Willow Crest News
Willow Crest Family Newsletter
Tuesday, September 26 LIFETOUCH PICTURE DAY
Thursday, October 19 5:30PM FALL HARVEST FAMILY NIGHT!!!!
Thursday/Friday, October 25/26 PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES
Ray Marshall, Principal
Principal's Message
Dear Parent:
Under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), the parents of students attending Title I schools have the right to request the professional qualifications of their children’s teachers. I can assure you that all teachers in the Anchorage School District meet strict state standards and are indeed qualified to teach, but you have the right also to ask for the following information about each of your child’s classroom teachers:
- Whether the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development has issued an Alaska teacher’s certificate for the grade(s) and subject(s) he or she teaches.
- Whether the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development has decided that your child’s teacher can teach without being certified under state regulations because of special circumstances.
- Whether the teacher is teaching in the field of discipline of the certification of the teacher.
- Whether any classroom aides or other paraprofessionals provide services to your child and, if they do, their qualifications.
If you would like specific information about your child’s teacher or paraprofessional, please contact me. For general information about ESEA, please contact Zareena Clendaniel, Federal Programs Compliance Coordinator, for the school district at clendaniel_zareena@asdk12.org or 907-742-7819.
I know you want the very best for your child. All of the educators in the Anchorage School District join me in wanting to make sure every child succeeds in school. We look forward to working with you to make sure all students get the quality education they deserve and all schools are successful.
Eric Niessner- Assistant Principal
Hello Willow Crest Families!
I am excited to serve our students and community this year. This year, our school goals include:
1. Increase % in Reading Proficiency. Please read to your students every day.
2. Increase % in Math Proficiency. Please help your student log into iReady every day.
3. Decrease students with chronic absences. Please help your student come to school each day.
Please reach out if you have any questions. Thank you!
Joseph Tiede- Indigenous Education
Program Opportunities
The Indigenous Education Staff at Willow Crest Elementary is creating a field trip for our indigenous students. If your student meets the requirements:
- Certificate of Indian Blood (CIB)
- Tribal Enrollment Card (TEC)
please contact Joseph Tiede at 907-742-1019 , or tiede_joseph@asdk12.org to help get your child into our program.
Lindsay Hibbert- School Counselor
It has been such a lovely start to the school year! Please continue to try to have your students join us every day at school. Attendance is so important for success. Our counselor lessons this month are focusing on self esteem. We hope every child knows how wonderful and unique they are. When kids have self-esteem, they have the confidence to try new things, fail, and try again. As parents, you can help your child increase their self esteem by encouraging them to try new things, praising their bravery and work ethic (rather than only successes), giving them opportunities to help and serve at home, staying away from harsh criticism, and focusing on their strengths.
Pam Miller- School Nurse
Message from the Nurse
Get prepared for winter by getting the flu shot which is available locally right now.
Make sure your student has a warm weather coat, hat, gloves, and boots as students go out to recess up to a chill factor of -10 degrees.
Karen Valera-Sherman
Instructional/Behavior Coach
Hello Willow Crest Families!
This week we will have completed the Social-Academic-Emotional-Behavior-Risk-Screener (SAEBRS), as well as MAP and mClass testing. Thank you parents for helping your students do their best on these important assessments with a good night's sleep and a healthy breakfast.
What is mClass?
mCLASS is a universal screener that measures the development of reading skills of all students in grades K-5 through two main assessments: Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) and the Text Reading Comprehension (TRC) assessments.
What is MAP?
The Measures of Academic Progress assessment is for students in grades 3-6, and completed three times year, in Fall, Winter, and Spring in Reading and Math.
21st Century Community Learning Centers
Hello Willow Crest Families!
We are excited to get our third year of 21 CCLC up and running here ate WIllow Crest.
If your student is enrolled, we are excited to work with them this year! Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
Thank you!
Brittany Hoskins
Interested in Volunteering?
Office: (907) 742-4418
Fax: (907) 742-4226