@HSD Health Update
April 25, 2022
The Daily COVID Questionnaire - No Longer Active as of Tuesday, April 26
- As shared in prior @HSD Health Communications, the daily COVID questionnaire for students and staff, recently revised, was to remain in use at least until April 14.
- Although case rates have risen, reported cases in the district remain low; there are currently five active cases reported.
- As a result, effective tomorrow, April 26, the daily COVID questionnaire will no longer be required for students or staff.
- However, all members of our community must remain vigilant and aware of any COVID-like symptoms. Please stay home when you are ill and take advantage of the 3x weekly testing clinics (see below for more info) and utilize our free Rapid COVID tests that are being distributed.
- HSD also strongly encourages all community members to follow the CDC's guidance on vaccinations and boosters.
Event Information
COVID Rapid Antigen Test Kits - FREE Distribution Event
- HSD has received a supply from the NJDOH of COVID-19 Antigen Home Tests (Flowflex) to distribute to HSD students.
- Test kits only for those that did not receive test kits during our first destruction event
- Tests are not permitted for use by staff, parents, or students not currently enrolled in the district.
- During this event, HSD will distribute up to 2 kits per student.
- Testing with the kits is done in the comfort of your own home, at a time that is convenient for you and your students.
- Each test kit will come with easy-to-follow directions on specimen collection and a link to report results to the school.
- Please be sure to RSVP for this event to prepare a sufficient supply to distribute (we will run another distribution event if supply remains).
The Distribution Process
- This is a stay-in-your-car distribution event (walk-ups welcomed).
- Tests will only be distributed to parents.
- Enter through the Central/Middle parking lot on Lincoln Avenue.
- Follow the flow of traffic onto the blacktop area.
- Staff will verify # of students enrolled and distribute two kits per student to the parent/guardian.
- Parent/guardian will sign to verify pick-up and guidelines.
- Cars will then exit onto Chestnut Street.
Tuesday, May 3, 2022, 04:00 PM
Central School Blacktop
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
COVID Testing
- COVID Testing remains free of charge regardless of insurance status for HSD students and staff at our weekly testing clinics.
- We recommend that students and staff complete the testing registration process so that there are no barriers to testing when/if the need arises.
- Students and staff must be fully registered a minimum of 48 hours before testing.
- Click here for testing registration and here for testing dates/times.
Report COVID+ Cases
- Click here to report positive cases of COVID-19 for students/staff.
Haddonfield School District
Email: gpriolo@haddonfield.k12.nj.us
Website: https://haddonfieldschools.org/
Location: 1 Lincoln Avenue, Haddonfield, NJ, USA
Phone: 856-429-7510
Facebook: facebook.com/HaddonfieldSchoolDistrict/
Twitter: @HaddonSchools