Mable Woolsey Weekly Update
Week Of August 28, 2023
Mable Woolsey Elementary School
Location: 106 Pleasant Ave, Knoxville, IL, USA
Phone: 309-289-4134
Principal: Mrs. Jodi Keever
Mission and Vision
Mable Woolsey Vision Statement: We will build a nurturing community of life long learners while fostering opportunities for social, emotional, and academic growth to ensure that we help create productive members of society.
Mable Woolsey Mission Statement: We will provide a safe and stimulating environment. We will nurture a rigorous and adaptive learning community. We will support a child's natural desire to learn. We will inspire students to discover their fullest potential.
A Note From the Principal
Although it was hot, we had a great week of school! I have seen so much learning and following of expectations.
Everyone has been working on showing kindness, and I am also seeing so many students being kind.
This week is a full week, as we will continue benchmark testing. Again, teachers will communicate with you about the results of testing after we collect all of our data.
Thank you also for following pick up and drop of expectations. Please read through these below again as needed.
Thank you,
Mrs. Keever
Kindness Kickoff
Mini-Blitz Packets will go home Friday September 1st
Building Volunteers
Positive Office Referrals
Mable Woolsey Way Tickets
Bus Information
1. Stay in your seat at all times.
2. Sit in your seat-no standing or leaning over the seats.
3. No fighting, tripping, or pushing others.
4. No eating.
5. No yelling or bad language.
6. No damaging bus or other's property.
7. No disrespectful behavior.
Violating these bus rules will result in written warnings and possible bus suspension. We need all students to do their best so that everyone can remain safe on the bus.
If you need to set up bus transportation please call the bus garage at 309-289-4012. Chuck Hillery is our head of transportation.
Morning Drop Off
On the first day of school, parents can drop their students off, but not walk students to their classrooms. We will have all of our staff members available to help your child get to the right place!
Rules for drop off:
1. If you would like to walk your child up to the door please park on the street that is not in front of the circle drive, the street on the side of the circle drive, or the parking lot and walk your child to the door.
2. If you are dropping your child off, please pull into the circle drive. Staff members will open the door of your car and let your child out. Please remain in your car so that we can make this a quick drop off! When adults get out in the circle drive it backs up traffic.
3. Once your child has safely left the car you can pull through the circle drive.
4. Staff members are opening doors at drop off as fast as they can to get your child out safely. Please make sure your child is ready to go when a staff member gets to your vehicle. We appreciate your patience.
Pre-K pick up and drop off:
1. If you are dropping your child off at 12:15 pm or picking them up from pre-k at 1030 am, please do not pull in the circle drive. You can park on the street to wait for your child or in the parking lot and walk up. If you are dropping your pre-k student off at 7:45 am please follow the rules above. Pre-K students start their day in the morning at. 8:00 am.
Once students enter the building they go to the cafeteria to eat breakfast or they go to the gym.
K-4 students walk down to their classrooms at 8:05 am. Students are considered tardy after 8:15 am.
Pick Up
Rules for Pick Up:
1. Please do not pull in the circle drive or block the circle drive.
2. Please do not double park. It is dangerous for students and vehicles.
3. Please be aware of students walking and riding bikes.
4. Students riding bikes must stay on the sidewalks when available.
Art Supply Wish List
Knoxville CUSD 202 Illinois App
Blessings in a Backpack
We still are raising money so that we can continue the program for many years to come!
If you would still like to donate money check out the link below! After clicking the link make sure to enter our school name, Mable Woolsey Elementary, and the money will go to our school.
Here is the address to mail donations to-
Please make out all checks to “Blessings in a Backpack” and send to the following address:
Blessings in a Backpack Lockbox
P.O. Box 950291
Louisville, KY 40295
*If you’d like to designate your support to help feed children at a current program site, please include the program’s name on the check’s memo line.