Term 4 2023
* Kia orana * Guten Tag * Nǐ hǎo * Sat sri akal * Hola
* Chào bạn * Bula * Hallo *As-salamu ‘Alakum
From the Principal's Laptop
Another year over and what a year it was! We have faced many challenges this year including weather disruptions and staffing shortages. It is great to look back and see how incredibly well most of our tamariki have coped and to reflect on the excellent achievement levels our statistics show despite these challenges.
At the end of this year we farewell Mr Frank Godden, Mrs Cathryn Guyon and Miss Logan Franks.
I would like to acknowledge all these teachers for the work they have done here at Ardmore and wish them well in their future endeavours.
I would like to wish you all a happy and restful holiday and I will look forward to see you return to us safely for 2024.
Meri Kirihimete me te Hape Nū Ia!
Brigid Peterson
School starts back on Tuesday 30 January 2024
Please check the school calendar for term dates and events 2024
If, during the holidays, your circumstances change and your child will not return to school please send an email to the office email address.
End of Year and End of an Era
Farewell to Mrs Stananought
This week we bid a fond farewell to Mrs Shirley Stananought who, after 23 years, leaves us to spend more time with family and to pursue other interests.
Mrs Stananought has taught in all areas of the school over the years. Her talents have extended to Otago Maths, Mathex, French, IT, Showquest, School Transport, Dance Instructor, Board Member as a parent and staff representative, Trees for Survival, Library, Acting Principal, Ag Day coordinator, Gifted and Talented, School Camp, Health and Safety.
As we sadly farewell her, we acknowledge the void Shirley’s departure will leave in our school community and the wider education sector. Her legacy of passion for education, and unwavering commitment to the well-being of our students will leave its mark.
On behalf of the students and staff at Ardmore School, I express our deepest gratitude to Shirley for all that she has been and all that she is. May the next chapter of your life be as rewarding and fulfilling as your time with us has been for Ardmore School!
Term 4 Sporting Events
E.C.C.S. Events
This term Ardmore School has participated in two E.C.C.S. events. The first was E.C.C.S. Athletics in November. A team of 36 students from Years 6-8 competed against other E.C.C.S. schools at Massey Park. The whole team participated with enthusiasm and represented the school well. Congratulations to Arya Deihl Year 6: 3rd 200m, 1st 400m race. Khyrin Manukau-Moevao Year 7: 1st 100m, 2nd 400m and 3rd 200m races. Ashwal Deo 2nd, high jump, 2nd 400m, 1st 800m, 1st 1500m races.
Khyrin and Ashwal progressed to the Counties competition a week later. Both boys competed against very strong competition. From Counties, Khyrin progressed on to the AIMS competition and competed against students from across Auckland. The boy's effort and enthusiasm was commendable. Congratulations to all the competitors, Ardmore School is very proud of you all.
Last week Ardmore hosted the annual E.C.C.S. TBall Funday. Year 5& 6 teams from Alfriston, Clevedon and Karaka Schools travelled to Ardmore to verse each other in a full day of TBall. Year 7&8 Ardmore students were the Ardmore coaches and umpires for the day. Everyone had a fantastic day and it was great to be able to use Bell Field again for the event.
Weetbix Tryathlon
35 students from Year 2 - 8 competed this year in the annual Weetbix Tryathlon at Mountford Park in Manurewa. The students swam, cycled and ran during the event. The children all had an amazing day and said they would be back next year. The Ardmore students' sportsmanship towards other competitors was excellent. Special mention to Savannah Viall who competed for her eighth and final time as an Ardmore student and to Ashley Robinson and Nico Diack who competed for their first time in the Splash and Dash.
Thank you to Miss P for organising the sports teams and events for the year.
Graduation Ball
Our Year 7 & 8 children enjoyed a wonderful evening last Tuesday to celebrate the graduating students of Ardmore School. This formal evening has been a traditional event at Ardmore School and acknowledges the Year 8 students time here.