Winship Family News
October 2023
Winship Families,
Thank you for a great start to our school year. We have been so pleased with the progress our students are making.
We are very excited for Student Conferences next week. If you should misplace the date and time of your child's conference, please call the school office. If you are unable to keep your previously scheduled time, please call the school office and we'll be happy to reschedule.
Thank you for building routines for at-home reading. We can not overstate how important it is for our students to read a lot IN SCHOOL and AT HOME. We promise to encourage all kids to read every night. We believe children must have multiple opportunities to read independently or read with a caring adult. Thank you!
Winship's next PTO Meeting is on October 23rd. We have had a wonderful group of parents attending this year's meetings. These meetings are for ALL parents. Please come and get to know other Winship families and help us plan new ways to support our school and our students. On Facebook? Please give "Winship Parents" a follow!
We will see everyone next week for conferences. Please also mark your calendar for November 17th--our next RED Event!
Mr. Thorvilson
Winship Web Site
- Web Site is being updated - NEW changes are coming
- CALENDAR - school events are being updated on a daily basis (intramurals, RED Events, Fundraisers, Early Outs, No School, parent events, PTO mtgs, etc.)
- Peachtree - school and public flyers (upper right hand corner - click on peach w/leaves, scroll down on the right side and choose Winship Elementary School)
Dates to Remember
Tuesday, October 10
School Picture Day - Forms sent home this week
Wednesday, October 11
Parents invited to Walk to Win 8:00am - 8:20am
Sunday, October 15
Last Day to Purchase Device Protection
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday - October 18 - 20
Monday, October 23
PTO 6-7pm
Wednesday, October 25
Parents invited to Walk to Win 8:00am - 8:20am
Wednesday, November 1
Early Out 1:30pm
Friday, November 10
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
---- Real Good Cookie Fundraiser
ENTER TEACHER'S NAME WHEN ORDERING - ice cream party for top selling classroom
Order Cookies Online (October 6 - 20)
Password: cookies
When to Pick Up
Oct 26, 3:00-4:30pm at Winship, Door #1
---- Winship Apparel
Winship Apparel (click Apparel for the link) or use
Opens October 9 - Closes October 25
Orders are delivered to Winship
----- Book Fair
8:00am - 4:00pm
Fall Teacher Conferences
Evening Conferences
October 13 - Friday
Day Conferences - NO SCHOOL
October 17 - Tuesday
Evening Conferences
Red Event - Read Every Day
- Times - 2:30pm - 2:55pm
- Dates - November 17, February 2, April 19
BOXTOP$ for Education
Device Protection
School Hours and Access
- Breakfast: 7:40am - 8:20am
- For students not eating breakfast, the doors will open at 8:10am
- Tardy bell rings at 8:25am
- K - 2 will use Door 1
- 3 - 5 will use Door 3
Contact Information
Attendance Line: 701-746-2321
Fax: 701-746-2374