NCBVA Newsletter
National Concrete Burial Vault Association
The NCBVA held its annual meeting on November 4th and 5th in Dallas, Texas. The meeting was conducted at the Hilton Garden Inn in Arlington and was tied to two optional events at AT&T Stadium – Rally Day and the Monday night NFL game between the Dallas Cowboys and the Tennessee Titans. The event was attended by burial vault manufacturers and suppliers stretching from Arizona to South Carolina.
The meeting agenda included updates to the plant certification program and round table discussions on SILICA/OSHA and marijuana in the workplace. Future educational topics were evaluated and scored with “Graveside Liabilities” ranking high on the list of members’ priorities. In addition, accomplishments from 2018 and goals for 2019 were covered, and new officers were elected.
2018 accomplishments -- DONE!
- Simplify the dues structure.
- Migrate to electronic invoicing and accounting best practices.
- Evaluate the certification process and restructure certification cycles and/or enhance program if needed.
- Offer additional value from our legal resource, Poul LeMasters.
- Build an educational atmosphere or forum that is focused on the burial vault industry (in progress).
- Maintain or grow the number of company memberships.
2019 Executive Team
The executive team for 2019 includes:
- President: Steve Handley, Handley Precast Systems, Phoenix, AZ (Trigard)
- Vice President/Secretary: Jeffrey Hardy, Hardy Doric Inc, Chelmsford, MA (Doric)
- Treasurer: Paul Cooper, Cooper Wilbert Vault, Middletown, DE (Wilbert)
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Elections and terms
2020 open spots: 3-year term (1)
2021 open spots: 3-year term (2) + 1-year term (1)
Click on graphic to view larger image
Passing the Gavel
Mark Bates (Norwalk Vault), 2017-18 president, passes the gavel to the incoming president Steve Handley.
2019 GOALS
- Maintain and grow memberships.
- Develop sponsorship programs.
- Conduct 3 educational programs.
- Conduct annual meeting + 2 board meetings (1 at annual).
- Manage expenses; reduce accounting hours year over year.
- Evaluate FAMIC relationship / options.
- Rollout new certification schedule / process.
If you are interested in promoting your products or services to the NCBVA membership, below are some new options.
- Newsletter – $500
- Legal Issue Email – $500
- Legal Issue Postcard Mailing - $700
- Email/Postcard Combo - $1000
Annual Meeting
Sponsors of $1000+ can set up a tabletop onsite if interested.
- Breakfast – $1000
- Lunch – $1000
- Break – $500
- Bar – $1000
- Transportation – $750
Need more information or ready to lock a sponsorship? Contact us now.
They are talking about it!
Legal Brief: Marijuana at work
- Graveside Liabilities
- DOT for small trucks / vault carts
- Social Media Protection/Risks
- OSHA Top 10 Violations
Plant certifications are offered to active members for $1500 per site. The certification is valid for 5 years. Inspections are being conducted by concrete veteran Craig Anderson.
Annual Meeting 2019: Save the date!
- Aug 10-11, 2019 (Saturday/Sunday) -- tentative
- Plant tour w/ vendors + cemetery tour on Saturday– Bruns Doric Vault
- Cardinals/Pirates baseball game on Sunday
- St Louis. MO
- Board meeting: Friday Aug. 9
Thank you to our sponsor
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You can now print this newsletter (PDF) and share with others in your plant. PRINT NOW.
Website: http://www.ncbva.org/resources/Documents/NCBVA_newsletter_Dec122018.pdf
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National Concrete Burial Vault Association
Email: info@ncbva.org
Website: http://www.ncbva.org
Location: PO BOX 8314 | GREENVILLE SC, 29604
Phone: 888-886-2282
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