Talley Street Update
January 25, 2021
CSD Updates
From the CSD Special Education Department
The Georgia Department of Education is requesting that parents who have a student with an IEP complete the Special Education Parent Satisfaction Survey. If you have more than one student who has an IEP, please fill out a separate survey for each student. This survey helps to guide our district and state toward a more meaningful collaboration, which helps to bring about good outcomes for our students' education. For questions concerning the survey please email Cheryl Grant cgrant@csdecatur.net. Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete this survey.
Decatur Education Foundation News
As part of DEF's commitment to become an anti-racist organization in both action and in words, we are looking at our relationships with Black parents/guardians and parents/guardians of children who identify as Black to learn how DEF can better engage and support your family. If you identify as a Black parent or guardian or a parent or guardian of a child who identifies as Black and you are part of the City Schools of Decatur community, please take a moment to fill out this survey which will help us understand what matters to you and how we might work together to support kids.
DEF Virtual Pals Tutoring Program
As CSD rolls out its plans for the spring semester, DEF will continue to support families to ensure our students have what they need to learn and thrive. DEF established Virtual Pals Tutoring Program to provide extra help for CSD students in the 2nd through 8th grades during virtual learning. Participants are paired with a community volunteer tutor who provides basic homework help, tutoring, and virtual learning support. If your student would like to enroll in the program, please fill out this application. To see all of our Covid initiatives, please visit www.decatureducationfoundation.org/Covid-19.
Talley Updates
SLT Meeting
Talley Street Upper Elementary School
SLT Regular Meeting
February 2
6:00 PM
Girls on the Run - Register for the Talley team now!
COACHES NEEDED! Girls are signing up for our virtual teams at Talley Street! However, we cannot have any teams at Talley if we do not have enough volunteers to coach. Please consider joining our coaching team this season! Here is what you can expect:
Fill out a coaches application and complete a background check
Attend a virtual training session
Commit to 1-2 days a week of coaching (Mon/Wed or Tues/Thurs from 3:00-4:00)
Support your fellow co-coaches
This program has proven to be a positive impact on the girls who participate. Be prepared for it to have a positive impact on you, too!
WE NEED COACHES! Please contact Natalie Bundschu nbundschu@csdecatur.net
Join our virtual teams at Talley Street! Girls on the Run inspires girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum, which creatively integrates running. At Girls on the Run we inspire girls to recognize their inner strength and celebrate what makes them one of a kind. Trained coaches lead small teams through our research-based curricula which includes dynamic discussions, activities and running games. Over the course of the ten-week program, girls in 3rd-8th grade develop essential skills to help them navigate their worlds and establish a lifetime appreciation for health and fitness. The program culminates with girls positively impacting their communities through a service project and being physically and emotionally prepared to complete a celebratory 5K event.
Interested in participating? Registration is OPEN NOW
Questions? Email nbundschu@csdecatur.net or contact info@girlsontherunatlanta.org
Girls on the Run Site Information
Talley Street Upper Elementary School
Two days a week after school until 3:00-4:00 (Mondays/Wednesdays or Tuesdays/Thursdays)
Register Online: girlsontherunatlanta.org
Paper application available upon request
Space is limited
GOTR uses an income-based sliding scale so that every girl who wants to participate can. Registration fee is available on a sliding scale from $10 to $185.
Includes GOTR lessons, water bottle, 2 t-shirts and 5k registration.
Spring 2020 Registration
Until Feb. 9: Registration Open
Week of March 1: Programs begin
May 8: Girls on the Run 5K
Week of May 10: Last week of programs
*You can register anytime during the registration period. Team participants selected by the computer will receive an automated e-mail stating they are on the team. Girls who are not placed on the initial team will be placed on a waiting list and will receive an email from GOTR.
PTO Updates
The Myths of Racism and Beyond: Personal and Community Reflections
Please join us in January for the next The Myths of Racism and Beyond: Personal and Community Reflections, sponsored by the DEI Committee.
Whether you are a social justice champion or wrestling with these topics for the first time, this workshop will help all of us deepen our understanding of racism and strengthen our commitment to action.
Through independent individual reflections in a personal journal and group sessions reflecting as a community once a month, our Talley Street Upper Elementary community will examine the power of race and discuss its impact across racial lines. Everyone is invited to provide their voice, perspective, and experiences with the power of race.
The series will cover the article “The 10 Myths White People Believe About Racism,” with a paired bite-sized reading and short racial equity video assigned each month. It will include time for independent individual reflections through a personal journal and time for community reflections during group discussions once a month.
The remaining Community Reflections will be Thursdays from8-9 PM on Zoom on the following dates:
Feb 25
Mar 18
Apr 22
May 13
If you are unable to attend all sessions, you can work through the personal reflections asynchronously and join the community reflections as you can.
To participate, please fill out this google form. Email Charlie Copp with any questions. Charlie is a CSD parent and will help facilitate the series along with fellow Talley parent Elliott Robinson.
City of Decatur Updates
Decatur Business Association State of the City Address
Tuesday, Jan. 26 • 5:30 p.m. • Online via Zoom
The event is free, but registration is required at https://zoom.us/j/94674745516?pwd=dCtJSWN6Qk0rcmlHbGFwZitiVXB1Zz09.
Decatur Strategic Plan for 202s
The roundtables process included 800 registrants who contributed thousands of comments. Many of these comments about Decatur’s future were in agreement, but some topics revealed conflicting perspectives about how Decatur should chart its course for the next 10 years.
The 202s will allow for a deep dive on these topics. After hearing from subject matter experts, we will join together in virtual discussion groups to help understand tradeoffs and find balance among differing perspectives. Input will be used to form recommendations on how the Strategic Plan should address these issues. The 202s will seek to answer the question: “What does success look like in a community of 25K people within a metropolitan region of nearly 6 million people?”
Climate Change
Thursday, February 11, 6-8 p.m.
Speakers will be announced closer to the event. All events will occur on Zoom and will be recorded and available after the meeting. Visit decatur2030.com for details.
Talley Street Passive Fundraising
We're now on Amazon Smile! Log into www.smile.amazon.com and log into your Amazon
account, then select Talley Street Upper Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization, then save and the PTO will start getting quarterly deposits!
One important tip - you MUST be logged in via smile.amazon.com while shopping for us to
receive any funds.
Kroger Community Rewards
We are set up to receive funds from Kroger. From your account screens, select Community
Rewards and search for “Talley Street Upper Elementary School PTO." Select it and then you
should be all set. Every time you use your Kroger card, the PTO will benefit!
Box Tops
Box Tops have gone digital! Download the app, Box Tops for Education. Enter your
information, select Talley St., scan receipts and done! We will no longer be collecting paper box
tops. If you have any issues using the app, you can submit (via the app) the item not being
recognized on your receipt for credit.
Publix Partners
Looking for an easy way to support Talley Street PTO?
Who knew Passive Fundraising could be SO easy!! You don' need the key chain card anymore.
Follow the easy instructions on the link:
We’re set up as: Talley Street Upper Elementary School – Decatur, GA
Helpful Links
www.csdecatur.net/opening - a repository for all documents, announcements, and communications about how CSD is handling the 2020-2021 school year.
www.csdecatur.net/nutrition - How to order meals
www.csdecatur.net/bustracker - How to sign up for the new Predictable Ryde Bus tracking app used for meal delivery, soon for the Fly-brary, mobile book delivery and when in-person learning resumes to track students on their buses
https://virtual.csdecatur.net/tech-help (how parents and staff can put in a tech support request)
https://virtual.csdecatur.net/students - classroom login information
https://virtual.csdecatur.net/parents - Virtual Learning Handbooks
Social Media and Contact Information
Talley Street Upper Elementary School PTO
Talley Street Upper Elementary School Parents
For news in the Media Center and from our school counselors, check out their websites:
For more about the Talley Street PTO, visit their website here: https://talleypto.org/