News and events
April Newsletter
A message from the principal
Monroe Families,
Welcome to April. There are many exciting things happening this month at Monroe. April is our month for MCA testing in grades 3, 4, and 5. Please be watching for more information from your student's classroom teachers regarding their MCA schedule. When MCA testing is done, students will wrap up the testing season with a MAP test sometime in May.
Registration is now open for our Booster Fundraiser. Here are some important dates to know:
- April 6th-19th- registration website open for families to start fundraising. Families who register prior to April 20th are entered into a drawing for a $50 Urban Air Gift Card!
- April 20th- Fundraising Kick-off
- April 28th- GLOW RUN (ALL students will get to participate no matter their level of fundraising!)
- April 28th 6:00-7:30pm- Glow Engineering Family Night
Thank you so much for all your support!
Keep Being Amazing,
Mrs. Oliver
Mrs. Amy Oliver
Mr. Scott Mattis
Important Dates
April 6th Booster Fundraiser Registration Opened
April 11th- Gear Up for Kindergarten
April 14th- 2nd Grade Field Trip- Science Museum
April 18th & 19th- 3, 4 & 5 Reading MCA Test
April 20th- Glow Week Fundraiser Kick off Assembly
April 25th & 26th- 3, 4 & 5 Math MCA Test
April 26th- Kindergarten Field Trip- Galewood Farms
April 28th- Glow Run Fundraiser Event- during school
April 28th- 6:00-7:30pm Glow Engineering Family Night
May 11th- Fun and Fitness Day
Glow Run Fundraiser with Booster and Monroe PTO
Monroe PTO's fundraiser this year will be a GLOW Run. The fundraiser will run from April 6-28 culminating with an all school glow run on Friday, April 28. Registration is now open! Visit to get started! Watch for additional emails and flyers coming home with more information.
Registration Challenge
Get registered before April 20th to be entered into drawing for a $50 Urban Air Gift Card!
Disney Sweepstakes
Register and get entered into the Booster Sponsored Disney Sweepstakes. Complete additional tasks for more entries!
Corporate Matching
Check out the cool feature Booster offers to see if your company offers any corporate matching!
RSVP for the GLOW Engineering Family Night
GEAR Up for Kindergarten will be April 11th from 5:30-7:30pm. This is a chance to meet the kindergarten teachers as well as learn more about life in Kindergarten. If you have new neighbors with kindergartners, please have them contact the office at 763-506-3600.
Parents who use the parent pick up line in either the morning, afternoon or both, here are a few things to remember:
- In the AM pick up line students need to be ready to get out once they are in front of the school. That means their coats are on and their backpacks are zipped. Staff will open doors as available but please have students get out as quickly as possible.
- You MUST have your number displayed in the afternoon. Please have your number displayed so that any staff collecting numbers can easily see and record for pick up. If you need a replacement orange number card, please contact the office.
- If you are having someone else pick up they must have the orange number card. Please explain the pickup process to them.
- Please wait in the lines to file in and out. Please do not skip around another car unless directed by a staff.
- Times:
- AM drop off in the morning starts at 9:00am. Please watch for staff to wave rounds in.
- PM pick starts at 3:45pm. Please make sure you are in line no later than 3:55pm.
News from the School Social Workers
Mrs. Amy Elder
Supports Kindergarten through 2nd Grade
Main Line: 763-506-3631
Google Voice: 763-307-9940
Mrs. Kelly Thorsten
Supports 3rd through 5th Grade
Main Line: 763-506-3627
Google Voice: 763-307-4747
Updated Hennepin County Resources
Here are some updated resources from Hennepin County. Click on the documents below to view information.
Is your family in need of food or toiletries? If so, you can use our school’s food shelf. It’s easy, fast, and confidential.
Here are some options:
- Reach out to a social worker to set up a time
- Scan or click the QR code to sign up to shop
Every Meal
Every Meal is a non-profit organization with a mission to fight child hunger through community and school partnerships. Every Meal supports families with programming over the weekend, summer and extended school breaks. If you are interested in signing up for the free food support, please use the following link:
April's Character Trait
Volunteer news
Volunteers like you help our students, school and entire community be a better place! Thank you for giving your time, talents and energy throughout the year!
We are so grateful! So far this year, you have given 850 hours! We appreciate all of you each and everyday and will be celebrating you during National Volunteer Appreciation Week which is April 16th-23rd.
Please join us for a special reception on Friday, April 21st from 11:00am-3:00pm. There will be refreshments and a little "Thank you" gift for all!!
Hope you can join us!!
Wendy Brown
Volunteer Online Paperwork
Health services
Happy April!
As the weather warms up and the rest of the snow melts, the playground is wet. The health office is able to support students who need a change of clothes for various situation but not to change when they get wet a recess. If your student is one who tends to get wet at recess, consider sending extra clothes with them to school in their backpack.
Along with warmer weather comes allergies. Please contact the health office if you have concerns about your students allergies.
Any other health related questions, please feel free to contact us @ 763-506-3624!
Who knows what the weather will be in April?
Updates from our Parent Educator: Welde Kollie
General School Information
Dismissal Line: Please use this line to make any changes to your student's transportation for the afternoon. Any changes need to be made prior to 3pm. The number is 763-506-3614.
Parent Drop Off/Pick Up: Our new parent drop off/pick up system is in full swing. We continue to make modifications to make the process run more smoothly. Please be sure that you wait in the line along the south side of Brookdale Drive until you are directed to enter the front parking lot. This ensures safety for our students as they arrive and leave Monroe.
Attendance Information: Please be sure to call the attendance line if your student is sick, will be out of town or has a doctor's appointment. Absence number is: 763-506-3606.
This e-newsletter is published by Monroe Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.