Longhorn Stampede
(for August 23 - 27 ) Learn. Empower. Accept. Develop.
Please be advised that we have staff members on our campus who have tested positive for COVID-19. Due to privacy laws, we cannot provide specific details on the individuals who have tested positive. However, this year, the district will update its COVID-19 tracker on a daily basis. You can find the COVID tracker on the district’s website beginning tomorrow at www.misd.org. If you have questions, please call our school office and we will provide you with as much information as we can with violating any privacy laws. Please CLICK HERE to read the Montgomery ISD Health Protocols that we will be following.
Parents, we ask that you continue to screen your children each morning for possible symptoms and reach out to Nurse Lemke (monica.lemke@misd.org) with questions. Use your best judgement on whether your child may or may not have been exposed to a positive case and consider isolating them.
Lone Star Elementary
Dr. Catherine Bartlett, Principal
Kelly Lout, Assistant Principal
Website: http://schools.misd.org/page/lses.homepage
Location: 16600 FM 2854 Road, Montgomery, TX, USA
Phone: (936) 276-4500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lsemontgomery/
Twitter: @lse_montgomery
Important Dates
September 14 - PTA Meeting, 11:00, room 101
September 28 - Fall Pictures
Free Lunch and Breakfast for MISD Students!
Click on the picture for lunch visitor procedures.
Nurse's Notes
Dear Lone Star Families,
Please check out link to MISD health protocols for this school year. There are several changes. While we do expect some revisions to continue, these are the procedures we are working with today, at this time:
One protocol change is that a student testing positive after exposure but with NO symptoms, can return with 2 negative tests 24 hours apart. This is to help decrease absences for a false positive.
Other protocol changes include we are not retracing steps of covid positive persons that have accidentally been on our campus. We are not requiring Covid exposed individuals to quarantine. We have not been calling parents to report a close contact exposure at LSE per TEA guidance, however we expect this procedure to alter in some way due to recent TEA changes. We are not requiring but recommending and requesting LSE students with household members home isolating for Covid to hang out at home, watch for symptoms for 5 days, test then return to school. We are not requiring staff, 4th and 5th graders to wear masks but requesting anyone recently exposed to do so. And looking at the MISD Covid trackers, this includes most of Montgomery!
We are asking everyone to think about our elderly and immunity weakened family, friends, and neighbors.
Please call or email for any questions or concerns. There have been quite a lot of those this week!
I am happy to respond with any help that I can offer.
Monica Lemke, R.N.
LSE School Nurse
Counselor's Corner
Welcome back to School!
My name is Grace Smith, and I am the School Counselor here at Lone Star! I feel extremely fortunate to be able to work in such an amazing environment with extraordinary students, staff members, and parents. I look forward to working with you and your family. My goal is to help ensure that every student feels happy, safe, and ready to learn skills needed for success!
Some of the services I plan on offering include small group counseling (topics based on needs ex. grief, divorce, friendship, study skills, etc.) monthly classroom lessons, and individual counseling. Please contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns you may have.
I am excited to see some familiar faces in the classroom and can’t wait to see you!
My contact information is below. Please do not hesitate to reach out.
All the best,
Grace Smith