Paw Tracks
Oak Grove Newsletter - November 17, 2023
As always, please let us know if there is anything we can do to help your student(s) be successful and please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. The Oak Grove phone number is 913-288-3900.
¿Necesita traducción de este boletín? Abrir el boletín en su navegador de Internet, luego en la esquina inferior en la derecha verá un ícono de una persona, haga clic en el ícono, haga clic en “Traducir boletín” y seleccione el idioma que necesita en el menú desplegable.
November Important Dates
22nd through 24th - No School, Thanksgiving Break
28th - 2nd Grade Music Performance
29th - Papa Johns Night
30th - Fall Picture Retakes
December Important Dates
4th - Skate City Night
13th - STEAM Night
20th - End of 2nd Quarter, Winter Parties
December 21st through January 5th - No School (Winter Break)
Library Update
G.A.M.E. (Games Are Meaningful Education)
Games help kids build positive relationships, collaborate, compromise and share, win and lose gracefully, and it's great together time. I play these games with students in the library because they are terrific vocabulary builders. Consider making these a part of your family's game collection.
Michelle Davis
Library Media Specialist
Blurt! (Grades K-5)
Scrabble (Grade 5)
Word on the Street (Grades 3-4)
Attendance/Tardy to School Policy
- A student can have 10 excused absences in a school year for any reason before documentation is required to excuse the absence.
- Students receive 5 excused tardies per semester to school for any reason. Any tardy after 5 is considered unexcused, unless documentation can be provided.
- A student reaching 7 tardies to school counts as a day of absence.
- Missing 5+ periods counts as a full day of absence.
Best Practice:
- Call or email when your child is going to miss/misses' school.
- Bring in any documentation for an absence for your child in a timely manner.
- Documentation will not be accepted after the semester ends.
Big Smiles Dentistry
Big Smiles Dentistry is coming to Oak Grove January 11th and 12th! Permission slips will be sent home week of November 7th. Permission slips due back to Nurse Jessica no later than December 15th. Please fill out forms completely and parent/guardian must sign!
Any Questions call Nurse Jessica
PTA loves being able to help Oak Grove each year with classroom grants, school equipment, special learning supplies, carnivals and events, etc. To accomplish this, we need the help of the parents, grandparents, staff and community to please join PTA so we are able to help our students and teachers and try to make this year feel as normal as possible! You are able to join and pay online through our MemberHub website by clicking the button below. Thank you in advance for supporting Oak Grove PTA! 💚
Youth Art Month Flag
Hi Everyone! If you like doing art outside of school, you have a chance to design this year's Youth Art Month Flag for 2024! Note that Oak Grove Elementary School is only allowed to enter 25 entries, so make sure you meet ALL the requirements attached. Good Luck! I can't wait to see what you do!
Kate Earl