The Bulldog Blast
September 2023
Happy September!
What an amazing start we have had to the 2023-2024 school year. It was wonderful to see and meet so many of you at Open House and Popsicles on the Playground!
In the monthly Bulldog Blast newsletter you will find information on a wide variety of topics -- upcoming events, classroom highlights, procedure updates, PTA news and events, district news and community events. I encourage you to read The Bulldog Blast each month so you don't miss out on important information.
A few reminders:
- Pokemon Cards are not permitted at school. We have already had several incidents and problems involving the cards.
- We also ask that all toys and stuffed animals be left at home. We cannot be responsible for these items getting lost or stolen.
- Please call the office or email for absences and transportation changes. Notifying both your child's teacher and the office is greatly appreciated. This helps to make sure dismissal runs smoothly and without confusion.330-689-5320
- September brings a change in weather so please have your child dress in layers. T-shirt under a sweatshirt is a great idea.
As always, the Indian Trail staff is here to help your child have a successful year. Please don't hesitate to call if you have questions or concerns.
With Bulldog Pride,
Mrs. Marconi
Arrival and Dismissal
- To ensure the safety of all students, parents and guardians are reminded that students cannot be dropped off before 8:45am due to no supervision.
- Students may enter the building to start the school day at 8:55 am
- The tardy bell rings at 9:05 am. If your child is late arriving to school, please walk them into the main office to sign them in.
Dismissal Procedures:
- Dismissal begins at 3:30pm
- Car riders will be picked up using the car rider lane. Please hang your tag from the rearview mirror so that school staff can see it easily. We ask that parents remain in their cars and your child will be dismissed and supervised to your vehicle.
- Parents who wish to have their child released from school prior to the end of the academic day will need to come into the office to check their student out. Notification of an expected absence or appointment should be given to the teacher and secretary in advance whenever possible.
If your student will be riding the bus this school year, please download RideShare 360. This gives you up to the minute bus location for pick up and drop off times. Please see the directions and more information about RideShare on the district website under the transportation tab. Any individual transportation questions or concerns, please contact the transportation department directly at 330-689-5223.
If your child's transportation changes we ask that you please notify the office with a phone call or email, as well as your child's teacher. Our office phone number is 330-689-5320 or email
This will ensure that the change is noted on our master sheet and helps with less confusion during dismissal.
PreSchool News
Lil’ Bulldogs Preschool News
September 2023
Welcome Back to Preschool
It has been a wonderful first week with your kiddos!!
Arrival & Dismissal: Please walk your child(ren) to the front doors and wait for preschool staff to get/bring your child(ren) to you directly. This includes PM dismissal at 3:15pm. Preschool parents do NOT have to wait in the dismissal car rider line.
Forms, forms, forms…… Preschool is full of many forms to be completed. Please check your child’s purple folder each evening for forms that need completed. Many forms are in digital format, so please check your email for forms too. Please see your child’s teacher with any questions.
“It’s hip to be Square” - Parent Square is the official communication system for SMF Schools, including Lil’ Bulldogs Preschool. If you have not done so already, please download the Parent Square app on your mobile device.
If your student rides the preschool bus, please download RideShare 360. This gives you up to the minute bus location for pick up and drop off times. Any individual transportation questions or concerns, please contact the transportation department directly at 330-689-5223.
If your child needs to be absent from school, please contact the Indian Trail Office at 330-689-5320. You can leave a message at any time (evenings too) with your child’s name, teacher’s name and reason for absence. If your child rides the bus, please also contact the transportation department at 330-689-5223 that your child will not be on the preschool bus.
Upcoming Events:
AUGUST 30 - SEPTEMBER 18 - Mum Fundraiser - Look for more information coming home about this PTA sponsored event.
SEPTEMBER 27 - PICTURE DAY - look for more information from your child’s teacher.
SEPTEMBER 29 - STOW-MUNROE FALLS HOMECOMING PARADE - Preschool is marching in the Homecoming parade again this year. Please join us if you can. Look for more information from your child’s teacher, as we get closer to this special event!!
How To Reach Us:
Mrs. Kressa Holt - Preschool Psychologist & Supervisor:
Mrs. Jenifer Smith - Preschool Teacher Room 1:
Ms. Katie Zirger - Preschool Teacher Room 2:
Mrs. Cathy Ahrens - Preschool Teacher Room 3:
Mrs. Joelle Grimsley - Preschool Teacher Room 4:
Mrs. Kelly Richmond - Preschool speech-lang. therapist
PTA Corner
- 9/11 at 5:45 pm - PTA meeting in the Indian Trail Library (fingerprinting will be available)
- 9/18 - Mum Fundraiser Closes
- 9/19 - Bellacino's Pizza Night (dine-in or carry-out, use the words Indian Trail when checking out! A portion of each sale goes towards the PTA!)
*Must be fingerprinted to do any volunteering at the school!
Don't forget about our Fall Mum sale! Share your child's link with family & friends! All sales help our PTA - sales close on September 18. Mums will arrive on October 5th!
Consider becoming a member of the PTA today! We currently have 44 members, we need 133 to meet our goal!
Share the link with family & friends!
Don't forget the PTA pays for:
- field trips
- Teacher Appreciation Week
- Glow Dance Party
- Art Extravaganza
- Reflections
- Teacher Grants
- Popsicles on the Playground
Join our Facebook page to keep up to date on everything PTA! @SMF Indian Trail PTA
Important Upcoming Dates
September 4th - No School
September 11th - PTA meeting
September 18th - Mum Fundraiser Closes
September 19th - Bellacino's Pizza Night
September 25th - BOE meeting at Indian Trail - 7 pm
September 27th - Picture Day
September 29th - Homecoming Parade & Football game
Indian Trail Elementary
Principal: Nicole Marconi
Office Hours: 7:30am - 4:00pm
School day hours: 9:05am - 3:35pm
Central Office: 330-689-5445
Transportation: 330-689-5234
Location: 3512 Kent Road, Stow, OH, USA
Phone: 330-689-5320