Swinefleet Primary School
11th February 2022
Contact us
Email: swinefleet.primary@eastriding.gov.uk
Website: www.swinefleetprimaryschool.co.uk
Location: Swinefleet Primary School, Low Street, Swinefleet, Goole, UK
Phone: 01405 704386
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SwinefleetPrimary
Twitter: @Swinefleet_Pr
I have had a wonderful fortnight working with Diamonds class on their English. The work they have produced has been truly amazing. Mrs Thurlow, has also enjoyed working with the Sapphires and the standard of their writing has been very impressive.
I have heard so many wonderful comments about how hard the children have been working throughout the school and I couldn't be prouder.
I hope you enjoy reading a little about what we have all been up to below.
Have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday!
Miss Bishell-Wells
Gung Hei Fat Choi!’ (Happy New Year in Chinese)
In Pearls class, we have been learning all about Chinese New Year celebrations. We have been making lanterns, writing Chinese numbers in the sand, writing menus with Chinese foods and trying to use chopsticks! We have also been focusing on tigers, as 2022 is the year of the tiger.
In maths, we have been looking at adding numbers together using number sentences and using + (add/plus) and = (equals). We have just begun looking at subtraction too.
We are all continuing to work very hard, and we are also improving, when putting our coats and winter clothes on. Thank you for your help at home.
Last week, in Rubies we have had a fun week learning how to write a set of instructions. Our instructions were to inform someone how to make a cloud blower!
We even made our own cloud blowers from pipe cleaners.
We have also been showing off our acting skills as we created our own role plays to retell the story of 'The Good Samaritan', as we have been looking at how people care for others, in our R.E lessons.
Over the last two weeks, Diamonds have been working on their English skills. We have looked at a range of writing styles and focused on writing a formal letter. We spent time acting, by putting ourselves into the fictional characters shoes to think about how we would feel if we were them. In science, we have also been busy discovering fossils and how they are created. We explored an animal of our choice and how they have adapted to life in comparison with their ancestors.
Examples of our Formal Letter Writing Work
Diamonds Y3-4
Sapphires Y5-6
Reading Rewards Reminder
This term the children need to earn the following number of reads for each prize level. If you child attends one of the school reading clubs this is worth 3 reads meaning they would at least get Bronze level but if they attend both they would get enough for Gold.
Remember younger children could listen to a story and this counts as a read.
As much as we prefer listening to clips of your child read/be read to on Tapestry/Seesaw, you can record reads on paper.
15 reads (3 reads a week) = Bronze Level
20 reads (4 reads a week) = Silver Level
30 reads (6 reads a week) = Gold Level
If your child is not signed up to reading club and they would like to attend please just give us a ring. Lunchtime book club is open to all children whether they have booked or not. This week was a huge success with over half the children attending. Mrs Thurlow and I love hearing them read and Mr Gudmunsen even joined us this week.
P.E Days for this Half-term (January to February Half-Term)
Rubies - Tuesdays and Thursdays wear P.E kit to school.
Diamonds - Mondays and Tuesdays wear P.E kit to school.
Sapphires - Mondays and Thursdays wear P.E kit to school.
Please note that children should only come in P.E kit when specified and should otherwise be in full uniform. Uniform is not compulsory for Nursery children.
Due to limited space we try to do P.E outdoors so please wear kit suitable to colder weather.
Up and Coming Dates
Extra-Curricular Clubs
Reading Clubs are on a Wednesday lunchtime with Miss Bish and Mrs Thurlow -all ages welcome.
Homework and Supporting your Child
Homework including spellings can be found on your child's Sessaw or Tapestry account along with their SMIRFS target (this is age dependant). If you are having any difficulties please see a member of your child's class team.
Knowledge organisers with key things for your child to learn this half-term are available on class pages and Seesaw/Tapestry. You can also see these by selecting your child's class below.
If your child has been in contact with a positive case, it is recommended that they are tested daily. A PCR is advised if you have been in contact with a positive case but are not showing symptoms as it often detects the virus before you are infectious.