Principal's Update
October 20, 2023
Upcoming Dates
School hours: 7:55am-2:15pm
Wednesday 25 | Early Release @ 1:15
Thursday 26 | Conferences 8:00-8:00
Thursday 26 | Scholastic Book Fair 8:00-8:00
Friday 27 | Conferences 7:30-11:00 or 8:00-12:00
Friday 27 | Scholastic Book Fair 8:00-10:00
Saturday & Sunday 28 & 29 | Bottle Drop Weekend 10:00-5:00
Wednesday 1 | Early Release @ 11:00
Thursday 2 | Chess Club begins, Thursdays @ 2:20
Tuesday 7 | Picture Retakes
Tuesday 7 | All PAC Mtg @ Archer Glen, 5:30
Wednesday 8 | Early Release @ 1:15
Thursday 9 | DNO @ Joe’s Burgers
Friday 10 | Veterans Day Observed - No School
Saturday & Sunday 11 & 12 | Bottle Drop Weekend 10:00-5:00
Monday 13 | Site Council @ 2:30
Thursday 16 | HV PAC Meeting @ 5:30 / Portable 43
Friday 17 | Spirit Friday/Popcorn
Monday-Friday 20-24 | Thanksgiving Break
Wednesday 29 | Early Release @ 1:15
Thursday 30 | End of 1st Trimester
Around the School Spotlight
It has been a special week in 5th grade, as students who were interested in running for Oregon Kid Governor submitted their videos. Yesterday, students voted on the candidate our school will send on to the state level. A board at the state level will choose seven candidates from around the state of Oregon to put on the official ballot in November.
At Hawks View, the following students ran this year:
Ava--Platform: Physical Activity / Conrad
Gloria--Platform: Racism /Conrad
Kellen--Platform: Loneliness / Gregory
Madison--Platform: Pollution / McCusker
Zaden --Platform: Physical Activity / Conrad
All of the students above should be proud of the hard work & creativity they put into their videos and platforms! The student chosen by classmates to represent Hawks View at the state level is… Zaden Andrus! Congratulations, Zaden! We are very proud of you and know you will represent our school well.
Lockdown Drills
All schools in our district are participating in lockdown drills this month. Hawks View will be conducting the lockdown drill on Wednesday, October 25th in the morning. These drills are an essential part of our emergency preparedness, and help students and staff to practice specific protocols that would occur in an emergency situation. Practice drills such as these are also an opportunity for our administrators and staff to collaborate with the Sherwood Police Department. You may notice increased police presence if you are on/near campus during a lockdown drill, as SPD officers do participate in these drills.
During a lockdown drill, staff and students are secured within their individual classrooms/offices, and there is no movement in the building. No one will be allowed to enter or exit the campus until the drill has been completed.
For more information on District emergency response protocols and communication, please visit the SSD website here.
Parent-Teacher Conferences are on Thursday the 26th (7:30am-7:30pm) and Friday the 27th (7:30-11:30am OR 8am-12pm). Sign-ups went out from classroom teachers on 10/12. As a reminder, these are no school days for kids.
Our doors will unlock shortly before opening time each morning and parents/guardians can head directly to their child’s classroom. We appreciate you creating time in your day to build a partnership that will best serve our students!
November 1, 2023 - Early Release at 11:00
Inclement Weather & Safety
As the cold weather approaches, please make sure all jackets are labeled with your child’s name. This is the time of year that our “lost and found” becomes a popular place, so having a name on the coat/sweatshirt will allow us to return it!
With the dark mornings and cold, wet weather arriving, please be extra careful on our streets and in our parking lots. Visibility is often poor, and pedestrians are difficult to see. We have had some close calls with our crossing guards almost getting hit due to cars exiting the parking lot and turning right while the crossing guard is in the crosswalk. Please do not exit until the crossing guard is safely on the sidewalk, this is very dangerous for any pedestrians coming from the other direction as well as our staff.
In addition, the small parking lot is not a student drop off/pick up area, it is a staff parking lot. This is a very small lot with low visibility and very little space, we ask that you not use this lot to drop off your students. There are no crosswalks and no staff to monitor the lot.
Be sure to give yourself some extra time if you are dropping your student(s) off at school to ensure your student arrives safely and in a timely manner. Thank you for helping us keep your students and our staff safe.
Student Services Parent Partnership Meeting - October 25
Scholastic Book Fair
The book fair is open during conferences if you would like to shop with your student. Hours are listed below. Please note that Friday the book fair closes at 10:00 a.m.
10/26 ~ 8:00 a.m – 8:00 p.m.
10/27 ~ 8:00 a.m – 10:00 a.m.
Our “One For Books” coin drive raised $680.10! This drive lets your students help their teachers build their classroom library. Great job Hawks!
PAC Corner
Club News
Chess Club will start in November! Flyers should have come home this week via backpack mail. Permission slips must be returned by October 25th.
If you have any interest in getting involved in our schools programs please email Jesse Galloway at . We would love to have your help!
Volunteer Opportunities
Popcorn Friday: help needed 6:30-9:00am to prep, pop, bag and deliver! See HelpCounter app for sign up.
It’s time to start thinking about yearbooks! Order now for 10% off the Hawks View yearbook! This deal will end October 31, 2023. Place your order here:
Freaky Friday - Tonight at SMS
Want to buy your tickets or bracelet in advance? Purchase using Venmo at @smspso97140 or by scanning the QR code below. Please include your child's name(s), grade level(s), and details of what you are purchasing (for example: "two unlimited games bracelets"). Tickets and bracelets will also be available for purchase at the event entry via cash, debit/credit, and ApplePay.
Hawks View Elementary
Location: 21970 SW Sherwood Blvd
Phone: (503) 825-5400