Welcome Back to WHS for 2021- 2022
The "Official" Back to School Letter from Dave Danielski
Dear WHS Families,
The WHS School Theme for this year is:
"Hammerschmidt Stars, Rising and Shining!"
Last school year was one that will definitely go in the history books! You all proved how "Hammerschmidt Strong" you were! As we turn the corner and rise above the challenges that COVID handed us, I wholeheartedly believe that our growth through adversity was significant.
In reflection about the way last year ended, and how we will need to start this 21-22 school year, the ideas of rising from where we left off, and shining in ways that we were accustomed to pre-covid came to mind.
We have an incredible responsibility to measure the starting point (baseline) levels for our students' academic and social emotional learning coming out of last school year. As we learn and use our new data measuring tools, we will be focused on achieving growth. We will aspire to have our students invested in their learning so they can feel the authentic pride in their RISING levels!
Prior to last year, when students were at Hammerschmidt full-time, we had much to be proud of as we embraced our theme "One School, One Family, Connected for Success". Not only did our individual students shine as they took on leadership roles and used their student voice, our school as a whole shined brightly in D44. We had many student- led clubs, we had student reporters providing regular updates in video recorded "Starcasts", we had our schoolwide "Star Constellations" program fully implemented, and began "Star Binders" with our students. We hosted many events that engaged our families and school community. This 2021-2022 school year, I can't wait for our students and our school community to once again "Get their SHINE on!" It is now time for us to not only bring back the fun and excitement from the past, but also rise higher and shine brighter than ever before! Please partner with us to encourage our WHS Stars to SHINE in new and exciting ways.
Stay Open Schools Plan
Our priority focus for this school year is students being onsite, five days a week. We are so excited to have our students with us, and all of our resources, procedures and efforts will be focused on ensuring that our doors are open and STAY open. More information about how we intend to do this can be found in our Stay Open Schools plan by clicking here.
Parents should know that one of the more significant items included in our plan has to do with our mask policy. At a recent meeting, the Board of Education advised the administration to continue enforcing its current mask policy, which requires universal mask wearing.
This means that regardless if you are vaccinated or not, you must have a mask on while inside our schools, classrooms and offices. You also must have a mask on at all times when riding the bus. Mask wearing is typically not required while outdoors.
We understand there are differing views and opinions about universal mask wearing, but as it stands today, this is our policy, and all of us will be expected to be in compliance with that policy. The requirement of universal mask wearing also gives us the greatest chances of having the smallest number of students placed in quarantine, thus supporting our efforts to have all students onsite, five days a week.
1:1 Technology Information:
District 44 School Calendar
Welcome WHS KINDERGARTEN (High School Senior Graduating Class of 2034)
Below your find some information specific to our Kdg. program this school year.
Kindergarten Student Visitation Session
Kindergarten Information:
- IMPORTANT NOTICE: The first three days are half days for Kindergarteners.
- On Wednesday 8/18, Thursday 8/19, and Friday 8/20, Kdg. students will attend from 8:35 a.m. until 11:40 a.m.
- During the afternoons on these days Kdg. teachers will be meeting one- on -one with students to do ESGI (Educational Software for Guiding Instruction) assessments. You will sign up for your child's appointment at the Kindergarten Student Visitation Session on Thursday, August 12th.
- The first full-day for Kdg. students will be on Monday, August 23rd.
KINDERGARTEN PARENTS.... CLICK HERE ... for more specific information!
Welcome New Hammerschmidt Staff Members for 2021- 2022
We have several staffing changes for the new year. Meet our new WHS team members:
Teacher Assignments
On Wednesday, August 11th, an email will be sent to WHS families notifying you when class placement assignments will be accessible in Skyward. Directions on exactly how to do this will also be provided.
(Kindergarten teacher assignments will be finalized during the first two weeks of school.)
Classroom Teacher Updates for 2021-2022
School Supply Drop Off Opportunity
- Last Name A- K, Monday, 8/16 from 12:30- 1:15 p.m.
- Last Name L- Z, Tuesday, 8/17 from 12:30- 1:15 p.m.
Please note that these supply drop off opportunities are entirely OPTIONAL. There is NOT an expectation that all students will need or want to drop off their supplies in advance, and there is NOT the expectation that parents need to take off of work in order to participate.
Upcoming Dates to Note:
Wednesday 8/11-
- Teacher/ Class Assignments will be accessible by logging into Skyward
Monday, 8/16
- Supply drop-off opportunity for families with last names A- K.
Tuesday, 8/17
- Supply drop-off opportunity for families with last names L- Z.
Wednesday, 8/18
- First Day of School!
- Full-day for Gr. 1-5
- Half-day (11:40 dismissal) for Kindergarten ONLY.
- 1:1 Kdg. assessment appointment in the PM.
Thursday 8/19 & Friday 8/20
- Full day of School for grades 1-5
- Half-day (11:40 dismissal) for Kindergarten ONLY.
- 1:1 Kdg. assessment appointment in the PM.
Back to School Pool Party
We are having a back to school pool party Aug 14th 7-9pm at Paradise Bay, click link below for the flyer.
PTA Back to School Food Fest
Please joins us for the WHS Food Fest on Thursday, August 26 from 4pm-7pm at Hammerschmidt Elementary School. Food vendors are: Righteous Kitchen, Rosemary & Jeans, El Famous Burrito, Lord of the Fryz, TCBY and Extract Juicery. More details to come and click here to see The Flyer
PTA "Dine Outs"
Exciting new and well-loved local restaurants signed up for Dine Outs this year!!!! They will take place the 1st WEDNESDAY of each month. Mention WHS PTA when you dine in/order out from the restaurant of the month and we will get a portion of the total sales back to the PTA! Win win situation since you won't have to decide what to do for dinner! We will start the year out with our 1st dine out on September 1st at the new Johnny Coco restaurant! https://www.johnnycocosmenu.com/
Parents Night Out (PNO's)
Our WHS PTA is working on another Fundraiser idea of PNO's (Parents Night Out)! Looking for local BARS to pick a night where we will promote them and get our parents at Hammerschmidt Elementary to take a well needed night out in exchange for a small percentage of sales from that night. We are looking to do one a month for the school year from Sept to May. We are currently in talks with O'Neill's and Standard Meadery, so I will keep everyone posted!!! Stay tuned for more information about these fun ways to meet up with other Hammerschmidt parents!
Join the WHS PTA!
Support the PTA by Shopping on Amazon!
Supporting Hammerschmidt is easy, simply by shopping at amazon. Go to smile.amazon.com and search for Hammerschmidt PTA. Amazon will donate a small percentage of your purchases to our school!
David J. Danielski, Wm. Hammerschmidt School Principal
Email: ddanielski@sd44.org
Location: Wm Hammerschmidt Elementary School, Hammerschmidt Avenue, Lombard, IL, United States
Phone: 630-827-4207
Twitter: @ddanielski