Parkview Panther Newsletter #9
September 11, 2023
Principal's Message
Hello Panther Families,
Thank you to all our amazing Panther families and students who supported our PTA in raising funds for our Fun Run Bubble Run. Our Parkview Panthers raised a staggering...$21,516.90! WOW! That is exciting news for our school community! Our PTA has some great events planned for the school year.
Parent-Teacher conferences will begin on Thursday, September 14th and run through Thursday, September 21st. During this time we will be on a minimum day schedule. Please check in with your classroom teacher for your conference time.
Minimum Day Schedule:
8:50am - 1:40pm TK-Kinder
8:50am - 1:50pm 1st-6th grade
Reminders for the Week:
DAC/DELAC Meeting @ District...Tuesday, September 12 @ 12pm
The district will have its DAC/DELAC meeting. Thank you to Rebecca Arce and Sylvia Martinez for representing Parkview.
PTA Executive Board meeting...Tuesday, September 12 @ 5pm
A reminder for our PTA Exec board team.
Parent-Teacher Conferences...September 14-21 (minimum days)
Please ensure to attend your parent-teacher conferences. It is imperative to meet with the classroom teacher to support your child's learning and progress.
School Site Council (SSC) meeting...Thursday, September 14 @ 3:30pm
Our meeting will be in room 202.
Parkview school website: https://parkview.cvesd.org/
DASH after school program information...
For any parent questions, please email dash@ymcasd.org
Monday - Thursday DASH hours 3:10pm - 5:40pm
Friday & Minimum Day DASH hours 1:40pm - 5:20pm
School-wide Expectations: We ask that all students, staff, and community follow our 3 school-wide expectations.
Be Safe
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Have a great week!
GO PANTHERS! #PantherPride!
Warm regards,
Ms. Valdivia
Principal - Parkview
PTA Executive Board Members!
These amazing ladies are making the magic happen for our school!
(left to right) Thank you to Ms. Katie, Ms. Ilana, Ms. Rahena, Ms. Brittany, Ms. Nicole, Ms. Jaclyn!
Panther Pride
Be Safe
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Panther Pride WINNERS!
CONGRATULATIONS to our Panther winners for the week!
Upcoming Events
September 19: Coffee w/ the Principal/ELAC mtg. 9:00am (Rm. 202)
September 20: Red Carpet Awards Assembly - 9am (TK-2), 10am (3-6th)
September 21: PTA General Association mtg. 3:30pm (Rm. 603)
September 22: Family Flick Night w/ concessions 7:30pm
September 22: Last of School for Quarter 1
September 25-October 9: Fall Break (no school)
October 10: Students Return to School (minimum day)
October 10: PTA Executive Board Meeting @ 3:30pm
October 12: Mobile Dairy Classroom Assembly TK-6th
October 17: Coffee with the Principal/ELAC 9:00am (Rm. 202)
October 18: CVESD Board of Education Meeting @ 6pm
October 19: PTA General Association Meeting @ 3:30pm
October 23-31: Red Ribbon Week
October 24: DAC/DELAC meeting @ 12pm (district)
October 26: School Bus Evacuation Drill
October 26: 6th Grade Camp Information Night
October 27: PTA Family Flick Night with concessions
October 31: Character Parade 9am
November 3: PTA Monster Mash Bash & Trunk or Treat 5pm-8pm
November 9: PTA Veterans Day Breakfast 9:30am
November 10: Veterans Day - Legal Holiday
November 14: Coffee with the Principal/ELAC @ 9am (Rm. 202)
November 14: PTA Executive Board meeting @ 5pm
November 15: Board of Education meeting @ 6pm (district)
November 16: School Site Council meeting @ 3:30pm (Rm. 202)
November 17: PTA Popsicle Give Back
November 20-24: Thanksgiving Break (no school)
November 27: Students Return to School (regular school day)