CSD Newsroom
The Latest from Camas School District
Board Highlights (just the facts)
At the May 11 regular board meeting held via Zoom:
Garver Theater Bids – Heidi Rosenberg, our Capital Programs Director, shared that the construction bids for Garver Theater came in about $2 million higher than anticipated. This was a bit of a surprise to us as our cost estimators have been closely aligned with current market rates for previous project construction bids. The school board reiterated the importance of this project to them and the community. They asked that staff take a bit of time and bring back alternatives to moving forward. Options include looking for additional funding within the capital budget and reassessing the scope of the project. We do know, however, that Garver Theater will be refurbished and re-opened.
Superintendent's Report – Jeff Snell updated the board on the work staff members are doing around COVID-19 related issues: graduation and summer activities, budget implications, and recovery planning for fall. While we are forming plans, considering contingencies, and receiving guidance from the State, our overarching questions are: how can we provide the best possible education and support our community? How can we keep students and staff safe?
Jeff also talked about the feedback we've received from our community on remote learning. There was a lot of appreciation in areas such as staff, providing weekly content with flexible options, and video conferencing check-ins. Areas of concern included access and support for students, students who are struggling, and a desire for consistency in remote learning and communication. He indicated we would include this feedback as we finish this school year as well as preparing for the uncertainty of the future.
“We recognize that each family is going through a very challenging time with a lot of unknowns. We appreciate the partnership with families as we try to provide the best possible support to our students.”
Mill Town Pride Awards
Tami Westmoreland
Meghan Johnson
If we still earned badges like in Girl Scouts or Campfire Girls and Boys, we would need to provide at least 5 sashes to hold all of Meghan’s badges! She has always been a creative, out-of-the-box thinker, and when we entered the period of school closure, she pivoted immediately. She focused on what tools and supports teachers would need in order to reach their students remotely. Meghan connected with teacher leaders to design online learning modules for Google Classroom, SeeSaw, and Zoom, and then Google Meet. She offered synchronous “drop-in” sessions to respond directly to staff questions and helped vet and test (and retest and reset) tools alongside of our fantastic Tech Department. Meghan is unflappable, and above all, her humor and kindness reach out to so many. We are so fortunate to have Meghan on our team!
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Around Our District
We Appreciate Our Parent Teachers!
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Report to the Community
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Cap and Gown Pickup
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Supporting Elementary Students with Jennifer McMillan
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Flat Preschool Teachers
Eli and Ms. KC
Amelia and Ms. Christen
Amelia was so excited to receive Ms. Christen!
Brayden and Ms. Portia
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Summer Camps
Camas Community Ed is moving forward with the planning of summer camps and JWR Summer Day Camp. We will only be able to have in-person camps if State guidelines will allow. Please continue to check our website for the most updated information at http://communityed.camas.wednet.edu/
For now, check out our Virtual Online Activities offered by our instructors at http://communityed.camas.wednet.edu/classes/virtual-activities/. Stay well!
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Do you or someone you know have an incoming kindergartener?
Well, now is time to register for fall! We are so very sad that we're not having our normal Kindergarten Roundup events in our schools this month. However, we're tentatively planning for kindergarten orientation in August where families will meet teachers and staff, learn about the curriculum, and take a ride on a real school bus!
To get started, visit http://bit.ly/CamasReg to register online. Questions? Contact our district registrars at CSD.Registrar@camas.wednet.edu or at 360-833-5410.
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Free Wi-Fi Spots in Camas
In addition to our schools having WiFi 24/7, and plenty of parking space, we have hot spots in buses. The wifi on these buses only works for district-owned Chromebooks (not personal devices or staff laptops). The map below shows the parks that will have buses parked during the school day (9-4). Park within 100 yards to connect.
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Caring for Your Family During COVID-19
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Contact Us
Email: communications@camas.wednet.edu
Website: camas.wednet.edu
Location: 841 Northeast 22nd Avenue, Camas, WA, USA
Phone: 360-335-3000
Facebook: facebook.com/CamasSchools
Twitter: @CamasSchools