Cougar Update
July 30, 2023
Sept. 17, 2023
No School Friday, Sept. 22
There is no school on Friday, Sept. 22nd to allow us an opportunity to provide our staff with professional development.
Picture Retakes
Physical and Immunization Reminder
This is just a reminder to 7th grade parents to please have your child's physical and immunizations updated prior to October 11th to avoid exclusion. Nebraska law requires a physical exam and Tdap immunization before students start their 7th grade school year. The physical must be dated within 6 months of the start of the school year. If you have any questions, please contact Nurse Bowley.
Weights will be starting Tuesday, Sept. 19th. Ms. Kramer will be at door 1 greeting students from 6:15 am - 6:30 am. Students must arrive prior to 6:30 am. All students are welcome to participate in weights every Tuesday and Thursday morning.
Upcoming Events
- Sept. 18 - 8:15 am - Picture retakes
- Sept. 18 - 4:15 pm - 7th grade Volleyball at Hastings
- Sept. 19 - 4:15 pm - 8th grade Football vs Barr at Westridge
- Sept. 19 - 4:15 pm - 8th grade Volleyball at Hastings
- Sept. 20 - 4:00 pm - 7th grade D League Volleyball at Westridge
- Sept. 20 - 4:00 pm - 8th grade D League Volleyball at Walnut
- Sept. 20 - 4:00 pm - D League Football at Barr
- Sept. 21 - 4:15 pm - 7th grade Football at Barr
- Sept. 22 - NO SCHOOL
- Sept. 22 - 4:30 pm - Cross Country at Walnut Invite
- Sept. 25 - 7:00 pm- PTO meeting
Tips for Positive Attendance
- Avoid taking extended trips when school is in session.
- Set bedtime and morning routines with your child to develop expectations of regular school attendance.
- Have a consistent transportation plan ahead of time.
- Talk with your child about their feelings toward school. Acknowledge any negative feelings toward school attendance.
- Consult with your child’s physician or the school nurse when illness is contributing to absenteeism.
- Schedule appointments outside of school hours as often as possible.
- Monitor your student’s attendance and grades on Synergy through the ParentVue app.
- Talk with your student’s teacher, social worker, or counselor to address any concerns; We are in this together!
Student IDs
Students are required to have a student ID visible on their upper body at all times when they are in the building. All students will receive a temporary ID and lanyard on the first day of school. They will need to exchange that temporary ID for their permanent ID approximately 1 week after school pictures are taken. If a student forgets their ID they may purchase a temporary sticker ID in the main office for $1. Students may also purchase a new lanyard in the main office for $1. If a student loses their ID they may purchase a new ID and lanyard for $5 in the main office.
Dress for Success
To help ensure we start the year with positive momentum at Westridge, we wanted to share a friendly reminder about the “Dress for Success” district dress code.
Your students deserve to be confident AND prepared while at school. Part of those preparation efforts include dress code.
Apparel must comply with health and safety codes and not detract from learning.
For all students, mid-thigh to top of chest are to be covered while also concealing undergarments.
Approved religious attire or protective headwraps are approved. At this time, due to safety - hoods, caps, bandanas, durags, etc. are not approved to wear while in school buildings.
IDs must be worn and be visible at all times.
Feel free to explore the full dress code policy on the district website HERE and our handy “Dress for Success” flyers in English and Spanish.