Welcome Back TES Families!
From the desk of Principal Lisa Moore
Dear TES Families,
I sincerely cannot wait to meet each and every one of you! Wishing you all a successful school year!
Lisa Moore
🍃🏵 🍃🏵 🍃🏵 🍃🏵
Staff Updates
Mrs. Thompson, Supervisor of Special Education
We welcome Robin Thompson to Tewksbury as the Supervisor of Special Education. Robin comes to us from Hillsborough, where she worked for 20 years in the field of Special Education. She has been a teacher as well as a behavior specialist on the child study team. A quote that encapsulates her philosophy is: "All kids need a little help, a little hope, and someone who believes in them." - Magic Johnson
Mrs. Palmer, Fourth Grade In-Class Support Special Education Teacher
Becky Palmer joins us from OTS where she has been a Special Education Teacher for 23 years. During her time at OTS, she enjoyed working as a co-teacher in grades 5-8 as well as a resource room teacher. Becky said, "I have truly enjoyed working with middle school age students and the faculty at OTS. I’m looking forward to being part of the TES family and working with our younger students." The following quote by Ignacio Estrada has always guided her instruction, "If a child can't learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn."
Mrs. Kouzis, Third Grade Teacher
Amanda Kouzis will be joining our third grade team. For the past two years Amanda taught Language Arts at OTS in sixth Grade. Before staying home to raise her children, she taught for 8 years in grades K, 1, 2 & 4. Amanda is a busy mom to three awesome kids and when she isn’t shuffling them around to dance and sports she enjoys working in her gardens and traveling with her family.
Mrs. Kovalsky, Pre-Kindergarten Teacher
Mrs. Mukherjee, Physical Education and Health Teacher
Mrs. DelGrande, Fourth Grade Teacher
A lifelong resident of Tewksbury, Mrs. DelGrande began her teaching career in Tewksbury in 1997 and left in 2003 when she had her two boys. Patsy returned to teaching in 2016 and to TES in 2019. She has taught kindergarten, first, second and third grade and is very excited for her new assignment as a fourth grade teacher! Mrs. DelGrande is guided by a quote from Maya Angelou:
"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
Mrs. Moore, Principal
Prior to serving in Piscataway, Mrs. Moore taught at a special education school in Warren, New Jersey. She is originally from Bristol, Connecticut and now resides in Hunterdon County with her family.
Mrs. Moore is eagerly anticipating the first day of school where she will be able to meet all of the fabulous TES students and families!
2022-2023 Classroom Assignments
TES Kindergarten Playdate
We are pleased to invite all of our incoming Kindergartner's and their families to the Kindergarten Playdate on Thursday, August 25, 2022 from 9:00-11:00am. On this day, you and your child will have an opportunity to meet their teacher, view their classroom, enjoy a short bus ride, and meet new friends on the playground. We look forward to meeting you all soon!
Click the image for more information.
Sneak Peek @ TES
We look forward to seeing all of our returning students, and to meeting and welcoming our PreKindergarten, Kindergarten, and new students and families to TES! We would like to invite your child(ren) who will be attending TES this fall to our school on Tuesday, August 30, 2022 to take a "sneak peek" at the school and meet their teacher. This event was a great success last year and helped make drop-off and the transition on the first day much easier for all of our students. Please read the important details below to ensure this event runs smoothly for all.
Arrive at your designated time slot and follow the curb to the main entrance. Please have your child exit your vehicle on the right (passenger side) where staff members will assist them in lining up with their teachers. Parents will remain in their cars and then should proceed to the lower level parking lot and park. Please know that this provides important practice getting out of the car quickly and efficiently on the first day of school.
During Sneak Peek
The teacher will walk his or her students into the building, show your child(ren) important locations and procedures, and take them to see their classroom.
Five minutes before your child is due to be dismissed, please proceed to the main entrance and line up behind the lawn sign with your child's homeroom teacher's name on it. Homeroom teachers will dismiss your children to you.
Tuesday, August 30, 2022
10:30-10:45am - Kindergarten
11:30-11:45am - Grades 1 & 2
2:15-2:30pm - Grades 3 & 4
Please arrive promptly at your designated arrival and pickup times. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Callahan in the main office.
Pickup Patrol
Attendance and Dismissal
Going forward, PUP will be used for the following:
1. On a given day, when your child will not be following their default dismissal plan, you will enter them in PUP to let us know. Please make sure all plan changes are in PickUp Patrol by 3:00 PM.
2. If you are picking your child up early from school, you will enter that information in PickUp Patrol.
3. If your child will be absent from school, you will enter the absence with a detailed reason. If your child will be coming in late, please mark them as absent and leave us a note. Thanks!
2022-2023 TES Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
Please note the following procedures for student arrival and dismissal as there have been some changes:
If your child will not be taking the bus, parents/guardians will drive to the upper parking lot and follow the outer driveway to the main entrance where staff will guide you and assist your child, if necessary. Please ensure that your student(s) exit your vehicle on the sidewalk/passenger side. Parents need to stay inside their vehicles.
Parents picking up students will park their vehicle in the lower parking lot and proceed to your designated cafeteria door. Please note that parents will not be allowed to enter the building; in the event of inclement weather, please come prepared.
The YMCA of Bucks and Hunterdon Counties provides school age child care before and after school for families in the Tewksbury Township School District. Our program includes homework support, art, leadership development, service learning, STEM, physical activities, and Sanford Harmony Social and Emotional Learning. We are here to support families and help children build social connections.Please click on the title above for more information.
From Ms. Morogiello, School Nurse
Illness Protocol
- If your child is ill, please keep them home.
- Reasons to keep your child home: Temperature of 100 or higher, coughing, runny nose, vomiting, diarrhea, sore throat, pink eye, a new rash or head lice. Children need to be 24 hrs free of fever (without fever-reducing medicine), diarrhea or vomiting before returning to school. If they come to school with any of the above symptoms, they may be sent home.
If your child is going to be absent for any reason, please notify the school by 9:00AM by entering it in PickUp Patrol or by calling 908-832-2594 and select option 2 from the voice prompt. Please leave a reason for your child's absence (vomiting, fever, cough, strept throat, personal day or family day etc.) rather than just saying "out" or "sick". Having specific information enables us to track the type and class/ grade of illness activity.
Please contact the school nurse if your child has a medical condition, is having surgery or has an injury to discuss any accommodations your child might require at school. Please note if your child is restricted from participating in PE, outdoor recess activities are also restricted.
Nancy Morogiello
School Nurse
Ext. 2011
Lunch at TES
Lunch at TES
Snack at TES
Tewksbury Township PTA
The Tewksbury Township PTA supports all of our students and teachers. We hope you consider joining!
Tewksbury Township PTA Membership
The Tewksbury Township PTA is committed to providing events and opportunities that embody and promote the spirit of our school and community.
Now more than ever your membership is needed so that we may continue to empower our teachers and support our students. Membership dues go directly toward assisting us in providing educational and social opportunities as well as financially supporting our teachers and support staff with purchases that would not otherwise be possible.
When you join the PTA, you join a community that encourages student achievement and enriches the learning environment for all students. We believe TOGETHER we can help our children be successful! It is a great way to get involved in your child’s school and the greater community—if you choose! PTA Supports: Family Events, After School Clubs, Teacher Grants, Spirit Wear and much more.
Anyone can join the PTA. Parents, Grandparents, Teachers/Staff, Alumni, Friends, Family, Neighbors... every membership helps to support our children!
Membership is just $20/family ($10 for teachers/staff).
We invite you to visit www.tewksburynjpta.com to learn more and register.
Once you have registered and paid, you will receive email communications, have access to school social events, programs, and workshops, and you will receive a school directory.
NO, but we would love it if you do! If you are interested in volunteering, or have suggestions or ideas for events or programs, please reach out: info@tewksburynjpta.com
Ready to sign up?
Visit www.tewksburynjpta.org to purchase a membership and learn more about available volunteer opportunities. Or scan the QR code below.
Tewksbury Education Foundation
Back to School Night: SAVE THE DATE!
Back to School Night @ TES
September 14, 2022 @ 6:30pm