Raider Nation News
Week of October 21, 2019
Light News Week
Dear Atholton Families,
Although the rain is much needed, I hope you are staying dry on this very wet Sunday.
Our newsletter this week is short. I hope you were able to access the information uploaded on the HCPSS website regarding the legionella testing conducted at schools throughout the county. The public release identifies steps that have been taken to ensure the safety of students and staff. You may access the public release here. Please feel free to reach out to those listed on the website with any questions you may have.
Once again, I would like to remind parents to reach out to teachers regarding your child’s progress this first quarter. The end of the first quarter is fast approaching (November 1) and I want to avoid any surprises as the quarter comes to an end. For students who are struggling, parents should have already received some form of communication from teachers. Please be sure to keep the lines of communication open to ensure your child’s success. To that end, on November 11, 2019, the link will open for parents to sign-up for conferences. Slots fill up fast so please make note of this date!
It is hard to believe that our fall sports season is coming to an end. As many of our teams finish out their seasons, finish strong! For those that are heading to county championships -- we wish you all the best!
Have a terrific week!
Warmest Regards,
Robert Motley, Principal
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Atholton High School
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Location: 6520 Freetown Road, Columbia, MD, USA
Phone: (410) 313-7065