CMIT North Middle School Newsletter
Week of November 27, 2022

Week of November 12, 2023
CMIT's Mission
In partnership with students, parents and the community, CMIT will attain educational excellence by providing a rigorous and technology-integrated education for middle and high school students with an emphasis on mathematics, science, and information technologies.
Administrative Announcements
Important Dates
CMIT Academy follows the PGCPS school calendar.
Import the CMIT North Middle School calendar to your own Gmail calendar to stay informed of all school-wide events.
11/14: Prospective Family Open House (6pm in-person)
11/22-11/24: Thanksgiving Break (Schools and Offices Closed)
11/30: 6th Grade Field Trip
12/14: Prospective Family Open House (6pm in-person)
12/25-1/2: Winter Break (Schools and Offices Closed)
1/10: Prospective Family Open House (6pm in-person)
1/15: Martin Luther King Jr. Day (Schools and Offices Closed)
1/19: 2nd Quarter Ends
1/22: Professional Day for Teachers (1/2 Day Asynchronous Learning for Students from Home)
American Education Week 11/13/23-11/17/23
Communities across the nation will join the National Education Association Nov. 13-17, 2023, to celebrate American Education Week The annual observance honors students, educators, and parents—and rededicates the nation’s commitment to providing a quality public education for every student.
“American Education Week serves as a tribute to the team of people who work with our students, everyone from the classroom teacher and the administrative staff to the cafeteria worker and the bus driver,” said NEA President Becky Pringle. “We honor and thank them for the work they do every day to make sure that our students are safe and are ready and able to learn.”
Happy American Education Week to ALL CMIT North Middle School Staff Members!
Examples of Lawful Absences include: death in the immediate family, illness, suspension, observance of religious holidays, court summons, etc.
Please be sure to provide a note to the school when your child is absent. Electronic notes are also accepted using this link https://shorturl.at/kmoL4
Families are encouraged to refer to Administrative Procedure 5113 for more information.
SchoolMax Family Portal
Parents are encouraged to login regularly to monitor their scholar’s progress. Additionally, be sure to update your contact information in the Family Portal. This is the information that the school will use to send emails, texts, and robo-calls to keep you informed. If you encounter any issues accessing or updating your Family Portal please visit:
Math Corner
Math is an essential part of our every day lives and it will also be a necessity for our scholar's future career choices. Take a look at the following articles about the importance of math.
Native American Heritage Month
For almost one hundred years, Americans, both Indian and non-Indian, have urged that there be a permanently designated place on the calendar to honor the contributions, achievements, sacrifices, and cultural and historical legacy of the original inhabitants of what is now the United States and their descendants: the American Indian and Alaska Native people.
The quest for a national honoring of Native Americans began in the early 20th Century as a private effort. As far back as the late 1970s, Congress has enacted legislation, and subsequent presidents have issued annual proclamations designating a day, a week, or a month to celebrate and commemorate the Nation's American Indian and Alaska Native heritage. In 2009, Congress passed, and the President signed legislation establishing the Friday following Thanksgiving Day of each year as "Native American Heritage Day."
From the Staff
Student Discourse and Engagement from Dr. Wilkins' Science Class!
Students are explaining why we only see one side of the moon from Earth. The student in the image also identified the patterns he noticed in the picture that will allow him to retain the information until 8th grade when he takes the MISA exam. Keep up the AMAZING work, scholars!
Level Up With Code Family Night
In celebration of Computer Science Education Week, which takes place December 4-8, 2023, the Department of Career and Technical Education is hosting our annual PGCPS Level Up with Code Virtual Event for parents and students. The goal is to have parents and students participate in an Hour of Code activity and learn more about computer science education. This event will be held on Monday, December 4, 2023, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. A translated flyer is attached with details and a registration link.
Registration: bit.ly/PGCPSlevelup2023
Apply Now to Specialty Programs!
Apply now for IB, P-TECH, Academy of Health Sciences, 3D Scholars, Creative and Performing Arts online campus and CTE programs. The deadline to apply is Dec. 15.
Congratulations, Mayor Sydnor!
11/8/23 UMD College Tour
Last week, 8th graders went on a trip to tour the University of Maryland in College Park. They spent the day learning the admissions process, exploring undergraduate programs, and getting a glimpse of campus life. We were even able to catch up with football players during lunch!
Did you know that the fountain at the mall represents all of the knowledge flowing from the library?
Clubs & Athletics
Basketball Season is Here!
Hello CMIT-North family! Yes, basketball season is finally here, and it's game time! Please come out and support our Tigers, as we are set to play Benjamin Tasker, MS. Additionally, our fabulous cheerleading squad will be in the building, to cheer and entertain our tremendous fan base! You don't want to miss the first game of the season! We are asking our fans to wear all purple, in support of our teams. So, circle the date, Monday, November 13th, at CMIT-North High School, 6:00pm boys and 7:00pm girls. Please get your tickets via TicketSpicket, no cash at the door! "Let's Go Tigers!"
SGA Canned Food Drive
SGA is sponsoring a canned food drive to help feed the needy. Students are encouraged to bring canned/boxed food that is "typical" Thanksgiving meal items starting this Monday, November 13, 2023. The section with the most food, by weight, by November 17th, will win a pizza party the following week.
Breakfast and Lunch Menu
Free and Reduced Meal Applications
All parents are encouraged to apply for Free or Reduced Meal Services (FARMS). This information impacts school funding which equals $$dollars$$ in our classrooms.
Even if parents don't think they qualify, they are encouraged to apply at MySchoolApps.com. Online applications are processed within 24-48 hours.
Students who are not eligible for free or reduced-priced meals must pay for their meals. See Meal Prices. Parents and guardians can easily monitor and add funds to student meal accounts using MySchoolBucks.