RPS Superintendent's Update
Dr. Branco
Off to a Great Start
Dear RPS Community,
We have certainly had a busy first month of school. Students and staff have been engaged in a variety of activities focused on our common understanding that if we foster an inclusionary culture that allows each member of our learning community to feel a sense of belonging that is grounded in social emotional safety, impactful relationships, and personalized growth, then students, and adults alike, will be ready to learn and achieve to the best of their abilities. This work has begun in grade level assemblies, schoolwide community meetings, high school leadership academy, morning meetings, classroom discussions and lessons, and professional development sessions.
I have enjoyed observing our students and teachers hard at work in classes including high school physics, middle school coding and programming, high school and middle school orchestra and jazz band, and preschool art. I look forward to visiting all of our classrooms to get a better understanding of how we are preparing our students for their short term and long term future.
In addition to their class work, many of our students have already been engaged in school athletic programs, clubs and activities. Some of our greatest lessons are learned in these settings. I strongly encourage all students to get involved in one or more of the many extra/co curricular, and athletic activities available to them.
As I wrote last month, the leadership team and I are developing a communication plan that will outline the procedures and tools that will be used to support our efforts to communicate transparently and consistently with all RPS stakeholders. As you already know, each school and central office is now using the smore platform for all of our newsletters/updates. Additionally, we have upgraded the calendar tool on our district website. You can now select one or any combination of our calendars which will allow you to view everything in one place.
Over the next few months, we will also be working on having a systemic social media presence that will include each school and the District utilizing Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. I encourage you to follow me on Twitter @Mark_Branco as I will be communicating in this manner as well. We will continue to be engaged in ongoing review of ourwebsite and will make updates as we go.
We will continue to implement traditional and new in person practices as well that support our efforts to communicate and engage with the RPS community. This includes our annual school open house events that were well attended last week.
Superintendent’s Entry Plan Survey
School Cancelation Process
As we begin to enjoy the fall, it is also important that we plan ahead for another New England winter. In the event that the District has to delay or cancel school, the following protocol will be followed:
If possible, we will make a decision regarding a delayed opening or cancellation the night before. If not, a decision will be made by 5:30am that morning.
Families will receive a phone call, email, and text message.
Delay or cancelation notice will also be posted on the District's website and all District social media accounts
Rockport Public Schools
Email: mbranco@rpk12.org
Website: rpk12.org/
Location: 32 Jerdens Lane, Rockport, MA, USA
Phone: (978)546-1200
Twitter: @Mark_Branco