The Cardinal Connection
Week of May 24th
At J.O. Wilson Elementary School, we are SOARing to success every day in every way by creating an environment in which joy, pride, positive interactions, and growth mindsets lead students to comfort in taking risks, self-advocating, and facing adversity.
Important Dates:
May 30th: Memorial Day Holiday...No School for students and staff
Jun 2nd: J.O. Wilson "Girls Rock" Pretty in Pink 1:30 PM-3 PM
Jun 4th: JOW Pre-Schoolers Build an Eco Bench Event 9 AM @Sherwood Recreation Center
Jun 9th: Literacy Night 5 PM-6:30 PM
Jun 10th: Career Day 9:30 AM-11:30 AM (more detailed information is forthcoming)
Jun 16th: Field Day
Jun 17th: 5th Grade Skate Party
Jun 21st: 5th Grade Dance
Jun 22nd: 5th Grade Promotion
Jun 24th: Last Day of School for Students
Cardinal Auction Night Success!
Cardinal Auction Night on Friday, May 13, was an enormous success! We had a great Cardinal Community turn-out, and we SOARed past our original goal of $15,000 all the way to $22,000! A huge thank you to all the businesses and individuals who generously donated items for auction. Because we hit our goal, our Cardinals get to celebrate with a PAJAMA DAY!
Thank you to our Cardinal-level sponsor, Treasury Department Federal Credit Union; our Gold-level sponsors, Jeanne Phil Meg Team at Compass Real Estate, Fulcrum Properties Group, National Capital Bank, Jenn Smira Team at Compass Real Estate; our Bronze-level sponsor, DC Access; and our drink sponsor Atlas Brew Works.
Finally, thank you to our community of bidders! With your support, the J.O. Wilson PTA is helping our scholars, teachers, and families SOAR!
J.O. Wilson PTA Board
Oh What A Night!
We Are In The Home Stretch With PARCC!
Playground Keepers Needed
Girls ROCK! Pretty in Pink!
Wanna Help JOW Pre-Schoolers Build An Ecobrick Bench?
Used Uniform Collection
Parenting Resilient Children Workshop June 2
For more than 27 years, Inspired Teaching has helped teachers create classrooms where children thrive. Learn how to bring this approach into your home. This event is open to all families J.O. families, regardless of ward residency. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/parenting-resilient-children-tickets-314503858507. Build social and emotional well-being using proven teaching techniques. Incorporate math, science, writing, reading, and social studies into your everyday activities. Foster fun and creative experiences without expensive materials.
This active and engaging workshop will begin with all attendees in the same "room" and then participants will be divided into Elementary and Secondary groups for activities geared to these age groups. Inspired Teaching's programs are known for being hands-on and interactive. We recommend participants come prepared to move and talk with fellow attendees. This is not a passive experience! All registrants will receive a copy of our "Resilient Summer Handbook" filled with the resources and ideas explored in this workshop.
June 2, 2022 | 7:00 - 8:30 PM
This FREE event is JUST FOR PARENTS/CAREGIVERS and is being offered in partnership with the Capitol Hill Community Foundation
Literacy Night on June 9
JOW's Career Fair Is June 10th
School Calendar?
Remember to check out and sign-up for the school calendar, which has important upcoming dates like Literacy Night (June 9) and the next General Body PTA Meeting (June 14). https://www.jowilsondcps.org/about/calendar.
Field Day Is June 16!
Do you qualify for discounted Amazon Prime membership?
Amazon offers discounted Prime memberships in some circumstances. If you are a college student or qualify for one of the 10 listed public assistance programs, such as SNAP, Medicaid, or WIC, you can get Amazon Prime for significantly less, up to 50% off. Check here to see if you qualify for a discount: https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html/?ie=UTF8&nodeId=G54BETR9USUZFZW5 If you do have an Amazon account, select JO Wilson Es PTA as your favorite charity at smile.amazon.com, and all your Amazon orders through the site will help support our school.
Other ways to Support J.O. Wilson when you shop:
Harris Teeter: Link your VIC card to J.O. Wilson through Harris Teeter's Together in Education program. Give your cashier the code 1267 and your VIC card when you check out.
French Toast: When you order school uniforms through French Toast using the code QS5AIXF, 5 percent of all proceeds will be donated to the J.O. Wilson PTA.