Pirates Post
Week of February 13th
Message from Principal Drew...
Our Winterguard team continues to impress with another outstanding performance this weekend at Grassfield High School in Virginia. Winterguard is a combination of dance, flags and performance art. Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Copeland for providing our students with this opportunity.
Monday - Boys Basketball @ Gates County, Baseball, Softball, and Girls Soccer tryouts begin
Tuesday - Valentine's Day - No deliveries should be made to students at school. Flowers, vases and balloons will not be allowed on buses to or from school.
Wednesday - Girls Basketball will host a semifinal game in the conference tournament
Thursday - Perquimans County Library will host a Black History Month program at 6:00 PM at the library building in Hertford
Friday - Basketball Conference Championship games will be played at PCHS
Saturday - PCHS Baseball Jamboree will take place from 10:00 AM until 8:00 PM. Lady Pirates Softball will scrimmage Riverside in Williamston.
Upcoming Dates to Remember:
February 13 - Beginning of Spring Sports practice. Any student wishing to play Girl's Soccer, Track, Softball, Golf or Baseball must have a physical on file before trying out.
April 10-14 - Spring Break
April 22 - PCHS Prom will be held for Seniors, Juniors and their guests at Albemarle Plantation
May 18 - Baccalaureate Service
June 9 - Graduation
Breakfast/Lunch Menu: February
FFA Poultry Judging Clinic
PCHS Highlights...
Math Department: Students of the Week...
Mrs. Baker - Kaydee Hunter - Math 1
Ms. Carver - Jordan Holt - Math 3
Mrs. Riddick - Ryleigh Watson - Math 2
Mr. Spruill - Qwajah Meny - Math 1
Team OCS: Team OCS is looking for donations of prom dresses for The Pirate Chest. If you have any dresses to donate, please contact Ms. Sutton.
"The Pirate Chest" will turn into "Cinderella's Closet"
When: February 18, 2023
Where: Perquimans County High School
Time: 11:00am-1:00pm
Auditions will be on February 23rd, throughout the day. You will be pulled out of class to attend auditions and then sent back to class afterward.
You will need to prepare a monologue no longer than 1 minute and 8-16 bars of a school-appropriate song.
BETA Club: Valen-KIND Week
"PQ Champion"...#BeTheOne
Mrs. Perry works tirelessly with our students in our agricultural classes. She is a leader in our school, region and state for FFA. She organized local and regional events that allow our students to be able to put into action the skills they learn through their classes. She is also a community leader. Mrs. Perry organizes our Hunger Heroes program that assists families in need throughout the county. She takes in donations and works with community partners to make sure that our students and their families have their needs met each week. Mrs. Perry also helps to coordinate and facilitate our student led Farmer's Market throughout the summer each year. Mrs. Perry is kind, supportive and encouraging to all of her students. She is a champion in every sense of the word.
Mr. Roberson is a leader in the Health and PE Department as well as the school. He delivers engaging lessons to the student which requires teamwork, peer learning, and plenty of effort. Students are encouraged to participate in physical activities that promote good health now and beyond high school. Additionally, he ensures that he provides adequate learning activities for all students enrolled in his classes. His teaching and learning environments are safe and well-managed, to reduce the risk of harm to everyone. Mr. Roberson has a great rapport with students, parents, colleagues, and the community at large. In addition to his teaching duties, Mr. Roberson is the Athletic Director, Varsity Baseball Coach, advisor to the Fellowship of Christian Athletics, and a positive role model for students and staff. Not to mention that he is the Head Coach of “Back-to-Back” State Champions. Hats off to this PQ Champion, Mr. Justin Roberson!
Mr. Fletcher does it all...before, during, and after school! You can find him driving a bus in the morning, cleaning the school during the day, helping in the cafeteria at lunch time, talking to staff and students in the hallways, and coaching after school. When you think of Pirate Pride, you think of Mr. Fletcher. He is dependable, dedicated, and hard working. He creates a positive teaching and learning environment for all at PCHS...he is a PQ Champion!
"Aggressive" Monitoring
"Love the Bus" Week: Feb. 13-17
NC Portrait of a Graduate
8th Grade Parent Night: Course Registration
Counselor's Corner: Student Services...
Mrs. Thomas = Last names A-K
Mrs. Stallings = Last names L-Z
Tentative Registration Schedule:
January 31 - Feb 3 - Individual meetings with juniors
February 3 - Sophomore class meeting during WIN
February 6 - 10 - Individual meetings with any remaining juniors, then sophomores
February 10 - Freshmen class meeting during WIN
February 13 - 17 - Individual meetings with any remaining sophomores, then freshmen
February 22 - 24 - Individual meetings continue
February 27 - March 3 - Individual meetings continue
Students will receive their registration form during the class meeting. Please review the course catalog with your parents over the weekend, complete the registration form, and return the signed form to student services on Monday.
College Center with Ms. Gray...
Music Scholarship Opportunities
2023 SCHOLARSHIP AND GRANT OPPORTUNITIES All deadlines March 1 For complete guidelines and application/nomination forms, visit https://ncmea.submittable.com/submit Details can also be found on the NCMEA website under Programs.
SCHOLARSHIPS BARBARA BAIR SCHOLARSHIP - $2,000 Awarded to a graduating North Carolina high school senior who has been accepted by, and will be entering, a North Carolina college or university the following fall as a Music Education major. Deadline 3/1 BILL McCLOUD SCHOLARSHIP - $2,000 Awarded to a collegiate member of NCMEA who is a resident of North Carolina and who has successfully completed 3 years in a music education degree program in North Carolina, with a GPA of 3.0. Deadline 3/1 RUTH JEWELL SCHOLARSHIP - $2,000 Awarded to a Music Education major who is a resident of North Carolina attending a North Carolina college or university. Deadline 3/1
NEW THIS YEAR! HORTENSE N. REID-KERR SCHOLARSHIP - $2,000 The Hortense N. Reid-Kerr scholarship is awarded to a Music Education major of a racial or ethnic minority who is a resident of North Carolina attending a North Carolina college or university. Hortense N. Reid-Kerr was the first full-term President of NCMEA and the first minority president of NCMEA (1971-1973). Hortense Reid-Kerr graduated from Howard University, an HBCU in Washington D.C. During Ms. Reid-Kerr’s tenure at Howard University she developed several generations of music educators, and although it is not a requirement, students from HBCUs are encouraged to apply. The scholarship is a one-time award of $2,000.00 and will be paid in a lump sum to the recipient and the college or university at the beginning of the recipient’s senior year. Deadline 3/1
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) application opened Oct 1st. If you intend to attend college or think you might attend college after high school, and are looking for money to help pay for school, you will need to complete the 23-24 FAFSA Application.
It is never too early to start thinking about funding college and start the scholarship application process. Please check out the Student Scholarship Spreadsheet for a list of current and active scholarships.
It is post graduation planning season! Ms.Gray, the College and Career Advisor, will continue to meet with juniors 1:1 to discuss their post graduation plans.
"How to Pay for College" Series with NCSEAA:
As part of Financial Aid Awareness month, NCSEAA and CFNC are pleased to bring you the How to Pay for College webinar series. Students and their families are often confused about how to bridge the gap between family funds, financial aid and the total cost of paying for college. Funding a college education shouldn’t be a mystery. Having a better understanding of the funding landscape can help families build a sound plan so students can focus on their studies. Week 4 – Comparing financial aid award letters February 23, 2023, 6-7 pm The cost of going to a private college can be very different from going to a public one so it can be hard to compare financial aid award letters. In this session we will help students consider the financial aid award packages they received so they can make the best choice for their education goals.
CFNC en Español Parent Program:
Hello CFNC Friends! In just another two weeks, our Spanish Services team will be launching CFNC en Español Parent Program. It consists of three parent workshops for our Spanish speaking community. Attached you’ll find flyers in English and Spanish. Descriptions of the programs are listed below.
Workshop 2: Supporting my Children to Take Advantage of High School Opportunities
The purpose of this session is to discuss with parents the great opportunities students have during high school to maximize their time and minimize costs. Topics such as graduation requirements, careers, college credit, internships, extracurricular activities, entrance exams, and personal development activities for future success.
Date: March 2, 2023 at 6pm
Registration: http://bit.ly/3Inceje
Workshop 3: Supporting my Child to Cover College Costs
The purpose of this discussion is to talk with parents about the different strategies available to pay for college. Including Residency Determination (RDS), Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), student loans, scholarships, grants, sponsorships, and other creative ways to finance post-secondary education.
Date: March 30, 2023 at 6pm
Registration: https://bit.ly/3vw8EM1
Future Teacher of North Carolina: Eastern Symposium (FTNCES)
The summer 2023 Future Teacher of North Carolina: Eastern Symposium (FTNCES) will be held at East Carolina University. The Eastern NC Symposium is a collaboration among East Carolina University, the University of North Carolina-Pembroke and the University of North Carolina-Wilmington. The Symposium takes the place of the Pirate Institute for Rural Aspiring Teacher Educators program that ECU offered last summer.
The summer 2023 symposium is a free two-day experience with an option to reside on campus for one night in an ECU residence hall. The symposium will offer rising high school juniors, seniors, and current seniors an opportunity to learn about teacher education programs at several UNC universities. Please share this information with your students who are interested in becoming a teacher and others within your networks as appropriate. Accepted participants are required to attend/complete the full two-day event.
Two symposium events will be offered on different dates however, the content will be the same for each event date. Applicants should register for the event date that works best for their schedule. Get more information: https://encfutureteachers.ecu.edu. The deadline to apply is April 24, 2023 at 3pm.
Apply here: bit.ly/3ZV4FGI
The Shelton Challenge is back at North Carolina Wesleyan University
The Shelton Challenge is a six-day (June 18-23, 2023) residential leadership experience to help students expand their knowledge and skills of what it takes to be an effective leader. Offered to rising 9th-grade to graduating seniors (graduating seniors included) with a 3.0+ unweighted GPA, hands-on activities focus on: personal leadership assessment and interpersonal dynamics, the role of values and ethics in leadership, leadership traits and approaches, empowering others, civic and social responsibility and goal setting. In addition to these aptitudes, students also engage in team-building activities like low- and high-ropes courses, rock climbing walls, service projects, and social activities in the evenings. The cost to attend the Shelton Challenge six-day residential program is $500. This cost includes all curriculum materials, lodging and food, low and high ropes training, transportation during the week, and night activities. With submitting the application, please mail a $100 deposit to hold space in the program. The deposit will go toward the final payment of $500. Please make all checks or money orders payable to the Shelton Challenge at N.C. Wesleyan University. Financial aid scholarships are available to applicants.
NC Wesleyan University will offer a scholarship in the amount of $1,000 to students who complete the Shelton Challenge and enroll as a full-time undergraduate student at North Carolina Wesleyan University. The scholarship is renewable for each academic year (fall/spring) if the student maintains an overall GPA of at least a 2.70 (and is enrolled as a full-time student) for a maximum of four academic years. Link for more information, and to apply to the Shelton Challenge: https://ncwc.edu/community/shelton-challenge/