Dolphin Splash
Jackie Robinson Academy Weekly Newsletter 10/21/23
Dear JROB Families!
We are one family under a bright, blue sky. And like all families, we have our ups and downs, our conflicts and compromises, but at the end of the day, we are still a family: a JROB family and a LBUSD family. Together, in the stories we tell ourselves and each other, we discover the similarities in our experiences, the humanity that binds us. This past week, our commitment to unity has inspired me to continue to look for ways to celebrate JROB Dolphins and the values we hold dear to our heart.
One of the strongest connections that has been a tradition at Jackie Robinson is JROB News. In our teacher spotlights and staff and student interviews, we gain a deeper understanding of each other and ourselves. When we look around our diverse campus of abilities and disabilities, shades of skin color, young and old, staff and student, and everything in between, we are only as strong as our weakest link. And as a family, we must support each other to develop into a community and world better than the one we live in today.
So, as we finish up the last weeks of October, one of the most exciting and eventful months of the year, explore our JROB family and connect with someone different than yourself with an understanding mind and open heart. Discover all the abilities that we possess as a community and celebrate our differences.
Your proud principal,
Rebecca Ngo
This Week at JROB:
Monday, October 23rd
- 2:30-3:15 Student Council Meeting
Tuesday, October 24th
- 2:20-3:30 Afterschool Tutoring - Ms. Castro-rm. 25108, Ms. Kobren-rm. 1111, Ms. Flores- rm. 1202, Mr. Ruiz-rm. 25111, Mrs. Marengo-rm. 1211, Ms. Jones-rm. 1212, Mr. Licano-rm.1206
2:30-3:30 School Site Council Meeting in the Library
Wednesday, October 25th
- 1st Grade Field Trip to Carpenter Center
Thursday, October 26th
- 1:30 PM Dismissal TK - 5th Grade
Friday, October 27th - WEAR IT PINK DAY!
- Put on your favorite pink attire, whether it’s a pink shirt, dress, tie, or accessories, to show your support for cancer awareness.
- Caught Being Good Dolphin Raffle
Upcoming Dates
- Monday, October 30th - JROB Trunk or Treat, 5:00-7:00pm (hosted by JROB WEB)
- Thursday, November 2nd - Anti-bullying & Building a Positive School Community Parent Workshop 5:00-6:00pm via Zoom
JROB Trunk or Treat: Monday, October 30th
Donations/Requested Items
Parent Resources
Jackie Robinson Academy
Location: Jackie Robinson Academy, Pine Avenue, Long Beach, CA, USA
Phone: (562) 492-6003