DCSC Construction Update
Update #1
Construction is officially underway at South Elementary!
Construction at South Elementary officially began in June 2023. Since then, we have seen a lot of dirt moving and big stuff happening behind the school, and we want to make sure you know what is going on. If may be hard to believe now, but what you see in the photo below will soon be a larger gymnasium and several extra classrooms!
Keep reading for a brief overview of what is in the works.
Temporary Wall
You may have seen a purple wall appear on the back of the school. That is where the gym expansion is taking place. The wall was put in a few feet in front of the old bleachers and in the hallway right beside the gym prior to demolition. From there, it was waterproofed and prepped to act as a standalone wall, then the old wall was taken out. Now the purple wall stands strong on its own in the back of the school!
In case anyone was worried...don't worry, we have a place for you to walk! Right now, there are temporary walkways in place beyond the construction zone to help students, staff and community members safely navigate around the outside of the building (away from all construction, of course). Inside the construction zone, all of the new permanent walkways have been cut and formed.
Storm Drainage
Just like with any structure, storm drainage is one of the most important components to consider. The storm line was put in at the end of July and is ready to successfully redirect storm water!
So much more to come!
As you might know, South is under construction now, and DCHS will be joining in on the fun during this school year. Below is our most recent video update about our Master Campus Plan.
DCSC - Master Campus Plan Update #2
Follow us to learn more!
This blog post, as well as other information (videos, photos, etc.), can all be found on our website and social media. Be sure to follow us to see what is happening now and what is happening next!
Email: aengland@danville.k12.in.us
Website: https://www.danville.k12.in.us/domain/221
Phone: 317-745-2212
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DCSCWarriors
Twitter: @DCSCWarriors