Longhorn Stampede
(for August 30 - Sept 4) Learn. Empower. Accept. Develop.
Lone Star Elementary
Dr. Catherine Bartlett, Principal
Kelly Lout, Assistant Principal
Website: http://schools.misd.org/page/lses.homepage
Location: 16600 FM 2854 Road, Montgomery, TX, USA
Phone: (936) 276-4500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lsemontgomery/
Twitter: @lse_montgomery
Important Dates
September 1 - Garden Day for 5th Grade
September 3 - College Colors Day, wear your favorite team's shirt or colors!
September 14 - PTA Meeting, 11:00, room 101
September 14 - Progress Reports go home
September 28 - Fall Pictures
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Click on the picture for lunch visitor procedures.
Nurse's Notes
Dear Lone Star Families,
Dear Lone Star Families,
I have spent most of my time this week on the phone or answering emails. We appreciate all the rapid communication from parents of students with positive Covid testers in their home. I have heard many times this week that this is a test a parent hopes their child would fail! I have not heard of any of our LSE students or siblings that have been hospitalized . For this we are very grateful.
A look at the Covid tracker (link below) will show the wave has been increasing. LSE will begin today notifying parents by email if an individual in their child's homeroom has tested positive in the previous few days. Email notifications will go out on Tuesday afternoons of the cases reported that day and the day before. Also, each Friday afternoon, email letters will go to each homeroom parent of any class with a Covid positive individual reported later that same week. This will help parents to watch more closely their child's symptoms to keep them home for a day or 2 for anything unusual. And then getting them to a doctor or tested before returning to school if still not 100%.
Regarding testing, MISD free Covid testing center has been swamped ,as well as local clinics and pharmacies that test. It is also difficult to find home Covid testing kits at CVS or Walmart. MISD will soon post job a opening to help out with free MISD Covid testing for students and staff. Other duties will include communicating with the Montgomery County Health Department . PPE provided! That is an inside scoop! You heard it first because you read LSE Nurse's Notes!
Please continue to reach out to me for any questions or concerns.
Monica Lemke, R.N.
LSE School Nurse
Counselor's Corner
All the best,
Grace Smith