Will Rogers Roundup
For the week of September 25, 2023
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Principal's Pen
Dear Will Rogers Learning Community Parents and Guardians,
I hope you are enjoying the long weekend.
All parents of all students on all school sites have a voice. It is the responsibility of the Local Education Agency (LEA) and the school site to provide opportunities for all parents to advise the school and LEA on services for their children. Two very important committees that work in unison to ensure that their voices are heard are: School Site Council (SSC) and the English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC). This week we will hold our first ELAC and SSC meetings. We thank the parents who have agreed to sit on these committees, and encourage others to either join a meeting, reach out to the committee with questions and/or review the meeting notes on our website.
As a follow-up to the flooding in two 4th grade classrooms. Carpets and flooring were removed over the weekend.The District will complete cleaning, install new flooring as needed, and complete its indoor aIr quality protocol inspections to ensure the classrooms are health protective prior to returning staff and students to the classrooms. This week Ms. Evangehlo will be in room 508 and Ms. Luciano in room 303.
This Sunday 10/1 is our Family Farm Day in our Regenerative Farm. Consider attending to learn more about or farm and enjoy a day of service. Come for part or all of the time an lend a hand. We welcome all family members for these special days in our farm.
Get those wheels ready to roll. Wednesday Oct. 4th is our Bike it ,Walk it, Bus it! to school event. Plan ahead to walk, scooter or bike to school. As you arrive at the gates parent volunteers will be ready to provide students stickers and tally the number of students who participated. The winning school will receive the coveted GOLDEN SNEAKER award and win an ice cream party. We have bike racks located both in front and inside school to assist with safe storage. If you child skateboards, they may store their skateboard in their classroom for the day!
Together for Will Rogers,
Ms. Lila Daruty, Principal WRLC
This week:
- CREST Enrichment Classes begin.
- ELAC and SSC meetings this Thursday.
- Family Farming Day Sunday, Oct. 1st
In this newsletter:
PTA Reflections Contest
Sign-up to attend a Restorative Justice Parent session
Learn how you can support the SM Ed foundation and Rogers PTA Fund
Enroll in the SM Boys and Girls Club after school sports programs.
Mon. 9/25 Local Holiday - No School
Thurs. 9/28 ELAC meeting @ 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. auditorium
Thurs.9/28 School Site Council meeting @3:15 - 5 p.m. room 105
Fri. 9/29 Every Friday is Spirit Wear Day! Show your love for Rogers and wear your WRLC t-shirt!
Sun. 10/1 Family Farming Day 10-2pm
Wed. 10/4 (New Date) Bike It, Walk It, Bus it Day!
Wed. 10/4 PTA Association Meeting @ 6:00 p.m. in the library
Sat. 10/7 SMMUSD Restorative Justice Training for Parents.Reserve your spot
Tues. 10/11 Parent Support Group Session #2 @ 7:00 p.m. via zoom
Wed. 10/11 PTA Reflections Submissions are due online. See flyer for more info.
Wed. 10/18 PTA Executive Board meeting at 6:00 p.m. via zoom
Thurs. 10/19 Great Shakeout Drill @10:00 a.m.
Thurs. 10/26 ELAC Meeting @8:30 a.m.
Thurs. 10/26 School Site Council Meeting @ 3:15-5:00 p.m. in room 105
Sat. 10/28 ( new date) SMMUSD Restorative Justice Training for Parents.Reserve your spot
Fri. 10/27 Regenerative Farm Fall Festival 3-5p.m.
Mon. 10/30 SMC Dance Academy 5th Grade student performance @ 8:30AM (Ms. Gonzalez, Ms. Griffin) and 9AM (Ms. Benitez, Mr. Brizuela)
Tues.10/31 Annual Costume Parade @ 8:45 a.m. on the big yard. Parents are welcome to attend!
Thurs. 11/2 SMC Dance Academy 4th grade student performance @ 8:30AM (Evangelho & Hill) & 9AM (Jaeger & Luciano)
SMMUSD 2023-2024 Calendar
PICTURE DAY - Pre-order online
International Baccalaureate (IB) Program of Inquiry Units of Study
Last week all grade levels began their first IB Unit. Here's what each grade level worked on this past week.
Kindergarten - They began working on their 5 senses activities by starting with a provocation using popcorn to engage all 5 of their senses.
First Grade - They worked on identity activities using the I am Enough read aloud (see a few examples below). They also began having classroom discussions about who is responsible for enforcing and making rules.
Second Grade - The students started their unit with a provocation picture to discuss what makes a family. They also began their family project by working on a timeline and created a poem.
Third Grade - The students are doing identity work and starting to think about what is a community.
Fourth Grade - The students were introduced to mindfulness this week. They also started talking about how mindfulness relates to their body, health, and the choices they make.
Fifth Grade - The students were introduced to the provocation video "The Danger of a Single Story." This then led to discussion and they will begin their actual unit this coming week.
**Students enrolled in morning care through CDS, enter on 14th street beginning at 7:00 a.m. using the gate code provided at enrollment. This is different from last year as our morning care room has moved locations.
- Supervision on the yard begins at 8:10 a.m.
- Morning Drive-up Valet is available on 14th street between 8:10-8:30 a.m. M-TH and 9:30-9:45 a.m. on Fridays. Will Rogers staff will support children to exit cars and enter school through the front school gates. You can help by ensuring that your children are ready to exit with their backpacks on, ready to go! Parents, please do not park in the valet zone and leave your car unattended, the area will be marked with cones. We kindly ask that you take direction from our staff who will help keep the line moving and our students safe.
- Walk-Up Drop off- Parents and guardians may drop-off and say their goodbyes at the gate(s). There will be staff stationed at ALL gates to assist.
- TK/Kinder use the designated gate on 14th street.
- 1st - 5th may use the front gate on 14th street or the pedestrian gate on 16th street.
REMINDER: Parent parking can be found on the neighborhood streets. Be sure to read the street signs! Please do not park in either staff parking lot or in a neighbor's driveway!
DISMISSAL: All students will be walked to their dismissal gate by their classroom teacher. Students who have not been picked-up shortly after dismissal, will be asked to wait in the office.
- TK/Kinder: Pick-up students on the TK/K yard (on 14th street)
- 1st and 2nd: Pick-up students on the TK/K yard (on 14th street)
- 3rd: Front of the school (on 14th street)
- 4th and 5th: Pick-up students at the 16th street pedestrian gate
**If you have multiple children, please pick-up at the designated gate of your youngest student. Be sure you inform your child's teacher of this plan.
If it is raining: 1st-3rd pick-up location will be the front of school, under the covered awning.
Make a family plan to Bike it, Walk it, or Bus it to school on Wednesday Oct. 4th!
The winning school will receive the GOLDEN SNEAKER award and win a school-wide ice-cream, party!
Samohi Orchestra's fall concert, MOVIE MUSIC MAGIC on Friday, October 6.
Reflections Online Applications due Oct 11th
All Rogers students are invited to submit their original completed works of art to the PTA’s National Reflections contest. Available categories include Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, and Visual Arts. Last year 2 SMMUSD students progressed all the way to the state-level competition! This year's student chosen theme is "I Am Hopeful Because..." Contact reflections@willrogerspta.com for questions.
SMMUSD Restorative Justice Training for Parents 10/7 and 10/28 ( new date)
Reserve your spot for an empowering 2-day training for all parents, guardians and staff, aimed at fostering a safe and inclusive learning environment for our students. Gain valuable insights into building and strengthening relationships, conflict resolution, empathy building, and effective communication techniques.
This is a two-day event for adults-only.
- October 7, 2023 10am-3pm at SAMOHI room # D100
- October 28, 2023 10am-3pm at SAMOHI room # D100
You must attend both dates to be fully trained in Restorative Justice Level 1.
WRLC School Site Council 2023-2024
An effective school requires a joint effort of parents, students, teachers, administrators, and school staff.
Thank you to our 2023-24 School Site Council Members:
Jeremy King, teacher
Katja Alexander, teacher
Sally Miller, teacher
Mark Miller, parent
Paola Vezzulli, parent
Tristen Gartrell, parent
Gabriella Gonzalez, assistant principal
Florinda Vila, community liaison
Note from the nurse!
Please upload all health information for the new school year online in the Aeries portal. This includes Over the Counter Medications.
Please let our health office know of any medications your child takes on a daily basis EVEN if it is taken at home. We need this for our files for emergency purposes.
We have plenty of COVID tests at school, available for free.
"Oops, I forgot!" table
Mornings are busy and sometimes students leave for school without their water bottle, instrument or homework. In an effort to reduce classroom interruptions and to support students with developing responsibility, please use our "Oops, I forgot" table. It is located outside the main office.
Make a plan with your child that if they leave something at home, a parent may drop it off in the office. We will place their labeled item on the "Oops, I forgot table." During their recess or on their way to lunch, they may check the table for a forgotten item.
Please communicate this plan with your child, so they know there is place for parents to drop-off items they may have left at home!
BREAKFAST and LUNCH are free of charge for all students!
LUNCH: Students may elect to bring a lunch from home or eat at school. Teachers will take a lunch count each morning to help the cafeteria plan for the day. You can find the lunch menu (subject to change daily) here.
We are a peanut free campus. Please be sure that you do not pack food items that contain peanuts.
Join and Give!
We still have a few weeks left to reach our $20,000 PTA fund goal, and we need YOUR help! If we reach our target, it's DANCE PARTY time at recess for ALL students! Any donation helps, and we hope every family will give an amount that is meaningful to them in order to help us meet our goal and fund so many important things happening at Will Rogers for all students.
Become a PTA member to lend your voice and make a difference in your child's school journey! Plus, the classroom with the most PTA members wins an ICE CREAM PARTY!
Supporting both is vital! Donate now and become a member to get involved!
Please remember to join or renew your annual PTA membership! Membership gives you a voice in planning for the success of every student at Rogers.
SM Education Foundation!
The Ed Foundation welcomes you to the new school year at Will Rogers! Your students at Will Rogers will be benefiting from Ed Foundation-funded staff and programs such as classroom aides, P.S. ARTS classes, teacher professional learning opportunities, additional library books and materials, music lessons for qualifying students and more this year, all thanks in part to donations made to the Ed Foundation. The Ed Foundation is the non-profit foundation to the district that exists solely to support Santa Monica’s public schools and students with Academics, Arts and Athletic programs. We’re aiming for 100% of Will Rogers families to give what you can to both the Ed Foundation and the PTA.
Will you make a gift today? You can donate online HERE.
We are looking for volunteers!
If you are looking for a way to volunteer or want more information please fill out our volunteer form. If you have any questions please email our Volunteer VP Jessica Lew at
volunteers@willrogerspta.com. https://forms.gle/CRHSPjfZymg2c846A
Instructional Assistants Needed!
We are looking to hire 3-4 Instructional Assistants for the 23-24 school year (Job Duties).
The position is for 3 hours / five days (5) week position, paid $16.00 - $20.45 Hourly. Ideally the hours are 8:30 - 11:30 a.m.
The Personnel Commission will be scheduling interviews soon. Click here to apply. If anyone may be interested, please apply! Parents and community members make great classroom assistants. Instructional Aides are critical to helping teachers differentiate instruction, prepare supplies, and supervise children at play.
Yearbook Preorder!
Don't miss out on your chance to save 10% on the Will Rogers Community Yearbook! Order yours before October 31st to save! You'll get two free custom pages to customize by April 15th. Any questions, please reach out to wrlcyearbook@gmail.com
Contact Us
Email: ldaruty@smmusd.org
Website: https://www.smmusd.org/rogers
Location: 2401 14th Street, Santa Monica, CA, 90406
Phone: 310-452-2364
Twitter: @WillRogersSTEM