Westwood Weekly
May 1, 2022
Westwood High School
Email: fossittc@nice.k12.mi.us
Website: https://nice.k12.mi.us/
Location: 300 Westwood Drive, Ishpeming, MI, USA
Phone: 906.485.1023
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/niceschools
Thank You!
I wanted to say how proud I am of our entire school community and how everyone has rallied to support each other. Thank you to MARESA, Pathways, GLRC, The Marquette County Health Department, our neighboring school districts, the HOPE organization, Pastor Thompson at Christ the King Lutheran Church, and anyone who reached out in support of our students and staff. Your kindness, presence, and willingness to help have made a tremendous impact as we continue to heal and mourn the loss of our friend.
WHS Students and Staff Attend the Excellence In Education Banquet
Please join us in congratulating the seven Westwood High School Seniors who were honored at the Excellence in Education Banquet held last night at Northern Michigan University. They, along with their influential educators, were honored for their academic excellence.
Also included in the Excellence in Education celebration were two NICE Community Schools teachers who were awarded professional development grants for their classrooms.
Pictured below, left to right, are the students and teachers from NICE that were honored.
Mrs. Christina King, Ms. Lisa Ruby, Kalle Keranen, Mrs. Ronalyn Arseneau, Natalie Prophet, Sarina Maki, Jillian Koski, Natalie Blanck, Daniel Ostola, Zakary Senske, Mrs. Emily Grout, Mr. Steve Annelin
Westwood Students Compete At UP Welding Competition
Congratulations to Westwood High School Juniors TJ Seablom and Bryce Markham for placing third in the Upper Peninsula Welding competition held last Friday. TJ placed third in the TIG welding competition and Bryce placed third in the all-around (MIG TIG Stick) competition.
The UP Welding Competition was attended by schools from across the UP and nearly 100 welders competed.
Our Westwood High School Welding instructor is Mr. John Jessen. Great job to all!
Important Dates
- Collage Concert - 7 pm in the WHS gymnasium
May 19th
- Senior Award Night - 7 pm in the gymnasium
- Senior Breakfast - 8:00 am in the cafeteria
- Senior March at Aspen Ridge - 9 am
- Seniors' last day of school
May 25th
- Graduation Practice - 1 pm in the WHS gymnasium
May 26th
- Graduation - 7 pm in the WHS gymnasium