden Read with Isaac, Elizabeth and Abigail
Elly Houston and husband James
Board Chair Aaron Gray (on the right) with AnnMaree MacGregor
We also ask that if you are dropping students off, always encourage them to exit your vehicle curb-side rather than road-side. Also for safety, rather than performing a u-turn, a better option would be to turn into Pine Park Road, and use the end of the cul - de - sac to turn around.
Important Dates
- Wednesday 25 May - Winter Sports Day
- Monday 06 June - Queens Birthday
- Tuesday 07 June - New Entrants Cohort Entry date
- Thursday 23 June - Accord Staff Only Day
- Friday 24 June - Matariki Holiday
- Friday 08 July - End of Term 2
Accord Staff Only Days 2022
The final accord staff only day for 2022 will be held on Thursday the 23rd of June, prior to the national Matariki holiday. These days have been important staff development opportunities which directly lead to better outcomes for your tamariki and we thank you all for your support and understanding.
Cooler days are starting to arrive. We still have a large stock of 2nd hand jumpers available at a bargain price of $10 each. Come check them out at the office. We would like to remind you that for rainy days, the KidsCan jackets issued to each student can be used as part of the school uniform. It is also a good idea in wetter months to bring a change of clothes, just in case. Please can you ensure all items are named, as at times our "found property" is overflowing or our second hand uniforms stocks get a large boost.
8:15am School gates open to students and whanau
9:00am School begins
11:00-11:30am 1st Play Break
1:30-2:00pm 2nd Play Break
3:00pm School finishes
3:15pm School gates close 3
There are two eating breaks within the day, taken at times that suit each class. Please ask your child's teacher when their times are.
Medication: If your child requires medication be brought to or kept at school, please be aware that due to health and safety concerns, this must be kept secure in the school sick bay. It is not to be kept in children’s schoolbags during the day. This is to protect the safety of not only the child requiring the medication but also all other students. All medication requires an accompanying permission/approval form signed by their parent or caregiver. This includes epi-pens for allergy management, inhalers for asthma or any other medication your child requires on a short-term or as needed basis.
Community Notices
Contact Us
Email: office@onerahi.school.nz
Website: https://www.onerahi.school.nz/
Location: Onerahi Primary School Church Street, Onerahi, Whangārei 0110, New Zealand
Phone: +64 9 436 0521
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/onerahischool