News and events
Hamilton Hurricanes - September 2022
A message from the principal
Expect, Engage, and Empower
It's back to school at Hamilton! We are excited to bring learning to our students this year through our theme of 'Expect, Engage, and Empower.' It starts with 'Expect' both of ourselves and our students. We know our students are valuable and capable. We need to hold ourselves to the expectation that we do whatever it takes to meet the needs of every student. And, likewise, holding our students to the expectation that 'they can' accomplish great things by taking risks and us coming alongside the challenges to support the best outcomes.
Then we move from a feeling of reward to developing the confidence to 'Empower' our students to have the skills, knowledge, and resources to navigate the future! Our students are our future leaders! Let's empower them to lead!
On behalf of our students, families, and staff, I am proud of the work we do together at Hamilton! Thank you for partnering with us in your child's education. If you'd like to know how to get involved, you can do this by volunteering, signing up for conferences, and coming to PTO. We also invite you to come and have lunch with your child here at school!
We are amazing, and we will do great things!
Upcoming Events
Hamilton WatchD.O.G. S. (Dads of Great Students)
Pizza Night - Join us with your student for free pizza and learn about this great program!
Pizza night is Thursday, October 13th from 5:30-6:30 pm in the cafeteria. Please return the completed, blue WatchD.O.G.S. form by Monday, October 10th.
What is WatchD.O.G.S.? It is spending the day with your student learning what they do during the school day. You get to spend time in their classroom, at lunch, and out at recess!! How fun is that!!
I know they will love to have you spend the day or part of the day with them here at Hamilton!
Look in your child’s backpack for your invitation!
You can fill out the necessary volunteer paperwork at
(Scroll down, check ‘Hamilton Elementary’, then click ‘Hamilton volunteer application’) or Contact Amanda Ulrich Volunteer Service Coordinator at 763-506-2730 or
Hamilton Hoopla
Hamilton Hoopla is a fun fall fundraising event put on by the
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
Join us for this PTO Fundraiser on October 15th from 2-4 pm!
Volunteers are needed! Please sign up if you are able to help.
Hoopla Helpers:
Games/Activities: This would be perfect for young adults or high school clubs/sports teams to be involved. The PTO will have predetermined games and the volunteers will help monitor and facilitate.
Trunk or Treat: We need people willing to decorate their vehicles! Get creative with this and decorate your car, dress in costume or come as you are to pass out candy to the kiddos. Volunteers are responsible for purchasing their own decorations, costumes and candy/items to pass out to the children. We are also looking for trunk-or-treat candy/trinket donations.
Silent Auction: We are looking for people/groups to either donate items for the baskets, request donations from companies or put together baskets for the silent auction. If you have specific questions please ask.
Volunteer news
You can make a difference!
Current Opportunities:
Picture Day:
Hoopla Helpers:
Cafeteria Helpers:
Teacher Projects:
Recess Helpers:
Join us for our next PTO Meeting on October 19th from 6:30-7:30.
Amanda Ulrich
Hamilton Elementary Volunteer Service Coordinator
T/W/Th 9:30-11:00am & 2:00-3:30pmtext here.
Try this at home
Math Corner
Have you ever wondered what this "new math" is all about?
This year's Math Corner will include a short video that may help to answer that question. The videos will show the progression of math skills beginning in kindergarten and how those skills build in subsequent grade levels. This month's video focus is the progression of addition and subtraction with a video by Graham Fletcher.
3rd and 4th Grade
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Reading Corner
How often do you read with your student?
Reading at home will help support your student at school. Building a routine for at home reading is a great way to ensure that you read each day. While reading with your student, be sure to talk to them about reading.
Here is a video on what this may look like:
September Citizenship Awards
Congratulations to our September Citizenship Award Honorees! These students are recognized for exemplifying the core character values of Respect, Responsibility, Making Good Choices, Being Kind and Valuing the Importance of Learning!
Kindergarten - Jasper D, Tenley R, Neva O
1st Grade - Maddy N, Rylie L, Aria V, Raymond H
2nd Grade - Arien T, Tyrann J
3rd Grade - Noah N, Amelia N, Brandon L
4th Grade - Eli A, Jasmine W, Vincent Y, Adam X
5th Grade - Wyatt Y, Adbdulazeez I, Sarah K, Kylie Z
Community Education
Welcome Back!
Community Education classes are starting soon. We are starting the school year with some favorite classes.
Hurricane Club starts Wednesday October 5 8-8:40 am for 4 weeks
Candy Science meets Thursday October 13 3:30-4:30 pm for 1 week.
You can sign up for classes at Register for classes at Hamilton
If you need scholarship information please call the Community Education office at 763-506-2712
Anna Heinrich
Community Education Programmer
School Social Worker
Hello! I am Jodi Sandquist, the new School Social Worker at Hamilton Elementary. This is my 10th year in the Anoka Hennepin Schools. I just wanted to introduce myself and let families know I am here to help. Please reach out to me if your child is in need of counseling services or you would like your child to be in a support group or skills group. I also help with basic needs, such as weekend meals, winter clothes, if you are experiencing homelessness or if you are needing resources in the community. I am here to support families and give students the social/emotional tools they need to enhance their educational experience. You can reach me at or 763-506-2731. I look forward to partnering with you.
The Harbor hosts a drive-thru food distribution on the last Wednesday of the month from 2:30-4:30 p.m. No one will be turned away. The day of the event, the Faith Lutheran parking lot will be well marked to direct cars to the west lot along Hanson Boulevard, which is where we check in our neighbors and distribute food from multiple sources. Everyone is welcome – including walkers!
Headway Emotional Health
Headway Emotional Health provides school-based therapy at Hamilton Elementary School. The school-based therapist works with students and families by addressing emotional, behavioral and/or social issues that may be interfering with a student’s success in school, at home or in the community. By providing services within the school day, the therapist is readily available to support students and collaborate with teachers and families. Working with a trained mental health therapist can help children overcome adversity and develop resilience. These skills can lead to marked improvements in attendance, behavior, and academic success. To start services, families complete paperwork and meet with the therapist for an intake. Headway accepts private insurance and medical assistance. Sliding scale fees and payment options are available based on need. Our therapist, Julia Arfinengo, is available for questions.
Please contact Julia at 763-222-7222 or email her at
Apply for educational benefits for the 2022-23 school year
All Anoka-Hennepin families are encouraged to apply for the educational benefits program for the upcoming school year. A new application must be submitted each school year.
By completing this application, students may receive free or reduced fees for transportation, meals, academic, and co-curricular activities. Please visit to set up, or log in to your SchoolCafe account and complete an application for free or reduced-price meal and other benefits. The educational benefits program not only ensures that students have access to nutritious meals, it also provides critical federal funding for schools.
As a reminder, the federal subsidy to provide free school meals for every student will no longer be available this school year. Only one application is needed per household. Please contact the child nutrition department with any questions or assistance at 763-506-1240 or
Video link:
Health services
Clothing Donations Needed
Underpants Boys - 5-6, 8-10 and 12.
Underpants Girls - 5-6 and 8.
Pants with an elastic waistband - Boys and Girls - 6,8,10 and 12. (No jeans, please.)
Reminder from the health office
*If your student has a fever of 100 degrees or more, they need to stay home a minimum of 24 hours after the temperature is below 100, without fever reducing medication.
*If your student has had diarrhea or vomiting they need to stay home a minimum of 24 hours after the last episode.
Transportation update
School Board invites stakeholder input in the search for a new superintendent
Dear Anoka-Hennepin Schools Stakeholders:
The Anoka-Hennepin School Board is seeking your input as we begin the important responsibility of hiring a new superintendent.
Dr. Kenneth Dragseth and Dr. Antoinette Johns from the firm School Exec Connect will meet with board members, school district staff, parents, students, and community members individually and in focus groups to determine the strengths, challenges, goals for our district and the characteristics or skills you would like to see in a superintendent. Additionally, our staff and community members will have the opportunity to give anonymous written feedback to the consultants via a link from our district website beginning September 12, 2022. Using this information, we will develop a profile of the desired skills and characteristics in the next superintendent.
The position will be advertised, and candidates will be recruited, beginning in August and the School Board will determine which candidates to participate in first-round interviews on November 28, 2022. The Board will interview four to six recommended candidates on November 29 and 30 and is expected to narrow the field to two or three finalist candidates at that time. Each finalist will be invited for an all-day interview process on December 5, December 6 and December 7, and the selection of a preferred candidate to serve as the new superintendent is expected on Dec. 7, 2022.
The process for selecting a new superintendent will include feedback from interviews conducted by committees made up of staff, parents, and community members as well as a final formal Board interview. Feedback and considerations from an online survey will also be provided to inform decision making by the School Board.
You may choose to give your anonymous feedback to us beginning September 12, 2022 by accessing the Anoka-Hennepin Schools website at and completing the survey form. All replies will be anonymous. Please submit feedback by Oct. 4, 2022.
Please feel free to contact Ken Dragseth at 952-210-2790 or Toni Johns at 612-309-1511 if you have any questions regarding the search. We look forward to your assistance in this search process and believe that your input will help us make the best possible choice for your next superintendent.
Board of Education, Anoka-Hennepin Schools
Marci Anderson, Chair
Nicole Hayes, Vice Chair
Erin Heers-McArdle, Treasurer
Jeff Simon, Clerk
Kacy Deschene, Director
Matt Audette, Director
Community and stakeholder feedback is an essential element to a successful search for a new superintendent. Please provide your input for consideration. All replies will remain anonymous. Please submit feedback by Oct. 4, 2022.
Complete a survey by clicking on the link(s) below:
This e-newsletter is published by Hamilton Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.