Takoma Park Elementary School
February 19, 2023
Outdoor Lunch Option
Thanks to many parent volunteers, we have another spring outdoor lunch option. Parents must complete the form linked below no later than Friday, March 3rd, to give permission for your child to eat outside. This will apply even when the weather is warmer. After March 3rd, the form will no longer be available to opt in to outdoor lunch. This sign up is for the period of March 6th through the end of the school year. Unfortunately if a child goes outside for lunch, he, she or they will not be permitted to take an open lunch back inside. However, if a child does not want go outside, even with parental permission, they will be allowed to eat inside. We will let the children with permission choose unless otherwise notified by the parents.
In summary, all students have the option of eating outside with parental permission. Once the student has made a lunch location decision, they will need to stick to it for that day. Those without permission will not be given an option.
Please use the link below to sign your child up for outdoor lunch.
Black History Month Celebration
PBES/TPES Black History Night will be on February 22, 7-8:30pm at PBES, cosponsored by the TPES and PBES PTAs. We’ll have live performers and light refreshments, including our own Takoma Park Poet Laureate. Students and their families/caregivers are welcome!
Help Wanted
TPES is in need of an attendance secretary. The job is posted on the MCPS Careers website. The job requires computer proficiency, the ability to multitask and good interpersonal skills. Please use the link to the website to apply. We are also accepting volunteers to answer phones and assist in the office. No amount of time is too short to volunteer in the office. Thanks in advance for any and all support provided.
Substitutes Wanted
TPES is also in need of substitutes. Being a substitute requires a 60 college credits or associate degree in any subject and is flexible work. The substitute decides where and when he, she or they substitute. If you know, parents, guardians, retired people or others in our community who might enjoy working as a substitute in our school, please encourage them to apply to MCPS by using the link below.
2023 TPES Read-a-thon!
The annual Read-a-thon is fast approaching! If your child has been at the school for more than a year, then you probably know all about the Read-a-thon. But if this is your child’s first year at TPES, we want to give you an overview of the Read-a-thon so that when it begins on February 27, you can help your child get started right away.
What: The TPES Read-a-thon is a month-long school-wide event in which your child reads to raise funds for the school PTA.
When: Read-a-thon runs February 27-March 24, 2023. Pledge donations are due on April 17.
Where: At home or school, your child reads or is read to (including audio books and another child or adult reading to them).
Who: Anyone (parent, grandparent, family friend, etc.) can sponsor a child. Then you or your child records the minutes read.
Why: Instead of asking children to sell items—like candy or magazines—to family and friends, a Read-a-thon encourages kids to get lost in a book, and supportive adults feel good about encouraging a child's love of reading and supporting the school without having to purchase anything they do not need.
There are many opportunities for parents to volunteer to help make the Read-a-thon a success—and this year we’re making it easier than ever by including a number of volunteer opportunities you can do from home, over the weekend and at your convenience. More information about these opportunities is available here.
Thanks in advance for supporting your child during the Read-a-thon!
2023 Read-a-thon Co-Chairs (Sonia Fernandez, Latha Reddy, and Amanda Wagner)
A Work Party
The Takoma Park Community Food Forest group is holding a work party at the school on February 25th @ 9am-1pm. They will be preparing the soil for the food forest and so the children can start planting and growing food this spring. They would love parents and children to help them move a large amount of mulch and compost from the car park to the playground beds. They will bring wheelbarrows and spades but please bring your own gloves and if you have any tools you can bring too, then that would be amazing.
They will also need a lot of cardboard so if you can’t make the work part and you have cardboard without staples and tape, then please bring the cardboard to the school and stack it neatly on the little grassy area next to the steps outside kindergarten classroom 128 (Ms Bryant’s classroom) anytime on or before Friday 24th.
Please contact Judy (judyfrose@gmail.com) or Miles (milesamoore@gmail.com) from the Food Forest group if you have any questions. Thank you!
Peek at the Week/Newsletters
Tuesday's lunch will be chicken taco or manager's choice. The menu for the remainder of the week is unchanged at this time.