Knights EXCEL-Spring is Here!
Monday, March 27th - Friday March 31st, 2023
Calendar conversations: Take note
** MAP goal setting for all students please ask your child what they have set
**Grades and test results drive instructional decisions and invitations for extending learning such as tutoring, and summer school. Reach out if you have any questions.
March 27th: Fallon team to HS 9:30-11:00-- Encore dismiss at 2:00 pm for HS registration; Baseball/Softball @ SEMS 5 pm;
March 28th: Pope team to HS 9:30-11:00; Encore dismiss at 2:00 pm for HS registration
***NEW INFO AS OF LATE FRIDAY: March 28th: Fallon team will be attending a Career pathway trip to GTCC 10:00-1:00 permission slips attached to this newsletter-please feel free to print, sign and send in on Monday; students will receive copy in Core 3 Monday that will need to be returned on Tuesday morning to attend.
Lunch will be provided while off campus.
Pope team will attend this same trip after Spring Break-stay tuned
March 29th: Math walkthroughs; BRAGGING RIGHTS KUDO'S-student recognition for growth and success-see previous newsletter for critieria; Track vs Jamestown @ SGHS
March 30th: Rising 6th grade visit-(10:15-11:15); BRAGGING RIGHTS KUDO'S-more student recognition for growth and success-see previous newsletters for criteria; Baseball/Softball @ NE; END OF QUARTER--
March 31st: Workday--No school for students
Looking ahead in April:
April 3rd: Baseball/Softball vs Jamestown @ SGMS
April 6th: Success assemblies;
April 7th-14th Spring Break
April 17th: Student Council
April 19th: Student Council reading at Elem School;Track at HP Central
April 20: Baseball/Softball @ AJ Park;
April 22nd: GCS Chess tournament @ SGMS
April 24th: SMILE dental program-sign up for your child to see the dentist by going online or sending in form; Baseball/Softball vs AJ @ SGMS
April 25th: 8th grade Civil Rights trip part of grade level
April 26th: 6th grade grasshoppers; 8th grade Civil Rights rest of 8th grade level; Track vs Allen @SGHS
April 27th: MAP Math?; Track vs Allen @ SGHS; Baseball/Softball @ AJ Park
April 28th: MAP ELA-?; Dance 4-6 pm; Student council door decorating
8th grade Fallon team permission slip below
Southern Guilford Middle School
Tracy Roof, Principal rooft@gcsnc.com
James Moore, Assistant Principal moorej5@gcsnc.com
Lorie Rainey, Assistant Principal raineyl@gcsnc.com
Reach out if you have any questions, suggestions or shout outs.
Creating a Culture of EXCEL-lence where all Knights can EXCEL.
Location: 5747 Drake Road, Greensboro, NC, USA
Phone: 336-674-4266