Cougar Courier
September 3, 2023

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November 29th - December 15th - Toys for Tots toy drive
December 5th - SEPAC Forum with Dr. Reagan (see more info below)
December 6th - Half Day - No Lunch - Professional Development - 11:45 dismissal
December 6th - Cartwheel - Parenting Children with ADHD - Free Webinar 7-8pm (see below for more info and how to register)
December 7th - Hanukkah begins
December 9th - Jingle Bell Fair
December 25th - January 1st -- December Vacation
January 15th - No School - Martin Luther King Day
January 24th - Half Day - No Lunch - Professional Development - 11:45 dismissal
G3 – April 2 and 3
G4 – April 4 and 5
G3 – May 7 and 9
G4 – May 14 and 15
LUNCH MENU - December 4th - 8th
4 Monday
Macaroni and Cheese
Crispy Chicken Patty Sandwich
Berry Parfait with Granola
5 Tuesday
Classic American Cheeseburger
Classic Hamburger
Toasty Cheese Sandwich
Sunbutter & Grape Jelly Sandwich
6 Wednesday - Half Day- No lunch served
7 Thursday
Beef Taco Salad
Chicken Nuggets
Sunbutter & Grape Jelly Sandwich
8 Friday
Classic Cheese Pizza
Classic Pepperoni Pizza
Berry Parfait with Granola
Please join us for our next meeting Thursday, December 14th at 7 pm in the school library.
Jingle Bell Craft Fair
The Jingle Bell Fair will be happening this Saturday, December 9th from 10am - 1pm in the school gym. While this is a fun event for families to attend with their children, we couldn’t make it happen without the help of volunteers! We are in need of more people to help run craft booths during the fair, as well as help with setup and cleanup before and after the fair.
Are you planning to attend with your family? Would you or another member of your family be able to spend an hour helping out? Do you know any Mulready alumni who would like to come back and help out? High school students in need of volunteering hours? Any bit of help is greatly appreciated! You can sign up for a volunteer spot here: volunteersignup.org/XFQXX We greatly appreciate your help making Jingle Bell a success!
Coffee and Cocoa Staff Appreciation
Our annual “Coffee and Cocoa Staff Appreciation'' holiday event will take place Friday, December 15th. This gives us a chance to provide our hardworking staff with an array of breakfast foods, beverages, and festive treats as a token of our appreciation. We are asking parents for help providing these items. Sign up here if you are able to contribute: volunteersignup.org/W4Y84
Certain items may be dropped off at school earlier that week but please look next to the item on the sign up form for specific timeframes. PLEASE only bring perishables in the morning of the event and all items should be at school by 8 am on December 15th.
Thank you for your help in celebrating our Mulready teachers and staff!
Let us help with your holiday shopping! Get your little Mulready Cougar a cozy hoodie or tshirt showing love for their school. Visit www.mulreadyspiritwear.com and design your own article of clothing with Mulready logos. Show some spirit and stay warm!
Email us: jlmulreadyhomeandschool@gmail.com
Follow us on Facebook: Mulready Home and School Association
SpiritWear Link: mulreadyspiritwear.com
Each week a student in Mrs. Regh's classroom chooseS an experiment. The student follows a format for a lab report and presents it to the class. The student then performs the experiment and discusses the results with the class.
This week in Mrs. Regh's class, a girl made a lava lamp with a water and oil mixture that she dropped an alka seltzer to the mix. The reason this worked is because the oil floats on top of the water because it is lighter than water. The food coloring has the same density as the water so it sinks through the oil and mixes with the water. When the alka seltzer is added, it sinks to the bottom then starts to dissolve. As it dissolves it makes gas, carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide is lighter than water so it floats to the top. The air bubbles bring some colored water with them to the top. When the air comes out of the colored water blob, the water gets heavy again and sinks. It does this over and over again until the tablet is completely dissolved.
The Kindergarten and 1st grade Girl Scouts are doing a recycling project and want to recycle your empty printer ink cartridges. A collection box will be located inside Mulready Elementary School from December to March, starting with the Jingle Bell Fair. Their goal is to keep 200 cartridges from decaying and leaking toxins in landfills, thank you for helping them with their goal.
Cartwheel is providing a FREE webinar for parents on December 6 about "Parenting Children with ADHD. 7-8pm. See attachements for more information.
SEPAC-Hudson will host an in-person Special Education Parent Forum with Superintendent, Dr. Brian Reagan. The forum will be held on Tuesday, December 5, 2024 from 6:30p.m. to 7:30p.m in room F101 at Hudson High School (69 Brigham Street, Hudson, MA). Interpretation is available upon request.
Just a reminder - please be sure to call your child out when they will not be in school. (978) 567-6170. You can leave a message on the absentee line. Also, if your child enters the building late, after 8:35 am, he/she should have a parent with them to sign them in. Thank you!
Please label your child's belongings. That way we can be sure that the items get back to their owners.
Also, if your child is missing clothing or a backpack or lunchbox, feel free to stop by and check out our tables.
About Us
Kelly Costa Sardella, Principal
Michelle Monteiro, Administrative Assistant
Email: kcsardella@hudson.k12.ma.us
Website: https://jlmulready.hudson.k12.ma.us/
Location: 306 Cox Street, Hudson, MA, USA
Phone: 978-567-6170
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jlmulready
Twitter: @mulprincipal
SCHOOL WEBSITES: (If link does not work, copy and paste it into the address bar.)
Mr. Glines’s Class weather website: http://mrglines.weebly.com/
Mrs. Colarullo’s website: https://hudsonlab.weebly.com
Mrs. Buscemi’s Math website: https://mulready.wixsite.com/hudsonmathfacts
Ms. Steinhaus’s music website: https://sites.google.com/a/student.hudson.k12.ma.us/mulready-music/
Mrs. Westberg’s Art site: https://mulreadyart.weebly.com/
The technology department website for the 1:1 program is: https://hudson.k12.ma.us/cms/one.aspx?pageId=22441536 There is also a link there for tutorials.
Mrs. Hughes’s School Psychology site: https://sites.google.com/a/student.hudson.k12.ma.us/hps-school-psychologists/kristina-hughes-mulready?authuser=0