North Star News
September 16, 2022
North Elementary
440 N. 10th Street Noblesville, Indiana 46060
Phone: 317-773-0482 Fax: 317-776-6274
Follow us on Twitter at @Northelem2
Follow us on Facebook at North Elem and North Elementary School PTO
Principal's Point
Hello North families,
Tomorrow, September 17, is Constitution Day. On this day in 1787 in Philadelphia, the delegates to the Constitutional Convention met for the last time to sign the document they had created.
The Constitution of the United States established America’s national government and fundamental laws, and guaranteed certain basic rights for its citizens.
Under America’s first governing document, the national government was weak and states operated like independent countries. At the 1787 convention, delegates devised a plan for a stronger federal government with three branches—executive, legislative and judicial—along with a system of checks and balances to ensure no single branch would have too much power.
The Preamble outlines the Constitution's purpose and guiding principles. It reads:
"We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
Saturday is the celebration of the creation of a living document that has continually grown. Including in 1791 adding the Bill of Rights and to date 27 constitutional amendments. On this day celebrate by talking to your child about the constitution here is a link to the script for reference: Constitution
Have a great weekend!
Robert Lugo
North Elementary
Mr. Lugo's Brainbuster
Harper Powell from Mrs. Garibay's class knew that you can only eat 1 banana and still have an empty stomach. She wins lunch with Mr. Lugo.
A farmer had 20 cows. Due to a contagious disease, all cows except 11 died suddenly. How many cows does he have now?
When you know the answer to the brainbuster, write it down on a piece of paper (make sure to write your name and teacher on it too), bring it to the office, and put it in the brainbuster jar. At the end of the week, Mr. Lugo will pick one from the jar. The winner will choose lunch from any fast food restaurant and eat with Mr. Lugo!
Upcoming Activities and Reminders
9/21/22 eLearning day
9/22/22 Culver's Spirit Night 4:30-8pm
9/23/22 Homecoming - dismiss 30 minutes early
9/28/22 Late arrival - school starts at 8:15
9/29/22 Parent-Teacher conferences - early dismissal
9/30/22 Parent-Teacher conferences - early dismissal
10/07/22 Fun Run
10/07/22 Fall class parties
10/10/22-10/21/22 Fall Break
10/27/22 SAVE THE DATE: Family Literacy Night 6pm-7pm
10/28/22 Picture Retakes
Children in grades K-2 will be taking an NWEA Early Literacy Screener (required by SB 217) during the assessment window of 9/12-9/23. This assessment will help us learn more about your child’s foundational reading skills. It will share a child’s strengths in reading as well as if a child might exhibit signs of reading difficulties, including characteristics of dyslexia. We look forward to learning more about your child as a reader.
Student Services
Bullying Prevention
Mrs. Garrett, school counselor, will be doing classroom lessons on bullying prevention in September and October. Please see the attached mini-guide that can be used as a resource for a discussion with your child.
College GO! Week
College GO! Week is the week of September 26-30th. The goal of College GO! Week is to encourage Hoosiers of ALL ages to plan for college completion and career success. It’s never too early to start planning your future. Students can check out the bulletin board in the main hallway to see North staff members in their cap and gowns. North will be celebrating this week by having dress up days.
Dress Up Days:
Monday: Hats Off to College Go! Week: Wear a hat
Tuesday: Dress for Success: Dress-up as your future career
Wednesday: College and Career Starts Now: Wear your current school colors or school gear
Thursday: Our Future is Bright: Wear neon colors
Friday: College Spirit Day- Wear something representing your favorite college or university.
Additional resources can be found on Learn More Indiana's website.
Tips for Parents on Parent-Teacher Conferences
To get the most out of parent-teacher conferences, parents need to take an active role in their child’s education year round and come prepared to discuss how their child can reach their full potential.
Get Ready
Prepare by writing notes to yourself concerning:
- Any questions about the school’s programs or policies.
- Things you can share with the teacher about your child and his life at home.
- Questions about your child’s progress.
Ask Important Questions
Good questions to ask the teacher include:
- What are my child’s strengths and needs?
- How does my child get along with classmates?
- Is my child working up to their ability? Where could my child use improvement?
- What can we do at home to support what you are doing in the classroom?
Initiate an Action Plan
- Start immediately on the action plan you and the teacher put together. Discuss the plan with your child and track their progress. Stay in touch with your child’s teacher throughout the year.
*Adapted from: http://www.nea.org/home/60103
Coats for Kids Drive
The annual Coats for Kids Drive will take place September 26-30th. We are in need of clean coats, gloves, hats and boots for all sizes (kids and adults). Items can be put in the bins in the front lobby. Visit www.kidscoats.org for more information.
Notes from the Nurse
If your student(s) has any medical issues (asthma, food allergies, diabetes, seizures, etc.) or have received new immunizations, please reach out to Nurse Harrison, so she can update their student health file. As a reminder, all medications (this includes cough drops!) must be brought in by the parent/guardian and appropriate paperwork on file before it can be accepted. Students are not allowed to carry any type of medication on their person. Health forms and information can be found on the Noblesville Schools website under the Health tab.
eLearning Days
September 21
November 1
January 9
February 13
March 15
Please call the office at 317-773-0482 if you need supervision for your child on any eLearning day.
Excessive Tardy Time Change
New Time for Excessive Late Arrival Tardies
Please note that any arrivals after 8:20am will be counted as an excessive tardy in our attendance system.
On late start Wednesdays, any arrivals after 9am will be an excessive tardy.
For more information on our attendance procedures please refer to the Noblesville Schools Elementary handbook.
Miller Mall
Miller Mall HoCo Pop Up Shop
The Miller Mall shop at the new Beaver Stadium (run by T&T Promotions) will be open from 3-7pm on Monday September 19 for anyone wanting spirit items for homecoming. Branded spirit wear, custom stickers, yard signs, food, and gift items can be purchased from Miller Mall vendors (including BSN Sports, Belles Designs and more) all year at millermall.org