xStudent Columns
In the Teacher Gradebook
#1 - Student's Name
- The student's name is a link you can click to redisplay the tab with only that student’s assignments. To return to the default view of the tab with the complete student roster, click the student’s name again.
#2 - All Row
- Use to quickly assign the same grade to all students.
#3 - Links for Viewing Additional Student Information
- D: Click to open the Student Summary Data tab and view details, including demographic, enrollment, and contact information. If address or phone information is displayed in red text, it has been coded as private information, not for public distribution.
- S: Click to access a student's schedule o G: Click to view Report Card and Progress Report information for all the student’s classes. Whether this link is shown is controlled by campus-level setting.
- A: Click to view a summary of all absences for a student the current year at all campuses.
- L: If a student has dropped/added a course section and the previous and current course sections have been linked, click L to view the student’s assignments and grades for the dropped course section. This link is not shown for students with no dropped course sections that have been linked.
- SB: If your district uses the Skillbook, click SB to access the student’s Skillbook grades.
#4 - Entry Field
- To enter an assignment grade, click in the field for the assignment grade to insert your cursor and highlight the student row yellow. Enter the grade for the assignment. As you enter grades, the Class Average information for the assignment is updated.
- Click anywhere outside the selected field. A message is displayed on the tab reminding you that you have unsaved changes, and the student’s average is updated.
GC Grading Hub
Click here to access the GC Grading Hub
GCCISD Student Information Services
Helpdesk (281) 420-4633 | www.gccisd.net/tms