February 16

Friday, February 16
A Note From Mrs. Fragomeni
It was an exciting week for our Blue Jays! On Tuesday, kindergarten and first grade students celebrated the 100th day of learning! The day was filled with activities that focused on patterns and relationships to the number 100. Kindergartens completed various counting and sorting activities. First grade students created their 100th day projects and shared them with each other. There were so many creative ways to show 1-0-0!
Blue Jays celebrated Valentine's Day with Candy Grams, Valentine's, parties, games, laughter, and friends. Thank you families for supporting our learners throughout this busy, yet fun filled week.
I hope you have a restful break. I look forward to seeing our Blue Jays on Monday, February 26
Go Blue Jays!
Lauren Fragomeni
Intent to Return Form
It's Time to Fill Out an Intent to Return Form
It’s time to let us know if your children will be returning to the Berkley School District next year.
The District has created a simple form for all families with students in grades TK-11 to fill out inside of the MISTAR Parent Portal. Your responses will help us create our classroom communities and courses for next year. Follow the steps below to complete the form, once per child. Form entries are due Friday, February 16 at the end of the day.
How to fill out the form:
- Log into MISTAR Parent Portal
- In the top right corner click on Intent to Return in bold, red lettering.
- Next to each student, click the Edit button on the right hand side.
- Answer the questions listed, if applicable, and once completed, click the box next to “Click to confirm you have reviewed this section…”
- Click the Submit button at the top.
- Repeat for additional children.
You can also find the Intent to Return form in the MISTAR App. The App can be used to complete the intent to return form as well as track attendance, report absences and view grades.
To download the app, follow these directions:
- In your mobile device app store, download Q ParentConnection.
- Inside the app, select the State, County and District.
- Select Enter ParentConnection.
- In the upper right, select Log In.
- Enter your MISTAR Parent Portal Pin and Password.
- To complete the Intent to Return Form in the App:
- Click the three lines in the upper right corner.
- Click on Re-Enrollment.
- Next to your student's name, click the Edit button.
- Complete the Intent to Return steps.
- Click the submit button.
This form is now overdue, please respond prior to Monday.
If you are having problems logging in, have questions about completing information online or are experiencing technical difficulties email mistarhelp@berkleyschools.org. Be sure to include your name, the name of your child and a phone number where you can be reached.
Burton Spirit Wear Order
Show off your Blue Jay pride with new spirit wear! Choose from a variety of logos, colors, shirts, sweatshirts, and more. Now featuring special Burton Alumni swag too!
Order will be accepted online through February 28 at 11:59pm. Spirit wear will delivered to your child's classroom.
Community Chat with Superintendent Francis
Superintendent Scott Francis will host community chats this semester. Community members are invited to share thoughts about the Berkley School District at this informal community forum on the following dates:
Thursday, February 15, 8:30-9:30 am. Topic: Bond & Sinking Fund Facility Updates
Monday, May 20, 5:30-6:30 pm. Topic: TBD
All Community Chat events will be held at the Berkley Schools Administrative Offices, 14501 Talbot, Oak Park. Refreshments will be provided.
Art Studio
Glow in the Dark Art Show
Burton Glow in the Dark Art Show is March 14 from 5:00pm-7:00pm . Celebrate our Burton artists and wear white or neon colors to glow!
Literacy Night & African American Site Party
Save the date...Thursday, February 29! Burton PTA and the Berkley School District are hosting two events in one literacy filled evening for families! Beginning at 5:30pm families are invited to join for Literacy Night. There will be a variety of stations throughout the building focusing on literacy. Please join your child at each station as the activities are intended for families. The media center will be open during the Literacy Night for families to read and spend time together!
Literacy stations will conclude at 6:45pm as the next event will begin promptly at 7:00pm. Berkley School District is partnering with Oakland Schools to host the African American Read In. From 7:00pm - 8:00pm students and families are invited to join the watch site party in the Burton Media Center (you can even join virtually from home) as we live stream award winning author and illustrator, Don Tate! All Berkley Schools families who register for the event will receive a free copy of Don Tate's latest book, Jerry Changed the Game.
We ask that an adult accompany your child at all times throughout the Literacy Night events. If you are interested in volunteering please sign up below.
Important Events
- No School for Mid Winter Break: Monday, February 19th - Friday, February 23rd
- No School - Tuesday, February 27 (teacher professional learning day)
- Family Reading Night (starts at 5:30pm) and the African American Read In (starts at 7:00pm) - Thursday, February 29
Burton Behind the Scenes
Looking for a glimpse into all the learning, fun, and creativity at Burton? Please follow me, principal_fragomeni on Instagram.
Morning Announcements
Each week our morning announcements continued to focus on kindness, respect, and empathy featuring:
- The Pledge from a different classroom each week
- Wednesday Would You Rather? and Too Cute Tuesday!
- Friday Read Aloud
- Important events happening at Burton
PTA Information
Founders' Day Awards
The Burton PTA presented the Founders' Day Awards on Tuesday. Founder's Day is a Berkley Area PTSA Council Event in which the community votes to recognize an Educator of the Year, Support Staff member of the Year, and PTA member of the Year. Those recognized will be celebrated at the Club Venetian Banquet Center on March 1st, all are welcome to attend.
Educator of the Year: Ms. Courtney Emery, Kindergarten Teacher
Support Staff of the Year: Mrs. Fragomeni (I was quite shocked to receive this award, thank you for making me feel so special)
PTA Member of the Year: Leah Wallbillich
Lunch Menu
Starting Monday, March 4 students will have two new lunch options available.
1. Wow Butter and Jelly Jammer with string cheese and whole grain cheez-its (peanut/tree nut free)
2. Chicken Popper Salad served with graham cracker (salad includes popcorn chicken and shredded mozzarella cheese over a blend of spinach and romaine lettuce) italian/ranch dressing available on the side.
BSD Calendar
Go Blue Jays!