An Early Childhood Community of Practice
You are invited
As a recognized leader of change in the Orthodox Jewish Early Childhood community, you are invited to join a small, dynamic team of leaders who are committed to their own professional growth, the growth of their institutions and the growth of others. We would be happy to welcome you in 5776/5777 to this exciting community of practice designed for leaders and lifelong learners.
Participants involved in this initiative will:
- Be a part of a small cohort of expert leaders in Jewish Early Childhood centers who will learn and study together, as well as offer support and nourishment to one another.
- Further develop skills as a leader in the Early Childhood world, with the guidance of subject matter experts Diana Ganger and Rabbi Meir Muller and coaches who specialize in Orthodox early childhood settings.
Program Elements Include:
Four webinars
- Tuesday, September 20, 2016
- Tuesday, November 8, 2016
- Tuesday, February 7, 2017
- Tuesday, March 21, 2017 (times to be determined by the group)
Two Conferences:
- December 11-13, 2016, Fuchs Mizrachi School, Cleveland, Ohio
- May 7-10, 2017, The Paradigm Project Conference. This will include pre- and post-conference sessions.
Coaching between sessions
by #ParadigmProjectCoaches Lesley Schwersenski and Alana Weinberg.
Shared reading
Select books will be shipped to you and will be discussed together.
Through generous grant funding from the Covenant Foundation, the cost to each participant is $1,000 plus travel.
This tuition includes conference fees, speakers, accommodations, food, books, and materials. Limited scholarships are available if needed; please email Alana.