Literacy Coaching Connections
-news you can use Vol. 1 Issue 4
Websites for teachers!
Achieve the Core- A great web resource full of lesson ideas, professional development modules on the CCSS and other ideas for teachers and leaders.
The Daily Café-This week's newsletter features an article on "Push-in" model and how to best use multiple adults in the room. I thought this might give some ideas on how to support each other during Core Plus times.
A Tiny Poem from Kid President-"Keep Going, Keep Going, Keep Going!"
Newsletter Feature
Starting this week, I'm adding a new feature to our weekly newsletter called "Colleagues' Corner". In this feature, I hope to have weekly articles to share from your colleagues around the district. If you think you've got an article to share about a best practice move or fun idea to share with us, let me know and I'll add you to the schedule to share a post with us. Thanks to Kristy Johnson, Kindergarten teacher from Barber for being willing to share for this week's post.
Colleagues' Corner-CCSS Idea Share by Kristy Johnson
To lessen the load when it comes to teaching to the new Common Core State Standards, it may be helpful for teachers to consider creating posters to display the CCSS as it relates to your daily routines in the classroom. As a kindergarten teacher, my routines for calendar, listening center, independent centers, seat work and the like, will address several CCSS and strands. Rather than creating a check-list with all the CCSS and trying to track which standards I've taught by dating them, I will list which CCSS are being addressed while students are in their various learning areas throughout the day, and display them as a poster. Hopefully this will condense the final check-off list to a more manageable one.
By Kristy Johnson