Weather Update for Friday
Holy Rosary Bilingual Academy
Important Info on our Next Round of Snow!
Was it just last night that I said I would stop filling your email inboxes with daily Smore newsletters? Ooops! Well, since we are officially in a Winter Storm Watch, I have to send an update with info for tomorrow. The current forecast calls for 5 - 8 inches of snow between Friday afternoon and Saturday afternoon, along with cold weather on Sunday and then a possible additional round of snow on Monday/Tuesday.
So, What are the Changes?
Thank you for asking! Based on this forecast and the desire to give families plenty of time to plan, I want to let you know that we will CANCEL Afternoon Extended Care for Friday, Feb. 8th. Our hope is that the snow will begin later in the afternoon, allowing a full day of school. So, our plan for Friday is to have Morning Extended Care (6:30 am - 8 am) and a full day of school (8 am - 3 pm).
But What if Snow begins while the Kids are at School?
Great question! If it does begin snowing, however, we will send out a message via the emergency text system that we have been using, as well as Facebook and Smore. We will ask you to please come as soon as possible to pick up your child/ren. Please know that we will obviously remain at the school until all students have been picked up. All children must be picked up tomorrow by 3:15 pm, since there is no after school Extended Care.
What's the Deal with the New Emergency Text Alert System?
Another great question!! We have been sending out the updates via our new text alert system from Renweb. Again, if you have NOT been receiving the messages, please contact Berenice at or call 253-272-7012. We will also use FB and Smore. We instituted a new emergency text alert system for a variety of circumstances, including: weather, earthquake, lock-down, etc. We want to make sure we can get information out to you as soon as possible and in some circumstances, time is of the essence! Since we are limited to 140 characters on the texts, we will often provide greater detail through FB and email. We hope you are finding this new purchase helpful!!
As always, the choice to come to school and whether to come late or leave early (due to weather circumstances) is yours to make. Please stay safe and stock up on food and candles in case things get bad this weekend and people lose power!
Have a wonderful day!
Katie Dempsey