LMS Tiger Talk
January 19, 2024
Principal's Message
Tiger Families,
A happy snow day to you all! We hope that everyone is staying safe, dry and warm today and that our students are enjoying their snow day. We'll need to reschedule our 8th grade trip to Scene 75 that was scheduled for today, and as soon as we know that date, we'll get that shared out with everyone.
This week, our 8th grade students got to experience their Step Up Day to LHS, as they visited the high school on Wednesday to meet the staff, talk to current students and tour the building. Counselors from the high school also visited with students here at LMS on Thursday to further discuss the scheduling process which officially kicked off for 8th graders this week. If you were not able to attend the parent session at LHS offered earlier this week, you can find more information below. If you can, please find some time to look through things with your child as they select classes for their freshmen year at LHS.
We'll see everyone back at school on Monday. Enjoy your weekend!
Take care and Go Tigers!
David Knapp
LMS Principal
#LMSTigers School Spotlight
8th Grade Step Up Day
8th graders in the Class of 2028 got their first look at Loveland High School during "Step Up Day." A tour, scheduling info, and Q&A with students will help them pick classes and be ready for success starting next fall.
LHS Counselor Visits
The Loveland High School counselors added to this week's Step Up Day activities with specific information about course planning and scheduling at LMS Thursday morning. LHS is excited for the Class of 2028!
Congratulations to Show Choir!
Congratulations to the LIS/LMS Show Choir, Revolution, for their Grand Champion result at the Beavercreek Midwest Show Choir Classic this past weekend!
Important Dates
- Weds, 1/24: College Credit Plus Parent Presentation, 6:30 pm (LHS auditorium) - More info below
- Mon, 2/19: President's Day, No School
Tiger Up! Students of the Week
Congratulations to the following students for being recognized as our LMS Tiger Up! Students of the Week. These Tigers were nominated by their teachers for representing our Loveland core values of Care, Respect, and Responsibility. Way to go, Tigers!
Chestin Brown (7th) - The A-Team
Noah Ferris (7th) - The Crew
Preston Brooks (7th) - The REAL Team
Ethan Deck (8th) - Team LEAD
Brady Krause (8th) - Team ELEVATE
Asher Georg (8th) - Supreme Team
Taylor Louth (7th) - Electives (Technology)
*Picture coming next week due to snow day today.
High School Counselor Meeting
The school counselors appreciated the opportunity to meet with 8th grade students and their parents/guardians this week. Please reference the course scheduling website for the information that was shared during the meetings. While the packets that students received have step by step instructions, please also reference this video for another perspective on the online portion of this process - Using SchooLinks for Course Planning and Registration
Any questions can be directed to the appropriate counselor at Loveland High School.
Spring Pictures
Spring pictures are coming up!
When: February 1, 2024
Picture Day ID: EVT6SSHHQ
The College Credit Plus (CCP) Program
The College Credit Plus (CCP) program has been established by the Ohio Department of Higher Education to enhance students' college and career readiness and postsecondary options. The CCP program enables college-ready 7-12 grade students who qualify for college admission to take college-level courses. Students may earn both high school and transcripted college credit upon successful completion of coursework. If you are interested in learning more about CCP, please come and join the LHS counselors for the annual CCP meeting on January 24, 2024, at 6:30 pm in the LHS Auditorium. We strongly encourage students to attend this event. There will be a brief overview of the program as well as tables set up with the local colleges. The college representatives will share their college-specific information. If you are unable to attend the meeting there will be a presentation posted on the LHS College Credit Plus Google Site.
Tiger Up! Staff Member of the Week - Kristy Bruck
Congratulations to this week's Tiger Up! Staff Member of the Week, Kristy Bruck! Kristy is our teacher of English Language Learners who works across LIS, LMS and LHS to support students and families inside and out of the classroom. Kristy is being recognized by fellow teacher, Mrs. Louise Jordan, for all the continued supports she offers our students and their families. Mrs. Bruck goes above and beyond in her support and education of her students to ensure they have eveyrthing they need to be successful here at school and across our community. Mrs. Bruck cares deeply for the students she supports which is so evident to anyone who knows Kristy. Mrs. Bruck also supports our teachers with providing necessary and helpful information relating to instruction and communication in support of our kids. Mrs. Bruck is one of the best and we are lucky to have her! Thank you for all you do for all our students and LMS, Mr. Bruck!
Career of the Week
Brought to you by our Career and College Counselor, Mr. Drews Mitchell, LMS is proud to share a "Career of the Week" with our students and families every week here at LMS. With the goal of educating our Tigers about potential career options aligned with our academic pathways, we'll be sharing these with our students here at school in a number of ways as well as featuring them here in our Tiger Talk.
Loveland Tiger Pathways Career of the Week: Police and Sheriff’s Patrol Officers
- Maintain order and protect life and property by enforcing local, tribal, State, or Federal laws and ordinances. Perform a combination of the following duties: patrol a specific area; direct traffic; issue traffic summonses; investigate accidents; apprehend and arrest suspects, or serve legal processes of courts.
- Education varies
- Median Salary - $61,050
Drews Mitchell can be reached at mitchedr@lovelandschools.org. Mr. Mitchell would love to hear from you with any of your career and/or college questions!
School Resource Officer Update
It is with very mixed emotions that we will be saying "farewell" to LIS/LMS School Resource Officer Mike Boettger as he has recently been promoted to Lieutenant with the Loveland Police Department. While we are excited and proud of Officer Mike for his promotion, we will miss him greatly around LMS and LIS. He's become a very familiar face around here these past four years, and his service and support has been invaluable to students, our staff and our families.
Replacing Officer Mike as our School Resource Officer for LIS and LMS will be Officer Jake Steinkoening (otherwise known as Officer Steiny, pictured above). Officer Steiny has a number of years of SRO experience here in Loveland under his belt, serving as an SRO at both St. Columban as well as at Loveland High School. Officer Steiny is also a baseball and football coach for us here in Loveland and is a familiar face across our schools and community. We're excited to welcome Officer Steiny who will begin transitioning here at LIS and LMS next week, shadowing Officer Mike and making introductions with our students and staff.
Thank you for your service and support, Officer Mike! We appreciate you.
Health Services Update
Cold and flu season is upon us! The clinics at your children's buildings have been VERY busy!
As a precaution, and to keep the spread of germs from colds & viruses, please keep your children home from school if they are not feeling well.
If they have a fever or vomit, please keep them home the recommended 24 hours.
Here are guidelines for your reference.
With the holidays upon us, it will help to keep our Tiger community healthy & happy!
Thank you!
LCSD Health Services Team
2024-25 and 2025-26 School Calendars Approved
The school calendars are now available for the 2024-25 and 2025-26 school years. You can view and print an easy-to-read version of the calendar and important dates by following this link to our website.
Reminder of Food Policies at School
As we are in the holiday season, we've noticed an increase in the amount of snacks and treats coming to school. While we know it's only of everyone's most positive intent, I want to remind everyone of a policy from our student handbook we have in place regarding bringing food to school:
Food or drink is not to be delivered to school during school hours unless brought in by the student’s parent/guardian specifically for the individual student. This means no bringing in of food for your child to share with others at lunch (things like pizza, group meals, sweets, etc.) This prohibits the delivery of class treats or snacks, DoorDash deliveries, etc. Our goal is to run a smooth efficient school day without distractions where students can reach their full academic potential.
If you have any questions, please reach out.
WANTED! Pictures for our LMS Yearbook
Do you have pictures of our amazing students at school events that would make a great addition to our student-created yearbook? We want them! The Yearbook Club is trying to get as many people as possible to upload pictures for the yearbook. These pictures could include shots from sporting events, pep rallies, assemblies, and any other school related activities.
Scan the code above or go to bit.ly/45wUJFQ and follow these directions:
Step 1: Enter your email address
Step 2: Enter your first name, last name, and create a password. Click “Create Account”
Step 3: Enter the invite code: LMSYEARBOOK-24
Step 4: Click “continue”
Step 5: Click “Browse Local Files”
Step 6: Choose the photo you want to upload.
Step 7: Click “Begin Upload”
Step 8: Click “done” when images are uploaded.
Thank you for uploading!
Yearbook Sale
Want to order a yearbook for the school year 2023-2024? Visit ybpay.com to order today!
Order deadline: March 25, 2024
Yearbook code: 2048424
DC Information for Current 8th Graders
If you have a current 8th grade student who is interested in traveling to Washington DC in May and still not signed up, it's not too late! Here is a link to the information that was presented in a recent meeting. Questions, please reach out to Trisha Pitcher (pitchetr@lovelandschools.org) or Katie Rose (roseka@lovelandschools.org).
School Fees
School fees have been posted for all LMS students and are $100 for the 23-24 school year. This includes a general school fee of $50 and a technology fee of $50. Fees may be paid online using PaySchoolsCentral.com or by check made out to “Loveland City Schools". Please include your child's first and last name on the memo line of the check.
Prompt payment of your student's fees is greatly appreciated.
Youth Conservation Team
Come join our mission!
Who: Students 5ty-8th Grade
What: Meeting
Where: Loveland Intermediate School (Rm 162)
Date: Tuesday, January 23
Time: 5:00-6:30
We will be making native seed packets for sharing. Take one positive step forward to promote a healthy world. Join us to share your love of Loveland, to learn about the 'biodiversity crisis' and to prepare strategies and implement projects to tackle local environmental problems.
Questions? papale@lovelandschools.org
LMS Softball Team
Attention Softball Players! Loveland Softball Association will be holding a tryout for any 7th or 8th grader interested in playing area middle school teams. Season will start in late February and end around the middle of May. Scheduling 3 games per week starting in April, with hopes to play 15-18 games in total by mid May. Please access this link, Middle School Tryout Registration Link, to register for tryouts. (Registration required online). Additional details on tryout timing/location will be emailed to those registered.
The Loveland Middle School softball team is a softball program offered with the help of LSA, focused on developing young girls' softball and leadership skills. This program is for those players who are wanting to play for Loveland Middle School. Girls that will be involved in the program will have the opportunity to further develop their skills through additional practice, instruction, and competitive play.
LMS Sports
Monday 1/22:
GBB v Blue
Tuesday 1/23:
BBB @ Blue
OBB v Nagel
OGB v Hamilton @ 6:30
Wednesday 24:
GBB v Silver
WR @ Walnut Hills
Thursday 1/25:
BBB @ West Clermont
OBB v West Clermont
OGB v West Clermont @ 6:30
Tickets purchased online are now fee free, so we are encouraging fans to purchase online.
The Loveland MINT PTSA helps to provide students and parents social and emotional support. Attached is an article written for a CCHMC blog on 8 Ways Parents Can Teach Kindness to Kids. Thanks to our board member, Tara Dale for getting permission to share this from her boss and colleagues! Click to view the article.
Our GotSneakers Recycling drive is still in action! Donate used shoes and save them from the landfill! As a reminder, we can accept:
-Rubber sole athletic sneakers
-Rubber sole cleats
-Canvas Vans and Converse only
-Absolutely NO non-athletic footwear
If possible, please tie laces together. Drop off in the bin in front of LIS/LMS entrance.
Many thanks to our business sponsors, Lemons and Limes Boutique and Northeast Orthodontic Specialists. We appreciate your support!
While our membership drive is now closed, donations to help us fund our initiatives will be accepted all year. https://lis-lms.memberhub.com/store/items/879101
If you own a business and would like to become one of our partners we would love to hear from you. Contact lovelandmintptsa@gmail.com
Follow us:
website: www.lovelandmintptsa.org
Facebook: Loveland MINT PTSA
Instagram: @lovelandmint
Twitter: @Loveland MINT PTSA
General Information
2023-2024 school days calendar
School Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 2:10 p.m
Office Hours: 6:30 a.m - 3:00 p.m.
To report an absence call 697-3602 by 9:00 a.m.
Loveland Middle School
Principal: David Knapp
Email: knappda@lovelandschools.org
Website: www.lovelandschools.org
Location: 801 S Lebanon Rd, Loveland, OH, USA
Facebook: www.facebook.com/lovelandcityschools/
Twitter: @MrDavidKnapp